

Landscape Pattern Analysis and Landscape Planning of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin System

【作者】 陈卫平

【导师】 朱清科;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 复合农林学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 山盆组合是中国地貌的典型特点。国内对西北干旱区(内流河)山盆系统的景观格局与生态范式及绿洲的可持续发展研究较多,而对外流河山盆系统的相关研究较少。贺兰山是宁夏境内的主要山体,也是将我国分为东西两界的山脉之一。银川平原是在银川断陷盆地上沉积而成,黄河外流而过。随着资源紧缺、人口增加、水土流失及生态环境恶化等一系列问题的出现,分析贺兰山——银川盆地景观生态过程和格局变化,规划调整土地利用结构,制定景观管理对策和生态生产范式,对于整个山盆系统的功能优化和可持续发展有着重要的意义,也将为其它外流河山盆系统的自然资源管理、景观生态规划与整体管理提供借鉴模式。本研究以贺兰山——银川盆地的典型样带永宁县为研究区域,采取野外调查、田间试验、室内分析化验与3S(RS、GIS、GPS)技术手段相结合,运用景观生态学、自然地理学的理论和方法,研究了贺兰山——银川盆地的景观格局和景观类型间的相互转移,并对其多年生态过程和目前生态足迹进行了分析,评价了贺兰山——银川盆地景观健康状况。基于土壤、水分、生物等自然要素的空间变异,建立了研究区空间数据库,通过GIS的叠加分析,划分了景观单元,制定了管理对策。取得了以下主要结论:⑴研究区自然本底分析表明:灌淤土是第一大土壤类型,其次是淡灰钙土。土壤有机质高低顺序:山地土壤>盆地冲积平原土壤>洪积扇平原土壤。主要土壤类型的平均分形维数大小是:潮土>灌淤土>淡灰钙土>风沙土;不同土壤的肥力和植被分布特征不同。研究区水资源总消耗量4.0×108m3,其中农业用水占总耗水量的88.78%,水资源缺口达0.781×108m3。水质污染造成银川盆地水质缺水。冬小麦+麦套玉米模式的水分利用效益和经济效益最高;经济林树种中水分利用效益高的是酿酒葡萄、枸杞、桃。5月中旬到7月初是银川盆地的用水高峰。贺兰山——银川盆地系统中18种代表性的乔、灌、草及栽培作物中小麦和荒漠、沙生植物的δ13C值较高。⑵气候变化、自然要素变迁、人口增加与经济发展等生态过程显著影响着贺兰山——银川盆地山盆系统的景观格局变化。近20年来,整体格局发生了明显的改变,均匀度和多样性下降,异质性水平降低。1989~2007年间,景观类型结构明显发生变化,土地转移频繁。土地利用动态度以水浇地、沙荒地、建筑用地的年变化率最大,其中水浇地、建筑用地呈净增长,沙荒地呈负增长。NDVI指数计算表明:低盖度土地面积明显减少,中低盖度和中盖度面积则大幅增加。多种驱动力导致了整体景观、景观类型和景观交错带的结构发生变化。⑶研究区2006年的人均生态足迹是3.830hm~2,人均生态承载力只有2.686hm~2,人均生态赤字1.144hm~2,资源的消耗已严重超出其再生能力。应用层次分析法建立了贺兰山——银川盆地景观健康评价体系,景观健康指数(LHI)为3.265,说明贺兰山——银川盆地的景观健康状况有所改善,但提高的幅度并不大。⑷通过对自然要素主导因子进行GIS叠加分析,将研究区划分为3个一级单元和9个二级景观单元,并进行了功能定位和空间布局。基于整个山盆系统内山地、平原、黄河、台地上分布的7个自然植被带,提出了山地-平原绿洲—黄河—台地的生产生态范式。⑸针对各景观单元的有利条件和限制性因素,提出生产性单元要以作物结构调整、配方施肥、优化种植模式、节水灌溉为突破口;半生产性单元通过风沙土治理、培肥地力、节水灌溉改善功能;保护性单元采取封育为主、人工干预为辅的保护策略。本研究的特色和创新在于:应用自然地理学和景观生态学及3S技术首次对外流河贺兰山——银川盆地的景观格局进行了研究,并对山盆系统景观现状进行了评价,将山体—盆地(平原)看做是一个有机的整体,根据自然要素分异划分一二级景观单元,辨识限制因子,合理安排土地利用,制定了单元管理对策。基于贺兰山——银川盆地是一个生态连续的复合系统,创新性地提出以整个山盆系统做为景观整体管理的尺度;基于贺兰山——银川盆地处于生态脆弱圈内山地森林带、山地灌草带、山麓荒漠草原带、洪积平原带、黄河冲积平原带、黄河滩涂湿地带、鄂尔多斯台地荒漠草原带等7个植被带的水平和垂直地带性特点,提出了贺兰山——银川盆地系统山地-平原绿洲—黄河—台地的生产生态范式。

