

The Research on Rigid-Flexible Continuously Reinforced Concrete Composite Asphalt Pavement

【作者】 刘朝晖

【导师】 郑健龙;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 连续配筋混凝土刚柔复合式沥青路面(CRC+AC)是将CRC板的高强度与AC的行车舒适性相结合的一种新型复合式路面结构,CRC作为刚性基础,主要起承重作用,表面AC层主要起功能作用。CRC+AC结构整体强度高、使用寿命长、维修费用小,是重载交通高速公路长寿命路面结构的发展方向之一。本文以长潭高速公路、长永高速公路、325国道广东恩平一级公路大修工程为技术依托,根据CRC+AC的结构特点,围绕CRC+AC的设计理论与方法,进行荷载应力、温度应力、端部位移与结构、路肩板不配筋时纵缝拉杆受力分析与设计、层间剪应力分析、层间材料抗剪强度试验、CRC+AC结构设计、配筋设计以及施工技术、材料性能与实体工程应用等方面的研究工作,形成较为系统的研究成果。根据CRC+AC路面结构的特点,形成CRC+AC的结构体系理论;分析了CRC+AC结构的损坏模式,提出层间界面的滑动与推移、CRC板边冲断破坏和钢筋拉断破坏等三种主要破坏形式,层间滑动需要通过沥青面层厚度设计与层间结构与材料设计来控制;CRC板边冲断破坏可通过板厚与配筋设计进行控制;钢筋拉断破坏主要是通过配筋设计来满足混凝土体积收缩应力。应用空间等参元有限元模型,对CRC+AC复合式路面结构的荷载应力、温度应力进行了计算,分析了结构的最不利荷位及各参数对CRC板应力的影响规律,得到不同裂缝间距Ld时,CRC板的两种临界荷位,并分析指出最佳裂缝间距Ld=1.5~2.0m时,CRC+AC结构的受力状态最佳。为方便结构设计,分析了无沥青面层时CRC板的应力,并绘制诺谟图、回归计算公式,同时提出了地基模量Et的修正系数Kd。针对路肩边板不配筋的设想与实践,分析了边板配筋与不配筋时CRC板的端部位移,并运用有限元方法进行了验证;同时分析了考虑路肩边板纵缝拉杆约束条件下滑动区长度L1的计算。根据CRC+AC结构端部位移状况与工程实践,针对其与CRCP路面的不同,提出了桥梁伸缩毛勒缝的端部处理方式并与桥梁结构伸缩装置合并的处理模式及相应的结构形式。以CRC+AC结构层间界面剪应力分析、层间粘结层材料抗剪强度试验为基础,提出考虑层间剪切指标的沥青面层厚度设计模式,并综合考虑层间界面剪应力、粘结层材料抗剪强度、沥青面层车辙容许深度的沥青面层厚度确定方式以及层间界面结构形式与材料要求。根据CRC+AC的临界荷位与荷载组合,以现行规范JTG D40-2002为基础,以板底综合疲劳应力为指标,提出CRC板厚设计方法。提出以横缝边缘中部的荷载应力加相应位置横向温度翘曲应力的荷载组合Ⅰ为控制CRC板边冲断破坏的最不利荷载模式;并提出极端裂缝间距条件下CRC的板边冲断破坏验算方法。以JTG D40-2002中CRC板的配筋设计为基础,分析了裂缝的最佳间距(1.5m~2.0m)和裂缝的合适宽度(0.7mm~1.0mm),提出了纵向钢筋直径与间距的选择原则、布置方式与要求;提出CRC板的平面尺寸、接缝设置以及路肩边板不配筋时纵缝拉杆的设计。通过修筑CRC+AC及CRCP试验路,实际考察了CRC+AC的路用性能,积累了CRC+AC路面的设计与施工经验,成功解决了施工中的一些关键技术问题,包括钢筋制作、安装与支架,混凝土配合比设计与指标,双掺量混凝土材料的膨胀性能控制,施工布料与振捣控制,端部处理施工等。并对试验路进行了跟踪观测,调查了试验路CRC板的裂缝变化情况。

