

Abundance and Niche Study of the Main Rat Species in the Highland Region in the Northwest of Hebei Province

【作者】 姚圣忠

【导师】 胡德夫;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 冀西北坝上地区属蒙古高原与华北平原的过渡带,与此相适应,动物地理区系构成亦表现为蒙新区与华北区的交汇特征。因而,该区域鼠类丰富度及多样性的研究对于探讨动物生态学的基础理论问题具有重要的价值。同时,该区域是我国华北地区的天然屏障及主要的水源涵养地,其生态变化直接影响京津地区的人居环境。鼠类是生态变化的敏感物种类群,因此,研究该区域鼠类的生态问题对掌握冀西北坝上地区生态变化具有重要的理论和实践意义。本项研究从2006年1月开始查阅相关文献至2008年5月完成论文撰写,外业调查时间从2006年5月至2007年9月。研究地点选择在具有冀西北坝上典型过渡区特征的沽源县辖区内,重点开展了坝上地区主要鼠类的丰富度与多样性、生态位测度方法、n维生态位适宜度等方面的研究。主要结论如下:1.冀西北坝上地区鼠类的丰富度和多样性:依据生态地理特征,研究区域划分为坝缘山地、低山丘陵干草原及河川湿草原三个区域。本项研究共捕获鼠类7种,三个区域物种丰富度排序为坝缘山地>低山丘陵干草原>河川湿草原。在动物区系成分上,坝缘山地以东北-华北型成分为主,低山丘陵干草原和河川湿草原以蒙古高原型为主,反映出该区域优势鼠种的过渡特征。按本研究划分的14种生境类型,鼠类多样性指数依次为落叶松幼林地>农田>退耕地幼林地>放牧湿草原>荒坡低丘>放牧半湿草原>落叶松疏林地>禁牧半湿草原>杨树成林地>退耕新造林地=禁牧湿草原>放牧干草原>天然林地>落叶松成林地。个体丰富度排序为低山丘陵干草原>坝缘山地>河川湿草原;不同生境类型中,个体丰富度以退耕地为最高,其次为放牧干草原和荒坡低丘,落叶松成林地、天然林地、落叶松疏林地、禁牧湿草原及农田的个体丰富度都很低。结合近十年来的农林牧业生产方式的改变,分析了该区域鼠类构成的总体变化趋势。2.生态位测度方法:①在生态位宽度测度方法的研究方面,本项研究将生态位宽度划分为绝对生态位宽度和相对生态位宽度,提出了绝对生态位宽度的概念及测度方法。依据MacArthur的资源利用曲线及正态分布函数曲线的特征,以常用的统计估计参考值0.6826、0.05和0.01进行拟合:将绝对生态位宽度定义为物种对某一维资源的利用概率为0.99时所对应的资源变量的取值范围;把将概率密度取极大值时所对应的资源变量位点(x=u)定义为物种的最适生态位;并进一步将绝对生态位分为适宜生态位、亚适宜生态位和边际生态位,将概率密度函数曲线两个拐点之间所对应的资源变量取值范围[u-σ,u+σ]定义为适宜生态位、取值范围[u-1.96σ,u-σ]和[u+σ,u+1.96σ]定义为亚适宜生态位、取值范围[u-2.576σ,u-1.96σ]和[u+1.96σ,u+2.576σ]定义为边际生态位。同时,以坝上地区主要鼠类为例,分别进行了讨论。②在生态位测度模型的研究方面:提出了物种种群数量饱和度概念,并以该饱和度概念为基础,建立了生态位测度模型。建立了一维生态位宽度测度模型及包含资源量信息因素的一维生态位宽度测度模型、n维生态宽度模型、生态位重叠的对称模型及不对称模型、某一物种与群落中其它所有物种的生态位重叠模型。③在物种竞争系数的研究上,建立了种群密度制约型生态位竞争系数(α)模型、资源利用制约型生态位竞争系数(β)模型、生态位竞争系数(γ)模型,并运用生态位竞争系数模型分析了坝上地区主要鼠类的种间竞争关系。结果表明,生态位竞争系数模型在描述群落中物种的种间关系时优于生态位重叠模型;生态位竞争模型也可以与生态位宽度及生态位重叠模型配合使用,能更好地描述种间关系。3.把Hutchinson的n维生态位理论与美国鱼类和野生生物署(USFWS)提出的生境适宜度指数(HSI)模型相结合,尝试性地建立了达乌尔黄鼠的n维生态位适宜度模型,并以该模型对坝上地区达乌尔黄鼠的生境适宜性进行了评价。n维生态位适宜度模型对研究鼠类的生境评价、种群数量预测、预防控制、生物入侵的风险评估等方面均具有很强的适用性,并为今后鼠类生态研究提供了一条新途径。

