

A Study of the Construction of Rural Information Service Platform Based on Web in China

【作者】 万学道

【导师】 冯仲科; 赵春江;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业装备工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 目前,农业和农村信息化建设是我国发展现代农业、建设新农村工作中的一个热点,我国农业和农村信息化网络服务平台建设更是一个方兴未艾的新兴领域。虽然全国农业和农村信息化已走过十几年的路程、并取得了一些可喜的成绩,但仍然处于初级阶段,离我国经济快速发展的要求和广大农民的需要还相差很大的距离。尤其是涉农信息资源开发利用,一直是我国农业和农村信息化的薄弱环节,区域涉农信息资源不能共享、信息资源配置不合理的问题十分突出。在发展现代农业、建设社会主义新农村的历史进程中,针对我国农业和农村信息化网络信息服务的现实需求,采用何种农村信息网络服务平台建设方案来整合和共享涉农信息资源,为涉农政府部门提供共享的电子政务平台、为涉农经济组织搭建安全可靠的电子商务平台和为农民群众创建综合信息共享服务平台,是当前农村信息化理论研究和实践的重点。论文从两个角度展开研究,一个是从农村信息化理论的角度;一个是从农村网络信息服务平台建设的角度。全文分为六章,第一章是引言,说明了选题的背景;综述了农村信息化、农村网络信息服务平台的研究现状、研究意义和存在的问题;简述了研究区域的概况和农村信息化现状;分析确定了研究内容、研究制定了整体思路和总体框架;第二章是网控中心建设,从系统集成的设计和实现、到总平台的安全系统建设,皆从理论和实践两个层面上进行了研究;第三章是区域农村四级网站联动系统的设计和实施,着重研究了区域内信息资源四级联动共享的设计思想和实施方案;第四章是农产品和农用物资电子商务系统的设计和实施,总结了电子商务和农业电子商务的含义、作用、产生和发展,对农业电子商务系统进行了详细的分析和设计,并从涉农产品网上展示交易、网上拍卖、供求信息管理和市场价格信息管理等四项具体的功能上进行了实践探索;第五章是基于WebGIS的农村空间信息发布系统的设计,本章对区域涉农空间信息共享发布系统设计的基础理论和建设意义进行了研究和总结,对系统建设目标、技术路线和服务对象等方面进行了分析,并就系统结构、功能和数据库架构进行了研究和设计;第六章是全文的总结,表述了本文的研究特色、创新点和展望。本研究认为:农业和农村信息化是我国发展现代农业、建设新农村的必由之路,需要全社会高度关注和共同参与。在区域涉农信息资源整合和共享方面,集成计算机技术、网络技术、现代通讯技术以及GIS技术于一体,搭建一个综合化、集成化的农村网络信息共享服务平台;满足区域内农村居民、涉农工作者和各级政府部门对涉农网络信息服务的需求,减少区域农业和农村信息资源重复建设造成的浪费,促进区域内农村政治、经济、社会和文化的全面健康发展。

【Abstract】 Agricultural and rural informatization is essential to the development of modern agriculture and countryside in China. The construction of agricultural and rural information service platform based on web is an emerging domain in our country. After more than a decade’s development in this field, our country has made some satisfactory accomplishments concerning agricultural and rural informatization. However, there is still a long way to go. It can’t meet the requirements of farmers and the economic growth. The exploitation of rural information resources has long been a weak point in agricultural and rural informatinization in China, especially the problem of having no access to regional rural information resources and the problem of irrational allocation of information resources. Because network is the effective vehicle for sharing information resources, the construction of the open rural information service platform can break down the self-enclosed situation, make the best of rural information resources and narrow the digital divide between the city and the countryside. The theoretical research on rural informationizaion and its application focus on devising the most appropriate construction scheme for integrating and sharing rural information resources to serve the government , farming economic organizations and farmers by providing e-government platform, e-commerce platform and network information service platform.The dissertation approaches the subject from two perspectives: from the theoretical perspective of rural informatization and from the practical perspective of constructing rural network information service platform. There are six chapters in this dissertation. The first chapter is the introduction, which justifies the chosen subject and presents an overview of rural informatization and rural network information service platform. And expounding on need analysis and the overall framework of the study, including a brief introduction to the researched region and its rural informatization, and the research approaches as well as techniques involved. Chapter 2 discusses the construction of network control center in theory and in practice, which covers the design and safety insurance of the project of the equipment center, the design and implementation of the system integration, and the planning of the platform security system. Chapter 3 illustrates the design and implementation of the regional four-level interactive network system, which dwells on the design and implementation of sharing information resources within four-level regional network. Chapter 4 explores the design and implementation of e-commerce system of agricultural produce and farm implements etc, including the definition, function, and development of e-commerce and agricultural e-commerce, the detailed analysis and design of agricultural e-commerce system and practical exploration of its four specific functions: online trade in agricultural produce, online auction, the supply and demand information management and market price information management. Chapter 5 elaborates on the design of rural spatial information release system based on WebGIS, which outlines the theoretic foundation and the significance of designing rural spatial information release system in the researched region, analyzes the objectives of constructing such a system, techniques involved and target users, and conducts a research on the configuration of the system, functions and database framework. Chapter 6 is the conclusion, covering the prospects of rural informatization development as well as the characteristics and originality of the study.This study concludes from the above discussion that rural informatization deserves the attention and participation of the whole society since it promotes agricultural modernization and the construction of new countryside. In addition, it is imperative to construct a comprehensive rural information service platform based on web by integrating computer technology, network technology,“3S”technology and communication technology to serve the farmers and governments etc. in that region. By so doing, such a comprehensive, integrated network platform will not only satisfy the requirement for information service, but also minimize the waste in redundant construction of rural information resources, thus promoting the healthy development of rural politics, economy, society and culture in the region.

  • 【分类号】S126;TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2566
  • 攻读期成果

