

The Rise of Ecological Civilization and the Transformation of Environmental View

【作者】 赵成

【导师】 张新;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 生态危机的出现及其解决,引发了人们对生态文明的理论研究和建设活动。所谓生态文明是指人及其社会通过生态化的社会实践方式,在处理人(社会)与自然关系以及与之相关的人与人(社会)关系方面所取得的一切积极成果。而生态文明建设的中心问题就是在一定的生态环境观的指导下,通过对工业化生产方式的生态化改造,重建人与自然的和谐,以实现自然、社会与人的可持续发展。为此,以马克思主义为指导,探讨生态文明的兴起、本质和发展要求,揭示生态文明的兴起对生态环境观的理论变革,对于树立正确的生态文明观和进行生态文明建设都具有重要的理论和现实意义。生态危机的出现,是当前人类文明发展中所遇到的最大现实困境之一。对生态危机的认识和解决推动着生态文明的兴起和社会发展的转向。生态文明的兴起首先体现在对人们的生态环境观的理论变革,其显著特点就是生态观念的形成。它不仅推动着社会实践活动的生态化转向,而且推动着生态环境观的生态化转向,即从只关注人类及其社会本身的发展转向既关注人及其社会的发展又关注生态环境的发展,体现为对人与自然关系的重新审视和定位。生态文明的兴起是人类对文明发展道路的必然选择,体现了人们对生态危机解决途径的理论认识,即只有从社会文明发展的高度和广度上,从经济、社会、文化等各个方面,通过对工业社会的改造,才能使人类真正走出生态危机的困境,走上自然与社会可持续发展的文明之路。它不仅为生态危机的解决和正确处理人与自然、人与人的关系指明了方向,而且,也为社会发展的转型和文明的发展指明了方向,同时又为世界文明的一体化发展奠定了基础。生态文明的本质就是人们在人化自然的过程中,所形成的既有利于人的生存与发展、又有利于自然进化发展的生态环境成果。而生态文明观就是基于这种环境成果并指导其发展的基本观念和认识。人与自然的关系不仅是人类社会发展的基础性关系之一,也是生态文明产生的特定社会领域和基本矛盾关系。人与自然关系本质上是一种实践关系,体现为对自然的“人化”过程。在这里,自然有其特定含义,即人化自然。所谓人化自然,是指已纳入人的认识和实践领域、打上人的“印记”并成为人类社会存在和发展直接物质基础的那部分自然界。在当代,人类的认识和实践活动已深入地球自然的每一个领域,因此,这里的“自然”又指地球自然界。人与自然关系的变化和发展有赖于社会实践、特别是生产实践的发展,体现为自然的人化过程及其所产生的不同环境成果。所谓生态文明的组成分析就是对这些不同性质的生态环境成果、相互关系以及与其他文明成果关系的分析。尽管生态文明还处于兴起和理论构建阶段,但从它所取得的文明成果来看,已经产生了不同于其他文明成果的独特成果,并且对其他文明形式——物质文明、精神文明和政治文明或制度文明产生了积极影响。它不仅包括在生态环境的保护和恢复、污染治理、自然资源开发和利用以及人工生态环境建设等过程中,所取得的不同环境成果;而且,还包括对生态环境规律的科学认识、生态观念和相应的生态技术,以及环保产业、绿色经济、循环经济的发展和相应环保立法中所取得的成果等。生态文明的兴起与发展有赖于它的实践基础——生态化生产方式的形成与发展。它与工业化生产方式既有联系又有质的区别。一方面,生态化生产方式依然是一种以科学技术为支撑的机械化、自动化的生产方式,很难想象还有不依靠科学技术的进步和不采用机械化、自动化生产更为有效的生产方式。另一方面,生态文明所要求的生产方式与工业化生产方式在很多方面又有着质的区别。主要包括:一是生产的目的和价值指向不同;二是对生产活动的基本要求不同;三是对科技发展和应用的要求不同;四是对产品及其消费的基本要求不同。这些区别也表明了生态化生产方式是一种更能促进自然、社会与人持续、健康、和谐发展的更为先进的生产方式。其显著特点就是:在生产和社会发展中,始终把自然作为其发展的基础和前提,并以实现和维护人与自然的和谐为宗旨,使人及其社会的发展更符合生态发展的规律。生态文明的兴起引发了生态环境观的理论变革。