【Abstract】 The highland in the northwest of Hebei province is the transitional region of Mogolia altiplano and the plain of North China. Correspondently, the combination of the Mogolia district and the North China district characterizes the formation of the zoogeographical region.There is important significance in studying the abundance and diversity of the rat species to investigate the fundamental theories of animal biology. At the same time, this region is the natural defense and the main water resource conservation of North China and its biological variation influences the human environment of Beijing and Tianjin district. Moreover, Rats is the species which are sensitive to the biological change, so studying the rats biologically is very meaningful to master the biological change of the highland region in the northwest of Hebei province theoretically and practically. This study was carried out from Janurary of 2006 to May of 2008 and the outdoor investigation time is from May of 2006 to September of 2007, and Guyuan County, which is typical of the transitional region of the highland, was chosen as the investigated area. The main rat species are studied from the different aspects of abundance, diversity, niche metrics methods and n-dimensional suitability. The results are:1. The abundance and the diversity of the rat species in the highland: according to the geogrophical features, the investigated area can be divided into:The mountainous region in the edges of the highland; the low hills and dry grassland; and the plain and the wet grassland. Seven species of rats were captured in the research, and the ordination (from high level to low level) of the abundance of these three regions is: the mountainous region in the edges of the highland, the low hills and dry grassland, the plain and the wet grassland. In terms of fauna composition, the type of Northeast-North of China is typical in the mountainous region in the edges of the highland; and the type of Mogolia altiplano is typical in the low hills and dry grassland and the plain and the wet grassland, which reflects the transitional features of the dominant rat species. Of the fourteen habitat types, the ordination of rat diversity index (from high level to low level) is: young larch woodland, farmland, returned plowland and young woodland, grazing wet grassland, barren slope and low hills, grazing half-wet grassland, sparse larch woodland, herd prohibited half-wet grassland, adult poplar woodland, herd prohibited returned plowland=herd prohibited wet grassland, grazing dry grassland, natural woodland, adult larch woodland. The ordination of the individual richness (from high level to low level) is: the low hills and dry grassland, the mountainous region in the edges of the highland, the plain and the wet grassland. Connected with the alteration of the productive style in the last ten years, the general changing tendency of the rat species is analyzed during the present study.2. Niche metrics methods:a. In terms of the study of the niche metrics methods, niche breadth is divided into absolute niche breadth and comparative niche breadth. The concept and the metrics approach of the absolute niche breadth are put forward in this study. Based on the resource utilization curve put forward by MacArthur and the features of the normal distribution function curve, combined with the common use statistic estimation reference cost 0.6826、0.05 and 0.01, absolute niche breadth is defined as the corresponding scope of the resource variable when the utilization probability of one-dimensional resource by species is equal to 0.99; optimum niche is defined as the corresponding resource variable point(x=u) when the probability density is maximum. Further more, the absolute niche is divided into adequate niche, sub-adequate niche and boundary niche; and adequate niche is defined as the corresponding resource variable scope of [u-σ,u+σ] between the two inflecxions of the probability density function curve; sub-adequate niche is defined as the corresponding resource variable scope of [u-1.96σ,u-σ] and [u+σ,u+1.96σ]; boundary niche is defined as the corresponding resource variable scope of [u-2.576σ,u-1.96σ] and [u+1.96σ,u+2.576σ]. With the examples of the main rats in the highland, these methods are discussed respectively.b. In terms of the study of the niche metrics models, the concept of species-amount saturation is advanced, based on which, niche metrics model is established. And they are: one-dimensional niche breadth metrics model, one-dimensional niche breadth metrics model including the resource information factors. N-dimensional niche breadth model, symmetry and asymmetry model of niche overlapping and the niche model of one species overlapping with other species are also put up during the present study.c. In terms of the study of the species compitition index, niche competition modulus restricted by species density (α), resource utilization niche competion modulus (β) and niche competition modulus (γ) models are suggested and put up. These models are used to analyse the competition relationship of the main rat species in the highland. It turns out that niche competition modulus model, which can be cooperated with niche breadth and niche overlapping model, is better than the niche overlapping model in describing the interspecific relationship. 3. Combining the n-dimensional niche theory put forward by Hutchinson with the Habitat Suitability Index put forward by USFWS, the n-dimensional niche suitability model of Citellus dauricus Brandt is established, and the habitat suitability of the highland for Citellus dauricus Brandt is evaluated. N-dimensional niche suitability model is applied to the habitat evaluation of the rats, the forecast of the amount of the population, and the evaluation of the risk of biology invasion. All in all, this research provides a new approch to the biological study of rats.


