

【作者】 孙宝

【导师】 林家骊;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 儒学在魏晋时期仍为官方统治性学说,尽管其影响力有所削弱,但对当下政治、学术、文化、艺术等方面的作用不容忽视,文学自概莫能外。魏晋文学与儒学的关系,历来多为学界所忽视,本文即试图较为全面、系统的解决这一论题。本文绪论旨在揭示与本选题相关的研究现状,归纳出魏晋文学与儒学发生关联的条件及表现:从魏晋儒学的政治兴衰与文学思想环境的形成关系来看,三国两晋虽上承东汉中期以来儒学衰颓的风气,但在中央官学、地方官学以及私人授学等方面,儒学的影响仍然根深蒂固,这也影响到魏晋文人儒家人格、思想价值观以及融涵着儒学审美观的文风等方面;从魏晋儒学文艺思想与文人创作的关系来看,儒学文艺观是魏晋文学思想的重要组成部分,对魏晋文论的理论继承和建构具有不可或缺的作用;从魏晋文学创作对儒学文艺观的接纳和革新来看,儒学文艺观在典实、辞采、意象、意境、审美风貌等各个方面,对魏晋诗歌、辞赋、散文等创作均有深刻影响。正文上编为“魏晋儒学文艺思想与文人创作”,主要从魏晋儒学的两重属性——即它是一种统治性的政治意识形态,又是一种学术研究的理论形态——着眼,探究它们分别对魏晋文坛产生的积极和消极的作用,既而通过阐发魏晋作家的儒学文艺观和创作的关系,较为具体、直观而详明的论证儒学对魏晋文坛的影响;下编为“魏晋文学创作对儒学文艺观的接纳与革新”,侧重揭示魏晋文学对儒学反拨和推动的方面,突出魏晋情物交感论对儒家诗教观、情性说的继承和发展,并从这一时期诗歌、辞赋、应用文体的创作角度入手,力图展示魏晋文学对儒学文艺观继承与变创的全貌。本文认为,魏晋儒学对文学推动的一面表现在:首先,魏晋文学创作充分继承“诗可以群”的观念,文人集群化活动现象屡见不鲜,大量的优秀篇什也纷纷涌现;其次,秉持仁、德、孝、义、忠等儒家道德观的魏晋文士在在多有,他们在作品中宣扬了悲悯民生、追求一统及批判时政的精神立场。魏晋文士的儒学价值观念和人格品质,又赋予了此间诗文刚健雄劲、苍凉悲慨、耿直正大的风格气象;再次,魏晋儒学与玄学交融互渗,也对文士多元人生价值观的形成具有重要影响,并在他们的作品中多有体现;最后,儒家文质彬彬、允执厥中的审美观,促生了魏晋文人追求“雅”、“丽”结合的批评意识,并在现实创作层面,出现了偏重于复古与绮丽的两种走向,对南北朝乃至隋唐文坛产生深远影响。当然,魏晋儒学对文学发展也有制约的一面,这主要体现在两方面:一方面,魏晋文士受儒家“立德”、“立功”、“立言”三不朽观念的制约,视诗赋创作为小道,并习惯以“巧言致惑”的眼光贬低文学修辞技巧的运用与创新;另一方面,片面强调儒家经典对文学的垂范意义,在创作过程中以复原儒家经典古貌为宗旨,从而产生拙涩板滞的流弊。总之,魏晋文学改变了两汉以来文学作为儒学附庸的地位,又具有深厚的儒学积淀,弄清这一阶段儒学与文学的互动方式,不仅可从思想史的角度透视这一命题的历史渊源,又对纠正学界片面强调玄学对魏晋文学影响的倾向有重要意义。南北朝、隋及初唐时期,统治者提倡儒学,使文学环境一定程度上呈现儒学化的特征,通过对魏晋文学与儒学关系的研究,可为探讨魏晋之后儒学与文风建构的历史性课题提供必要的线索和启示。目前先秦、两汉及宋、元、明、清乃至近代,各时段的儒学与文学关系都有了较为深入系统的探讨,相关论著也层出不穷,这也昭示着关于魏晋文学与儒学的探讨既是可行的,也是必要的。加强这一时段的研究,无疑可以使学界对于中国文学与儒学关系的探研更趋完善。

