

Utilization of Food, Water and Space by Released Przewalski Horse (Equus Przewalski) with Reference to Survival Strategies Analysis

【作者】 陈金良

【导师】 胡德夫;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 野生动物保护与利用, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 2003年7月~2007年11月,分不同时段,采用全事件取样、目标动物取样、样方调查、粪便显微组织学分析和直接跟踪调查等方法,对放归卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区的普氏野马进行了行为谱、行为时间分配,食性分析、夏季水源、生境选择、生存空间拓展、繁殖状况、群体数量变化和人类活动对其生存影响,以及对圈养与放归普氏野马的行为谱、主要行为时间分配和繁殖的季节性等进行相关研究。主要研究结果如下:(1)共观察到普氏野马17类88种行为,圈养和放归普氏野马有5种行为类型存在差别。(2)放归普氏野马成年雌性春、夏、秋三个季节总的主要行为时间分配中,食行为所占时间最多,为(47.30±11.25)%;其后依次为:站息行为(29.07±6.29)%,运动行为(14.07±3.05)%;而侧卧休息、站立和其它行所占时间较少,分别为(3.46±1.90)%、( 3.26±1.29)%和(2.83±1.51)%。不同季节的摄食时间、站息时间和卧息时间都存在显著差异(P<0.05),不同生存条件下野马的摄食、站立行为在时间分配上存在显著差异的(P<0.05),夏季的昼间活动节律也存在差异。(3)食性分析表明,针茅、驼绒藜、角果藜、假木贼、蒿、猪毛菜、芨芨草、麻黄及芦苇等9种植物为普氏野马的食源植物,其中前六种为主要食源植物。活动区域较大的普氏野马公马群较之繁殖群具有相对宽的食物资源谱。(4)保护区内普氏野马可以利用的水源有两类:一类是地表积水,二是浅层地下水形成的泉水。从2003~2005年,共调查地表积水水源18处,泉水水源2处。地表积水水源被野马优先选择利用,水质优于泉水水源,但积水量和存在时间变化较大。泉水水源水量相对稳定,对野马的生存起到至关重要的作用。(5)不同季节,放归普氏野马对植被的利用(P<0.01)、食物丰富度(P<0.01)、坡度(P<0.01)和地表基质(P<0.01)都存在极显著差异;距离公路距离(P>0.05)和距离水源距离(P>0.05)不存在显著差异。普氏野马优先选择针茅群落、食物丰富度高和坡度<15°的栖息地。(6)普氏野马放归后,活动范围不断扩大,从2004年的120km2拓展到2007年的660km2。随着普氏野马活动范围的扩大,所占据的资源类型不断丰富。(7)2002~2006年在野外共繁殖24匹后代,平均繁殖率为38.72%,平均繁殖存活率为69.05%,繁殖季节头马的频繁更替而导致多数母马出现空怀是影响放归普氏野马繁殖率的主要因素。新生幼驹的平均死亡率为25%,其中83.3%死于头马的雄性杀婴。放归普氏野马的繁殖具有明显的季节性繁殖特征,其中有70.8%的幼驹集中5-6月间出生,在4、5月份产驹比例分别占37.5%、8.3%,低于同期圈养44.3%和18.3%的产驹比例,6月份产驹比例分别占33.3%,高于同期圈养18.3%的产驹比例,所以可得出普氏野马放归后产驹高峰季节明显向后推迟,放归后生存环境和食物资源供给方式的改变是其繁殖季节产生推迟的主要原因。(8)随着放归时间增加,放归普氏野马的年绝对和年相对群体变化次数都呈下降趋势,群体变化并具有明显的季节性,6月份发生8次群体变化,是发生群体变化次数最多的月份。(9)卡拉麦里山有蹄自然保护区是周边哈萨克牧民的冬牧场,牧业活动对放归普氏野马影响较为严重,冬季大量家畜进入保护区后,使野马越冬面临着严重食物短缺。家马与野马间的冲突不断升级,严重威胁到野马的生存和血统纯正。(10)国道216扩建、矿产的勘探和开采对放归普氏野马的生存产生深远的影响。2007年8~10月,先后有5匹野马被过往车辆撞死,其中包括2匹成年雌性和3匹幼驹。

