

Study on the Monitoring and Analysis of Forest Health in Hilly Mountains of South JiangXi

【作者】 王建华

【导师】 贺康宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以江西省信丰县森林健康试验区为调查区域,在广泛查阅国内外文献的基础上,构建了试验区森林健康监测指标体系,并对主要指标因子进行全面系统观测分析,结果如下:(1)试验区内不同森林植被类型之间多样性差异很大,α多样性分析得出:①乔木层物种丰富度最大的是丝栗栲天然阔叶林群落,最小的是马尾松-杉木针叶混交林;物种多样性阔叶林高于针叶林;均匀度的变化与丰富度和多样性的变化差异较大。其中,杉木-枫香针阔混交林的物种均匀度最大。②灌木层物种丰富度针叶林大于阔叶林,这种变化趋势与乔木层差异较大;Simpson多样性指数变化要比Shannon-Wiener指数变化缓和得多,说明后者的变化随群落的变化所受到的影响要明显大于前者;马尾松稀疏幼林的均匀度明显高于其它群落类型;③草本层物种丰富度的变化大致是:针阔混交林>针叶林>阔叶林;两种物种多样性指数的变化出现了分异现象,但分异不大。β多样性分析得出:①乔木层:马尾松-杉木针叶混交林、湿地松-杉木针叶混交林与杉木-枫香针阔混交林相似性最高,β多样性最小。相似性最低,即β多样性最大的是湿地松-杉木针叶混交林与毛竹林。②灌木层:湿地松-杉木针叶混交林与湿地松林、马尾松稀疏幼林与湿地松针叶林、马尾松稀疏幼林与马尾松-杉木针叶混交林、马尾松稀疏幼林与湿地松-杉木针叶混交林之间相似性都非常高,均在60%以上。③不同群落草本层物种相似性比较中,马尾松低效纯林相似性系数最小,β多样性最大;相似性最大的是马尾松稀疏幼林与马尾松-杉木针叶混交林。(2)本文研究了不同森林群落生长状况及该区域的气候生产力,并对它们进行了比较分析。试验区不同森林群落生长状况存在较大差异,杉木林分的整体生长状况最差,马尾松林分和丝栗栲林分的生长状况相对要好一些。杉木林分平均直径比阔叶树林分平均直径稍大。这与杉木林为第二代林分,马尾松林林地条件差等因素有关。相同胸径条件下各个林分的树高值接近,但是杉木林分的树高生长量要明显落后于马尾松林分和阔叶树林分。杉木林分单株材积最低,单位面积蓄积量也最低。阔叶树林分的树干生物量最低,但群落生物量却最高,是杉木林的1.8倍。经测算试验区内杉木林、马尾松林和阔叶林的生产力分别为该区气候生产力的17.80%、20.96%和25.27%。(3)本文利用大气因子和小地形因子相结合的方法对试验区森林火灾进行了监测分析研究,柏枧小区森林火险的等级最高,直竹山小区居中,嘉定小区森林火险等级最低。(4)本文对试验区内马尾松毛虫和萧氏松茎象的发生规律进行了定量监测和研究,结果为:马尾松毛虫的发生与树种组成情况、灌木层和草本层相对优势度、植物物种多样性、林分郁闭度具有显著相关性;萧氏松茎象的发生与植物物种多样性、灌木层的相对优势度、混交树种比例具有显著的相关性。(5)通过对森林雪灾的研究分析发现,北坡、东南坡的林木在遭受雪灾后受害率较高,东北坡的林木雪灾后受害率最低。缓坡上的林木遭受雪灾危害的情况最严重,斜坡度上的林木受害最轻。山槽和中坡的林木在遭受雪灾后总的受害率相对较高。海拔在200 m以下和301 m~400 m之间的林木雪灾后受害情况最严重,海拔在400 m以上的林木雪灾后受害情况最轻。(6)本文采用LFA景观功能监测与评价方法(D J Tongway and N L Hindley,2004)对试验区森林植被类型土壤的稳定性、渗透性及营养循环进行了评价。土壤的渗透性指标值由大到小顺序为:毛竹林>丝栗栲林>针阔混交林>杉木林>防火林带>荒山>脐橙经济林>未成林造林地>马尾松林,指标在59.51~27.07之间,毛竹林、丝栗栲林、针阔混交林和杉木林在59.51~52.5之间;防火林带、荒山、脐橙经济林、未成林造林地在48.96~40.185之间;马尾松林最低27.08。土壤的养分循环指标大小顺序为:毛竹林>脐橙经济林=防火林带>针阔混交林>丝栗栲林>荒山>杉木林>未成林造林地>马尾松林,指标在58.97~13.56之间,毛竹林、脐橙经济林、防火林带、针阔混交林、荒山和丝栗栲林在58.97~49.14之间;杉木林和未成林造林地在41.02~29.7之间;马尾松林最低13.56。杉木林、马尾松林稳定性、渗透性、营养循环指标分别占试验区土壤的稳定性、渗透性、养分循环指标62%、57%、49%,比重较大,占5%以下的有脐橙经济林、未成林造林地、毛竹林、荒山、防火林带。(7)本研究通过建立坡面径流试验区、沟道径流堰和多点标桩对试验区不同利用土地类型水土保持效益进行了观测研究。结果表明:各种生物治理措施使水土流失得到了明显改善。荒山造林与封山育林措施土壤保水保土效果较好。灌木补植措施、乔木补植措施优于草本补植措施。

