

Application Research of Seismic Exploration Key Technologys in Complex Mountanious Region of Western China

【作者】 王咸彬

【导师】 贺振华; 黄地龙;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 山前冲断带是世界含油气盆地主要勘探领域,也是近10年来的勘探热点。然而,在该类地区往往是恶劣的地表地形条件和复杂的地下地质构造同体并存,开展地震勘探工作,必将对地球物理勘探技术的进步与发展提出严峻的挑战。以准噶尔盆地南缘米泉、阿什里区块为主要攻关靶区,针对勘探技术难点,抓住制约勘探的关键技术,通过方法理论研究和野外地震攻关的实施,地震资料品质有了较大的提高。1、在分析传统观测系统设计方法及复杂山前地下结构特点的基础上,提出了基于模型、面向目标的地震波照明和观测系统优化设计方法。2、采用采用多种表层结构调查方法相结合的复杂山前精细表层调查结构方法,取得了较好的效果。3、针对复杂山地静校正问题突出的特点,采用综合表层结构模型约束下的层析静校正技术取得了良好的应用效果。4、利用高精度遥感信息定量优选物理点,提出了根据激发岩性与激发层速度的匹配关系科学选择激发速度层、根据不同地表岩性分区选择不同的检波器组合方式的精细激发接收技术。5、基于CRS—OIS技术的提高低信噪比资料处理与叠加成像、基于偏移与反偏移的成像策略与偏移成像技术的应用可以显著提高叠前道集的信噪比,提高了叠加剖面和偏移剖面的成像质量,有效改善了倾斜反射层、深层及逆掩逆掩断层下的构造成像。通过山前地球物理勘探技术攻关,在方法技术上实现了两大转变:一是数据采集方面实现了由“井深、药量、检波器组合”向“分区分带分段选择采集方式和逐线逐段逐点选择激发条件、基于模型面向目标的观测系统优化设计、精细的表层结构模型调查与复杂山地静校正技术的应用”等技术的转变;二是数据处理方面实现了由“简单去噪、CMP叠加、叠后偏移等技术”向“叠前、叠后联合多域去噪、CRS叠加、叠前时间(深度)偏移等技术”的转变。

【Abstract】 Foothill thrust belts are the main exploration areas in world’s petroliferous basins; they are also the exploration hotspot in this decade.However,there are complex surface features and underground geological structures cohabited in complex foothill belts.These are great challenges to the application of geophysical exploration technology in these areas with complex surface and underground geological conditions.We targeted mainly on Miquan and Ashili areas in southern Junggar basin,and enhanced dramatically the seismic material quality through focusing on the difficulties in exploration technology,controlled the key technology in exploration.1、Based on analyzing traditional seismic survey design method and complex surface and underground foothill’s structural characteristics,we proposed a model-based,objective-oriented seismic illumination and optimal seismic survey design method,got practical application results.2、Combining many surface structure investigation methods,we examined complex foothill belt in great detail,which is not only helpful for constructing precise surface structure model,but also fundamentally beneficial to solving complex foothill static correction problem.3、Static correction is difficult in complex foothill,so we take use of tomographical static correction technology constrained by integrated surface structure model,which got great application results.4、Making use of high-precision satellite remote sensing information to pick optimal physical point,we establish precise shot-receiving technology by choosing shot layer based on the relationship between shot lithological feature and shot layer velocity,choosing optimal geophone array based on different surface lithological feature.5、By data processing for enhancing signal to noise ratio and stack imaging on the basis of CRS-OIS technique and imaging technique based on migration and anti-migration,the imaging quality of stack profiles-and migration profiles are enhanced,structureal imaging under the tilted reflective layer,deep and overriding fault get improved effectively.By technique difficulty testing about geophysical exploration in the mountainous areas,we achive two big change on gathing and processing technique:The first chang is from "the combination of well depth、medicinal quantity and detector" technique to "gathing method with different area、belt and segment,line by line,step by step and roll-along selection of shooting conditions,optimal layout design for the object based on model,elaborate surface structure model investigation and the application of complex mountainous areas static correction techniques,etc."The second change is from "simple denoising、CMP stacking、poststack migration technique,etc" to "the combinated multi-domain denoising、CRS stacking、prestack time(depth)migration technique,etc".

  • 【分类号】P631.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】512