【Abstract】 From July 2003 to November 2007, the study was carried out at different intervals, using all-occurrence sampling, focal sampling, sample plot investigation, and microhistological fecal analysis, to investigate the ethogram, behavior time budget, diet analysis, water resources in summer, habitat selection, expansion of living space, reproduction, chances of population and human activities effects of the released Przewalski’s Horse in in the Karamori Mountain Nature Reserve, Xinjiang. Researches were also conducted to study the ethogram, time allocation of major behaviors, seasonal traits of reproduction of both the captive and released Przewalski’s Horse. The main results are showed as follows:(1)Eighty-seven behaviors in seventeen types were observed in the study. There are five behaviors were different between the captive and released Przewalski’s Horse.(2)In the major behaviors time allocation of adult Przewalski’s Horse, feeding behavior (47.30±11.25)% occupied the most time in the spring, summer and autumn, then the second was standing resting behavior (29.07±6.29)%, moving behavior with a (14.07±3.05)%, was in the third, and was followed by recumbency behavior(3.46±1.90)%, standing behavior (3.26±1.29)% and others behaviors (2.83±1.51)%. The time used for feeding, standing resting and recumbency were significantly varied in different seasons (P<0.05). The feeding and standing behaviors of the Przewalski’s Horse were also varied under different living conditions (P<0.05), the summer diurnal activity rhythm was also different.(3) Results from diet analysis showed that nine plant species were the food resources of Przewalski horse, which mainly included Stipa gobica, Ceratoides lateens, Ceratocarpus arenaria, Anabasis brevifolia, Artemisia spp. and Salsola collina, and the former six spieces were the main food resource plant. The bachelor group has relative wider food plant spectrum compared to the family group.(4)There were two kinds of water resources available for the horse in the nature reserve, one was the surface water and the other was the springs formed by shallow underground water. From 2003 to 2005, 18 surface water resources and 2 spring water resources were investigated in the study. Surface water was found to be the first choice of the P. horse, since its quality was better than the spring water, but there were also great changes in its available volume and time. With the advantage of relatively constant volume available, the spring water also played a crucial role to the survival of the horse.(5)In different seasons, the vegetation available for the Przewalski’s Horse (P<0.01), richness of food resources (P<0.01), slope (P<0.01) and surface medium (P<0.01) were also significantly altered. But the distance to highway (P>0.05) and distance to water resource (P>0.05) did not show much differences. The Przewalski’s Horse tended to choose the places with stipa grandis community, rich food resources and the slope under 15°as their living habitats.(6)After being released, the territory of the Przewalski’s Horse had been greatly extended, from the 120km2 in 2004 to the 660km2 in 2007. With the extension of the territory, the richness of resources available to the horse also increased a lot.(7)From 2002 to 2006, twenty-four descendants were naturally bred. The average fertility rate was 38.72%, and the average survival rate was 69.05%. The unfertilized female horses resulted by excessively shifted of the stallions were the main causes to the low fertility rate. The morality rate of the infant horses was 25% in average, and 83.3% of them were infanticided by the stallions. The fertilization and breeding of the reintroduced Przewalski’s Horses were clearly characterized by seasons attribute. From May to June, 70.8% infant horses were bred. The fertility rate was 37.5% in April and 8.3% in May, and is below the rate of captive breeding 44.3% and 18.3% in the two months. In June, fertility rate was 33.3% and higher than the 18.3% of captive breeding. From above findings, it showed that the breeding peak of the reintroduced Przewalski’s Horses was later than the captive breeding ones. It suggested that the changed survival conditions and food supplies were the mains reasons attributed to the delayed breeding peak.(8)The absolute population changes and relative population changes of the horses gradually declined after the initial release. Obvious seasonal patterns could be seen in the population changes. There are eight population changes occurred in July, and was the highest number in a single month.(9)The Karamori Mountain Nature Reserve is surrounded by the winter husbandry of the minority Kazakstan people. And the husbandry activities have great interrupting effects to Przewalski’s Horse. In winter, the domestic animals poured into the nature reserve, and made local food become less available to Przewalski’s Horse. With the increasing conflicts and counteracts, Przewalski’s Horse was facing a great threaten to their survival and originality of ancestry.(10)The enlargement of the 216 national highway, exploration and development of local mines also threatened the survival of Przewalski’s Horse. For example, five horses were killed by the passing vehicles in August to October in 2007, including two adult female and three foals.


