

【作者】 杨利娟

【导师】 吴秀明;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 解放区文学与民族国家建制的关系密不可分。1940年代,中国共产党人创造性地采用政治革命与文化革命并轨的策略,将文学整合进民族国家建设方案之中,把国人建立现代民族国家的梦想变为触手可及的现实。本文从革命叙事角度解读解放区农村题材小说的革命化历程。全文除“绪论”、“结语”外,共分四章,各部分主要内容如下:绪论部分指出民族国家想象为中国现代文学研究提供了新视点,而解放区文学与民族国家想象有深刻关联。中国现代文学中的乡村形象实际上是现代性语境下民族国家想象的投影,而解放区农村题材小说则作为开启民族国家梦想之门的文化动力被纳入民族国家建设的革命性方案之中。第一章考察了解放区农村题材小说的生成语境。亡国灭种的民族危机催生了国人的民族国家意识,1940年代深重的民族危机使创建现代民族国家成为当务之急,《讲话》浓缩了毛泽东创建现代民族国家的文艺构想。在《讲话》规约下,解放区农村题材小说构建现代民族国家理想的方式独具特色。第二章探究了知识分子在《讲话》规限下的不同应对策略和命运遭际。赵树理、丁玲和马烽是其中三类不同的代表。赵树理秉承自由意志的创作因吻合了时代诉求而被革命意识形态借用,其作品的经典化过程打上了鲜明的政治炒作痕迹;丁玲在规训下转身,曾经桀骜不驯的性别意识趋于消隐;而马烽则是《讲话》孕育出来的正典革命样板作家。第三章论述了解放区农村题材小说的叙事主旨。革命是解放区农村题材小说中闪闪发光的名词,农民在革命的激荡中翻身、成长,以社会主角的地位涌进历史舞台,劳动妇女则在革命家务中立命安身;诉苦斗争会是农民庆祝翻身的盛大政治狂欢仪式,而日常生活成为他们进行革命大联展的嘉年华会。第四章分析了解放区农村题材小说的审美风尚。文学作品审美风格的呈现最终是经由叙事抵达的,而叙事蕴含着鲜明的意识形态属性。在以《讲话》为核心的体制化文学生产轨道中,实录和简化成为解放区农村题材小说讲述中国革命故事的主要叙事特征,小说相应地呈现出写实基调和明朗激越的审美风格。结语部分认为应以冷静客观的态度理性看待解放区文学,并就解放区文学研究中的几个误区进行了简要辨析。##属性不符

【Abstract】 Literature in the liberated area and national creation are inseparable. In the 1940s, adopting creative strategy which combined political revolution with cultural revolution, the Chinese Communists have integrated literature into the nation-building plan and turned their ideal for establishing a modern nation into reality. The paper will interpret the revolutionized process of the rural-life novels in the liberated area from the vision of revolutionary narration.The dissertation consists of six parts. The main contents are as follows:The introduction points out that national imagination provides a new perspective for the research on modern Chinese literature, of which the literature in the liberated area has a deep correlation to national imagination. In my opinion, the village image in modern Chinese literature is actually the projection of the modern national imagination. So the rural-life novels in the liberated area have been brought into the national creation scheme as the strength to push the door of the ideal for national construction.Chapter one inspects the environment which the rural-life novels in the liberated area has been formed. In fact, the national awareness is the product of national crisis for Chinese people. And It has become a top priority task to create a modern nation when confronted with grave national crisis since 1940s. Mao Zedong’ literary concept to develop a modern nation has been condensed in "The Speech" .So the rural-life novels in the liberated area about the ideal to build a modern nation took on a new look in the literary system as the core of "The Speech".The second chapter explores different coping strategies and appropriate fate for the intellectuals restricted by "The Speech", in which Zhao Shuli, Ma Feng and Ding Ling represents separately different kind of writers. Zhao Shuli has become a cat’s-paw of revolutionary ideology because his works tallies with the demands of the time, and the process that his works has been classified appears distinct signs of political speculation. Ding Ling’ novels conceal her individual character under the regulation of the politics. While Ma Feng plays the role of the model revolutionary writer bred out by "The Speech".The third chapter discusses the narrative gist of the rural-life novels in the liberated area, in which revolution was a glittering term. The peasants who have been liberated pour into the historical stage as the social protagonist. And working women conduct themselves in the revolutionary career. Obviously, it is the grand political carnival ceremony for the peasants to celebrate their liberation in criticizing and denouncing the landlord at republic meetings. What’s more, they have turned their daily lives into a stage to show revolutionary success.Chapter four analyses the aesthetic fashion of the rural-life novels in the liberated area. Aesthetic style has finally been presented through narration which contains a distinct ideology attributes. In the literature producing system as the core of "The Speech", faithful record and simplification has become the main narrative feature for the writer to relate revolutionary stories in the liberated area. Correspondingly, the novels appear on a realistic and bright aesthetic style.The conclusion argues that the rural-life novels in the liberated area should be treated with a rational and objective attitude. Moreover, several misunderstandings on the study of the rural-life novels in the liberated area are analyzed briefly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】591

