

【作者】 王军宁

【导师】 吴秀明;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 生态批评是当前学术界普遍关注的课题,它是把生态学的价值取向作为文学批评的逻辑前提,在生态人文主义关怀的推动下,进行文本的阅读与重构。生态批评为我们提供了研究文学与自然这一关系的切入途径,具有广阔的发展前景。而今西方生态批评已颇具规模,我国的生态批评研究也已经起步。然而其关注点主要在生态文艺学和生态美学,而生态批评的实践也多集中在外国文学和古典文学领域。因此结合文本来分析新时期文学中自然观和生态意识的演变,无疑是中国生态批评的一个重要挑战。这种尝试不仅可以拓宽当前这方面研究文本视阈的狭窄(如仅以新时期生态文学中的非虚构文学为主),而且可以克服当前生态批评在文本选择上轻慢当下的弱点(多侧重西方文学和古代文学的解读,轻慢现当代的文学文本,或只关注生态文学),把重心放在一些重要文学思潮、文学现象中经典作品的重新解读上。作为生态批评在中国新时期文学中的初步实践,结合文本分析人与自然、文化与自然的关系,在研究上仍存在着极大的空间。例如伤痕和反思文学中对自然的表现存在怎样的缺失,其所倡导的人道主义也因此存在怎样的偏狭?改革文学所弘扬的改革精神背后隐藏着怎样一种不计生态代价的发展观?我们的战争文学中是如何处理人与环境的问题?“荒原”为何能够超越地域意义而成为西部诗人的精神家园?寻根文学作家在追寻民族文化之根的同时为何纷纷将目光投向自然?新时期以土地为主题的作家怎样在生态危机的焦灼中表达对大地的回归和诗意栖居的向往?都市小说中城市的生态危机与精神生态危机之间存在怎样的隐秘联系?新时期文学如何以森林、以狼为证表达人与自然之间相依共荣的生态伦理关系?从生态女性主义批评视角出发,新时期文学中自然与女性有着怎样崭新的叙述和表达?本文将从生态批评角度对这些问题进行逐一的探讨,由此揭示出生态批评的应用价值,为新时期文学的研究敞开一个绿色的窗口。本论文由绪论、正文四章和结语共六部分内容组成。绪论部分交待研究的内容、研究的意义、主要研究方法等。第一章将从文化生态系统内各个环节相互联系、相互影响的生态整体观出发,简述新时期文学所处的生态危机严重的社会背景、人文背景以及文学环境的嬗变。第二章简要概述影响新时期文学的生态思想,分别从西方、传统两个向度分析这些思想以及创作实践对新时期文学的影响。第三章从文化对自然以及人与自然的关系的影响切入,重审新时期文学对自然的再现,反思生态危机的思想文化根源。本章借鉴西方学者对经典的修正重构策略,来分析和解读新时期以来一些引起普遍关注的非生态作品,包括伤痕反思文学、改革文学、都市小说以及动物小说等。从中捕捉其非生态的思想和价值取向进行分析和评价。第四章试图挖掘新时期以来自然写作的传统。研究内容包括在生态批评视野中对表现出一定自然情怀的非生态文学作品的重新评价以及对生态文学作品的解读与提升。其中包括昌耀、张承志、阿城、张炜、刘亮程、苇岸、徐刚、郭雪波、姜戎等人的一些经典作品。这部分作品比较多,因此采用场所意识分析、文学伦理学批评、以及生态女性主义批评等方法来展开评析,揭示自然、文化以及性别之间紧密而复杂的关系,旨在传达文学研究视野中人与自然和谐共存的生态思想,建构一种生态危机时代的绿色经典。

【Abstract】 The ecocriticism is an issue of universal concern in the current academic community, thanks to the promotion by eco-humanism concern,it takes ecological value orientation as preexisting in literary criticism to read text and re-construct.The ecocriticism with a more prosperous future provides a means of cutting into the study of literary in relation to nature .While being already prospering in the western, ecocriticism has already found its counterparts in China. While It focus on ecological literature scienc and ecological aesthetics,the ecocriticism practice also focus goals: foreign literature and classical literature.Thus, it is no doubt a great challenge for China’s ecocriticism to analyse the changes of nature-views and ecological consciousness in literature of the New period according to the text.This attempt not only can broaden narrow text vision in this field just now(for example,based solely on not fanciful literature of the New period),but also can shrug off the present weaknesses of ignoring current texts in ecocriticism(concerned with reinterpreting foreign literature and classical literature, with a cavalier attitude toward the text of contemporary literature , or concerned only with eco-literature),the emphasis should be on re-reading canons of some important literature tendency and literature phenomena.As the preliminary practice in literature of the New Period, ecocriticism also has great research capabilities to analyze the relationships between mankind and nature ,between culture and nature, for example what flaw in "trauma literature" and "ntrospection literature" have to the natural performance, its initiates how being narrow-minded the humanitarianism also therefore does have?What development concept of indiscriminate means at the expense of the ecology contain behind the revolutionary spirit Reform Literature?How to deal with the relation between mankind and environment in war literature?Why the wilderness can surmount the region significance to become western china’s poets ’spiritual home? why the authors of "Root-Searching Literature" only keep their eyes on depicting nature while track down the root of the national culture?How the authors who are skillful at land themes express yearning for returning to earth and poetic residence with the ecological crisis of anxiety?what secret relationship between the ecological crisis and the crisis of the spiritual ecology in metropolis novel?How does the new time literature about the subject of the forest and the wolf express the co-prosperity and co-existence ecology ethics relation between man and nature?How there be brand-new narration and expression about nature and woman in literature of the New Period through the perspective of ecofeminist criticism?This dissertation examines these questions one by one from the Perspective of ecocriticism,because of this,it not only can reveal the practical value of ecocriticism,but also give us an green access to research literature of the New period.This dissertation includes six parts: introduction, four chapters in main body and conclusion. The introduction describes the researching content, the researching significance, and the main means of study and so on.Chapter one briefly introduces changes of in which literature of the New period is the serious ecology crisis society background, the humanities background as well as the literature environment from a perspective of ecology.The second chapter’s concentration is on the ecology thought which affects literature of the New Period, to analyze these thoughts as well as the the creation practice’s influence on literature of the New period,separately from two Angles of the west and the tradition.Chapter three is concerned with the ecocritical research on the images of nature in the literary representation of nature.This chapter intends to discuss culture influence on the nature and on relationship between human and nature,to introspect cultural crisis.This chapter analyze and re-read some non-ecology works which attracted general attention since the new period, analyze non-ecology thoughts or the non-ecology value orientation in texts throught drawing on the strategy of western scholars’ revision and reconstruction to the literary canon.These include "trauma literature" and "ntrospection literature", reform literature, metropolis novel as well as animal novel and so on. Chapter four intends to study the tradition of nature writing since the new period. It includes the re-examination of non-ecology literary representation of nature,"prototype of nature" and the shifting development of the image of nature.These include many typical texts such as those written by Chang Yao,Zhang Chengzhi, A Cheng,Zhang Wei,Liu Liangcheng, Wei An,Xu Gang,Guo Xuebo,Jiang Rong and so on. Therefore i use the place consciousness analysis, the literature ethics criticism, as well as the ecological feminism to analyze these texts, and reveal the close and the complex relationship between nature,culture and gender, in order to express the literary ecological vision on the foundation of harmonious man-nature relationship and construct a green canon in the time of ecological crisis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1326