【Abstract】 Though the influential power of Confucianism is impaired by metaphysics in WeiJin Dynasty , it still play a great role in the domains of politics, academy, culture, arts, except for the literature. There are nearly connections between the literature and Confucianism in WeiJin Dynasty, which tend to be ignored by the current academia. The dissertation tries to resolve this thesis systematically and all-sidedly.The dissertation is made up of three parts, namely the preface, the text, the conclusion. The preface tries to discuss the current researchful situations on the thesis of the relationships between Confucianism and the literature in WeiJin Dynasty. It presents three aspects at least:Confucianism in WeiJin Dynasty has lost its authority in official ideology domains, but it still spread abroad in the local educational systems by the government and by the civilian Confucian learners. So Confucianism in WeiJin Dynasty has profound effects on the personalities, value senses and the Confucian aesthetic pursuits of the literators all the same.Confucian literary senses are the important part of the literary ideas in WeiJin Dynasty, which play a great role in theorizing the new frameworks of literary critical categories under the background of amalgamation between Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.Confucian literary senses have been inherited and digested by the literators in WeiJin Dynasty, which influenced the poetry, eulogy and prose in the aspects of literary quotations, rhetoric, images, artistic conception and aesthetic styles, etc.The text is constituted of two parts, the former tries to discuss the double attributes of Confucianism, i.e. it acts as a kind of reigning ideology as a kind of philosophical theory, which decides the influence from Confucianism takes on a complicated visage. Meanwhile, it tries to analyze the relationships between the Confucian literary senses and the compositions in WeiJin Dynasty, in order to prove the conclusions about the influence. The latter tries to discuss the counteractive from the literature to Confucianism in WeiJin Dynasty, in order to disclose the situations about the renovation and the following.The influence from Confucianism to the literature in WeiJin Dynasty presents the obverse and inverse sides. The obverse one represents three ways :Firstly, The conception of poetry promoting the intercommunication between all kinds of different people from Confucian literary senses, has been accepted sufficiently. As the most obvious representation, plenty of collectivized literary activities appear in a high frequency, meanwhile, a lot of first-classed works emerge as the times require.Secondly, Confucian moral senses such as benevolence, ethos, justice and loyalty are embraced all-pervading by the literators in WeiJin Dynasty, who blazon forth the themes about caring for the people’s livelihood, pursuing the unification of the country and criticizing the corruption, dereliction of duty and confusion of the political situation. The Confucian value senses and personalities endow the literary compositions with kinds of aesthetic tastes including powerfulness, solemn and stirring, honest and frank, fair and square, etc.Thirdly , the amalgamation between Confucianism and metaphysics accelerate the multi-valued senses of literators to come into being in WeiJin Dynasty. As a result, the contents of the literary compositions during this stage take on multi-idealistic tendency. Fourthly, the moderate and harmonious aesthetic senses are accepted by the literators in WeiJin Dynasty, which are the core of Confucian aesthetic ideality, and promote the literature to take on the styles of elegance and luxuriance. Especially the latter has more profound effects on the literary world from South and North Dynasty to Sui and initial Tang Dynasty.The inverse one represents two ways at least:On one hand, Confucian political edificatory connotation of the literature is still emphasized in WeiJin Dynasty, the status of literary composition sometimes is debased.On the other hand , the literary model function of Confucian classics is so commonly overstated that a lot of crude classicized works overrun in WeiJin Dynasty.In conclusion, the affiliated relationships between the literature and Confucianism have been changed from Han to WeiJin Dynasty. This dissertation tries to get to the bottom of it, on base of which to provide some valuable clues to review the corresponding relationships between the literature and Confucianism from South and North Dynasty to Sui and initial Tang Dynasty. The relationships between Confucianism and the literature are very complicated and omnifarious, which is worthy of a more thorough a profound research. The dissertation tries to disclose the conditions of the amalgamation between Confucianism and the literature in WeiJin Dynasty, based on which to discuss the possibilities of their intercommunication. The dissertation puts an emphasis on the important influence from Confucian literary senses to the construction of the literary theory in WeiJin Dynasty, in order to coordinate the substantial relationships and rules between Confucianism and the literature in WeiJin Dynasty. Now, the researches about the relationships between the literature and Confucianism from Spring and Autumn Time to Han Dynasty, and from Song to Qing Dynasty, even including the latter-day, are so abundant that proves the corresponding research in WeiJin Dynasty is both possible and feasible. Strenghening the depth and width of it can consummate the researches on the relationships between Chinese ancient literature and Confucianism.

【关键词】 魏晋儒学文学互动诗歌辞赋应用文体
【Key words】 WeiJin DynastyConfucianismthe literatureintercommunicationpoetryeulogyapplied styles
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期