【Abstract】 Mountain-basin combination is typical character of chinese physiognomy.Landscape pattern and eco-productive paradigm of inland river basins have been studied in north-westen china frequently in recent years,but studies about Mountain-Basin Systems of outer river were seldom concerned correspondingly.Helan Mountain is main maintain in Ningxia Hui people autonomous region,and also is one of mountains that divided china into easten and weaten part.The Yinchuan plain formed from fault basin has been irrigated by The Yellow river for hundreds years.Following a series of questions arising,such as resourses shortage,population explosion,water and soil erosion, environment deterioration etc, it is necessary to analyse ecological process and landscape pattern change of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin system,further to plan and adjust land use structure,make strategy of landscape management and eco-productive paradigm.It is beneficial to function optimizing and sustainable development of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin system,also is helpful to natural resources management ,landscape planning and whole management of other outer river Mountain-Basin system .In this study, take Yongning County as a typical transect of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin system, based on the theory of physical geography and landscape,by field surveys and field experiment,chemical examination and 3S(RS,GIS,GPS) technologies, the landscape pattern change and class transfer, the complex eco-systems planning were studied. Before planning,the ecological process and ecological footprint,landscape pattern and landscape health were analysed and evaluated,The spatial databases of soil,water and biology resources were also builded based on GIS.The division of landscape units of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin was through overlay analysis command in GIS. In the end,management policies of each landscape unit were made.The main results reveal that:⑴Natural background nanlysis showed that:the largest area of soil types in Yongning County is irrigation-silting soil next is ochr-sierozem soil. The order of content of organic matter of soil types from high to low is:montanic soil>alluvial soill>diluvial soil.The mean fractal dimension displayed the following order:irrigation-silting soil > fluro-aquic soil > ochr-sierozem soil > sandy soil. From the top soil layer down.Different characters of soil fertility and generation distribution also existed among those soil types.Total water resource consumption of study area was 4.0×108m3,among them the percentage from agriculture was 88.78%.the deficient amount of water resource reached 0.781×108m3.Pollution also became a reason of water shortage.The model of winter wheat+wheat interplanting of corn was more efficient in water utilization and produced the highest economic benefit among plantting pattern in Yinchuan plain.Among economic foresty species ,wine grape,Chinese wolfberry,peach has higer effect of water use.The water use peak of Yinchuan Basin appeared in period between middle of May to early July.The determination results of stable-isotope carton of typical plants including tree species,shrubs,grass species,and cultivated plants showed that wheat and species in desert or in sand have higer value ofδ13C.⑵Landscape pattern of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin system was effected synthetically by a series of ecological process,such as climatic change and natural factors,population increasing,economic development.In recent twenty years,the whole pattern of landscape has changed obviously, and indexes of diversity,evenness and heterogeneity of landscape decreased. During 1989 to 2007 year, landscape classes and structure have changed obviously,land transformed frequently. Annual dynamic degree of land use of irrigated land,building site,sand land were higher than other land use types, but irrigated land and building site had a net growth,sand land had a negative growth respectively.The result of NDVI revealed:low coverage land decreased sharply,in contrast,medium-low and middle coverage land increaased.Various driving forces led to the structure change of whole landscape,landscape classes,ecotones of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin system.⑶In 2007 year,ecological footprint Per capita of Yongning County was 3.830 hm~2,but ecological capacity per capital was only 2.686 hm~2,there was 1.143 hm~2 ecological deficit per capita,the result showed resources consumption was in excess of regeneration capablity out and away,theYongning County was in unsustainable development state.Based on the analytic hierarchy process,a set of index syetem has been built,and landscape health index(LHI) was calculated,LHI of Yongning County in 2007 was 3.265,that revealed the healthy state of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin has been improved slightly.but there are long away to improve healthy state of the whole landscape under ecological management idea.⑷Depending on Overlay analysis of main factors of Mountain-Basin system in GIS,the Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin was divided into three first order unit and nine second order units,functional orientationthey and spatial layout were conducted. There are seven vegetation belts in Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin system from west to east,they are mountain forest belt,mountain shrub-grass belt,mountain foot desert grassland belt,oasis belt in diluvial fan plain,oasis belt in alluvial plain,wetland belt near the Yellow river, desert grassland belt in ordos platform. Based on analysis above a“mountain-plain oasis-river-platform eco-productive paradigm”is proposed.⑸After analysis about favorable and restricted factors of each first order landscape unit,a set of Management Countermeasure was suggested.For productive unit,adjusting planting structure, formula fertilization,optimizing planting model, water Saving Irrigation should be adopted;for semi-productive unit,controling sand,fertilizing soil, water Saving Irrigation are necessary;for protective unit,fencing is major method,and manual intervention is secondary.The characteristics and innovation of this study is:It’s the first time to study the landscape pattern of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin system based on the theory of physical geography and landscape,3S technologies also been adopted.and Present situation evaluation was been did.As a organic whole,Mountain-Basin(plain) was divided into first order and second order unit according the differentiation of natural factors in mountain-basin system.Through identifying restriction factors and adjusting layouts, the function.of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin will been improved.In view of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan basin is a ecological Continuum, it’s innovative to put forward the holistic system of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin as suitable scale for landscape management. Based on the fact that Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin in a circle composed by deserts and Loess Plateau,and seven vegetation ( the mountain forest belt,mountain shrub-grass belt,mountain foot desert grassland belt,oasis belt in diluvial fan plain,oasis belt in alluvial plain,wetland belt near the Yellow river, desert grassland belt in Obrdos platform) belong to the system, a“mountain-plain oasis-river-platform eco-productive paradigm”is proposed.