【Abstract】 Taking forest health project area of XinFeng County of JiangXi Province as the investigating area, forest health monitoring index system was constructed and the different indexes factors were analyzed. The results were as follows:(1)There were a few diversity differences among different vegetation types in the test area. The analysis ofαdiversity was as follows.①The broadleaf forest of Castanopsis rargesn had the biggest richness among arbor layer and the coniferous mixed forest of Masson Pine-Cunninghamia lanceolata least. The broadleaf forest had the higher species diversity than the coniferous forest; The changes of evenness were different from richness and diversity. The mixed wood of Cunninghamia lanceolata-Chinese sweet gum had the biggest species evenness.②The mixed wood and the coniferous mixed forest had a higher shrub layer richness than Castanopsis rargesn; The changes of Simpson diversity index were more lenitive than Shannor-Wiener diversity index. This change showed that the effects of Shannor-Wiener diversity index were bigger than Simpson diversity index.③Among the herb layer richness, the mixed wood and the coniferous mixed forest were better than the coniferous pure forest and the broadleaf forest.; Two kinds of diversity indexes existed the smaller disparity phenomenon. The analysis ofβdiversity was as follows.①Among the arbor layer, the coniferous mixed forest of Masson Pine-Cunninghamia lanceolata, Slash Pine-Cunninghamia lanceolata, Cunninghamia lanceolata and Chinese sweet gum had the most Similarity and the leastβdiversity. Slash Pine -Cunninghamia lanceolata and Phyllostachys pubescens had the lowest Similarity and the largestβdiversity.②Among the shrub layer, Slash Pine-Cunninghamia lanceolata and Castanopsis rargesn sparse young forest and Slash Pine forest , Masson Pine sparse young forest and Slash Pine-Cunninghamia lanceolata all had the higher Similarity.③Among the shrub layer, Masson Pine inefficient pure forest had the smallest Similarity and the largestβdiversity. Masson Pine sparse young forest and Masson Pine-Cunninghamia lanceolata had the largest Similarity.(2)The growth situations and climatic productivity of different forest communities were studied. Among the different forest communities, the growth situations were different from each other. the worst was Cunninghamia lanceolata stand, Masson pine stand and Castanopsis rargesn stand were correspondingly better correspondingly in the whole growth situation. The average diameter of Cunninghamia lanceolata stand was bigger than the mixed stand appreciably. Because Cunninghamia lanceolata stand was the second generation stand and Masson pine stand’s forest land conditions were poor. The heights of the different forest communities were very near in the same condition of the diameter at breast height, while the height increment of Cunninghamia lanceolata stand was obviously lagged behind that of Masson pine stand and Castanopsis rargesn stand. The individual volume of Castanopsis rargesn stand was the lowest as well as the wood volume per unit area. The trunk biomass of broadleaved tree stand was the lowest while the forest community biomass was the highest, which was 1.8 times of the lowest forest community biomass, Castanopsis rargesn stand. Castanopsis rargesn , Masson pine and the broadleaf forest accounted for 17.8%、20.96% and 25.27% of climatic productivity respectively.(3)Combining atmospheric factors and microtopography factors, forest fire was monitored and analyzed. Among three districts, Baijian had the highest forest fire danger rating. Zhizhushan was in the middle and Jiading lowest.(4)Pine caterpillar and Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang’s occurrence regularities and quantitative monitoring were studied. Pine caterpillar’s occurrence had significant correlation with tree species, the relative dominance of shrub and herb, the plant species diversity, the stand canopy density; Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang’s occurrence had significant correlation with the plant species diversity, the relative dominance of shrub, tree species proportion.(5)Forest snow disaster was studied and analyzed. Trees which grew in north slope and southeast slope had the higher harmed rate. Northeast slope had the lower harmed rate. Gentle slope suffered the most severe forest snow disaster and the ramp was lower. Trees which grew in mountain groove and midslope had the higher harmed rate. Trees (<200m or 301 m~400 m elevation) suffered more damage than trees (<400m elevation).(6)Using LFA landscape function monitoring and evaluation method(D J Tongway and N L Hindley ,2004), this paper evaluated the stability , permeability and nutrient cycling of forest type soil in experimental area. The soil permeacility index : Phyllostachys pubescens > Castanopsis rargesn>the mixed forest > Cunninghamia lanceolata >fire belt>barren hill>navel orange economic forest>underage-forest>Massion pine, the index values of those forests were between 59.51 and 27.07. The index values of bamboo forest , Castanopsis fargesii forest ,mixed forest of coniferous and hardwood and Chinese fir forest were between 59.51 and 52.5. The index values of fire belt ,barren hill ,navel orange economic forest and underage-forest were between 48.96 and 40.185,the index of Massion pine forest was the lowest with 27.08. Soil nutrient cycling index: Phyllostachys pubescens>navel orange economic forest=fire belt>the mixed forest>Castanopsis rargesn>barren hill>Cunninghamia lanceolata> underage-forest>Massion pine, the index values of those forests were between 58.97 and 13.56. Those of Phyllostachys pubescens, navel orange economic forest, fire belt , the mixed forest and Castanopsis rargesn forest were between 58.97 and 49.14;those of Cunninghamia lanceolata forest and underage-forest were between 41.02 and 29.7; that of Massion pine forest was the lowest with 13.56 . The stability, permeability and nutrient cycling index values of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Massion pine had large proportions, accounted for 62%,57% and 49% of the total respectively. The proportions of navel orange economic forest, underage-forest, Phyllostachys pubescens, barren hill and fire belt were below 5%.(7)By established slope runoff experimental area, channel runoff weir and multi-point stakes, this paper observed and studied the soil conservation benefit of different land-use types in the experimental area for long-term. The results showed that, the biological treatment measures obviously improved the soil conservation benefit. The soil conservation benefit of greening barren hill and closed forest were very good. The measures of replanting shrub and tree were better than the measures of replanting herb