【Abstract】 Composite asphalt pavement of continuously reinforced concrete (CRC+AC) is a new composite pavement structure that combines high-intensity of CRC with comfort driving of AC; As a rigid foundation, CRC plays the major role of a load-bearing , AC surface layer plays the major role of function. With its overall high intensity, long service life and small maintenance cost, it is one of the development directions of the long-lived asphalt pavement structure for the heavy load traffic expressway.This paper relies on the technology of the overhaul engineering of the first grade highway such as Changtan expressway, Changyong expressway and the 325 national highway of Guangdong Enping. According to the CRC+AC structural features and on the design theory and method of CRC+AC, this paper carries out the research of load stress, temperature stress, end displacement and structure, tension bars of longitudinal joints stress analysis and design as shoulder slab unreinforced, analysing interlaminar shear stress, shear strength testing of interlaminar materials, structural design of CRC+AC, reinforcement design and construction technique, materials performance and entitative engineering application and then form a more effective research results.According to the CRC+AC structural features, this paper forms the structure system theory of CRC+AC, analyzes the damage model CRC+AC structure, proposes three major damage forms of interlaminar interface sliding and lapse, CRC slab edge thrust destruction and reinforced abruption damage, etc. Interlaminar sliding needs to be controlled by AC layer thickness design and interlaminar structure and materials design. CRC slab edge thrust damage could be controlled through the design of slab thickness and reinforcement. Reinforced abruption damage meet the concrete volume shrinkage stress primarily through reinforcement design.Applied the space isoparametric element finite element model, this paper analyzes the load stress and temperature stress of CRC+AC structure. This analysis is about the influence rule of unfavorable load position and all other parameters of the structure to CRC slab stress, obtains the two critical load positions of CRC slab as the different crack spacing Ld appeared in such slab and points out that the stress states of CRC structure get to the best at the best crack spacing of Ld =1.5~2.0m. To facilitate structural design, this paper analyzes the CRC slab stress without AC surface layer, draws nomograph, regresses calculation formula and proposes the correction coefficient Kd of foundation modulus Et.To the assumption and practice of shoulder edge slab unreinforced, this paper analyzes the end displacement of CRC slab when edge slab is reinforced or unreinforced and then verifies it with finite element method, and analyzes the calculation of the sliding area length L1 in the constraint condition of shoulder edge slab tension bars of longitudinal joints. According to end displacement situation of CRC+AC structure and engineering practice, in view of the difference to CRCP, this paper proposes the end disposal method of bridge expansion joints and the way combined with bridge structure expansion device, as well as corresponding structure form. This paper proposes the AC layer thickness design model considered of interlaminar shear index based on the CRC+AC structure interlaminar interface shear stress analysis and test of interlaminar bonding layer materials shear strength. This paper also considers the interlaminar interface shear stress, bond layer materials shear strength, determination ways of AC layer thickness under the rutting permitted depth and the requirement of interlaminar interface structure form and materials.According to the critical load position and load combination of CRC+AC, in the basis of current codes JTG D40-2002, taking the slab-bottom integrated fatigue stress for index, this paper proposes the CRC thickness design methods. The content is to propose the load combination I consisted of the middle of transverse joint edge load stress and transverse thermal curling stress of corresponding position as the most unfavorable load model to control the CRC slab edge thrust damage, and proposes the checking method of CRC slab edge thrust damage in the condition of the extreme crack spacing.Based on the reinforcement design of CRC slab in the JTG D40-2002, the best crack spacing (1.5m~2.0m) and the appropriate crack width (0.7mm~1.0mm) is analyzed. Selection principles, layout and requirements of longitudinal reinforcement diameter and spacing are proposed. The plane size of CRC slab, the setting of joint and tension bars of longitudinal joints design as shoulder edge slab unreinforced is also proposed.Through the construction of CRC+AC and CRCP test road, the actual investigation of the CRC+AC road performance, and the accumulation of CRC+AC pavement design and construction of experience, a number of key technical issues in construction is successfully solved, including reinforcement fabrication, installation and stent, concrete mix design and index, double amount of concrete materials swelling properties control, construction burden distribution and vibrating control, end disposal construction, etc. The test road is observed and the situation of cracks changes of CRC slab of test road is surveyed.

  • 【分类号】U416.217
  • 【被引频次】53
  • 【下载频次】1200
  • 攻读期成果