所谓生态环境观是指人们在人与自然关系基础上,对生态环境的一种基本认识。它包括对人在自然界中所处地位和与自然界相互关系的基本认识以及与此相关的自然观、价值观、伦理观、科技观和社会发展观等。其积极的认识成果构成了生态文明观的基本内容。生态文明的兴起对生态环境观的理论变革首先表现在生态观念的形成及其观念变革。从生态学的历史发展和现代生态学的影响来看,它所揭示的生态整体、竞争和谐、生态平衡、相互依存、“生态-进化”模式和生态环境的多样性等生态观念和思想,已经对人们的自然观、价值观、伦理观和社会发展观等产生了重要影响。它促使着人们的生态环境观的理论变革,并为人类中心主义环境观与非人类中心主义环境观的理论争论提供科学依据。生态自然观是对传统自然观变革的产物,构成了生态文明观的基本内容之一,也是当代自然观的主要表现形式之一。它是在积极挖掘和吸取古今中外传统文化思想的有益成分特别是马克思的人化自然思想,以及现代自然科学特别是生态学等学科的研究成果的基础上,为克服机械决定论自然观、解决人与自然的冲突而形成的一种新自然观。它以生态学的观点为基本方法,从生态整体性的高度,说明自然、社会与人之间的辨证复杂关系。借助于相互联系、相互作用的系统化和非线性的方法,说明人与自然之间的相互依赖关系,以及生态平衡、生态多样性等对自然和人的重要意义。用竞争与和谐的思想,说明社会实践活动作为人与自然之间的主要作用形式,不仅是人与自然之间相互竞争的有效手段,也是人与自然之间寻求和谐的有效手段。生态自然观不仅是对自然界发展本质和一般规律的科学总结,更体现为一种属人的特性和价值关怀。它本质上是一种辨证自然观和人化自然观,体现了马克思主义自然观的当代价值,是生态文明的必然要求和对人类观念变革的重要成果。因而,对生态文明建设具有重要的意义。人与自然之间的价值关系作为在认识和实践基础上人与自然之间的一种评价效用关系,其价值客体——人化自然界,是随着价值主体——人对自然界的认识和实践范围的不断扩大而扩大的。也是说,人与自然之间价值关系的形成,既取决于人与自然之间认识关系的形成,又取决于人与自然之间实践关系的形成。认识关系的形成是价值关系形成的主观条件,而实践关系的形成则是价值关系形成的客观条件。在现实基础上,人与自然之间的价值关系实际上又表现为在“认识-实践”基础上人与生态环境之间的价值关系。生态价值是指生态环境对人类生存与发展所具有的意义。在生态文明的视域中,由于人的认识和实践活动,自然及其存在物已经由一种纯粹的客观存在变成了主客观相统一的存在,从而使自然进入到人及其社会的价值体系中,赋予自然及其存在物以价值存在的意义。因此,作为生态文明观的基本内容之一,生态价值观的提出,不仅推动了价值观研究的理论转向,丰富了价值观研究的内容,促进和深化了人们对人与自然关系的理解,而且对于人们正确处理人与自然的关系以及进行生态文明建设都具有重要的价值指导作用。环境伦理学的生产和发展是人类伦理思想领域的一次革命。其生态伦理观作为生态文明观的基本内容之一,不仅是对传统伦理观的变革,以及对人与自然关系的伦理反思和道德诉求,也是对人类伦理关系的新要求,体现了人们对生态环境这一人类公共利益的伦理关怀和自身伦理境界的不断追求,展示了人的伦理潜力和对人与自然和谐关系的伦理追求,是对自身的一种超越,也为生态文明的建设提供了伦理支持。生态文明的兴起推动着科技观的理论变革,促使着生态科技观的形成。尽管对科学技术在生态危机的产生和解决中的作用存在着不同的认识,但生态危机的解决和生态文明的建设都离不开科学技术的发展。随着科学技术发展的生态化转向,作为“第一生产力”,它必定在生态文明建设及其生态化生产方式的形成中,发挥重要作用。它通过提高构成生产力基本要素的质量、优化生产力要素的构成和结合方式、以及改善人与人之间的技术性关系来获得一种新的、先进的生产力;通过生态技术的开发和广泛应用来改造传统工业化生产方式,为生态化生产方式的形成提供技术基础,并推动着生态化生产方式的全球化发展。同时,作为生态文明实践基础的生态化生产方式的形成和发展也对科学技术的发展提出了新的要求,其总的要求就是:它不仅是一种高效率获取所需物质资料的技术,而且是一种无公害技术;是一种能对生产过程及其环境影响进行全程监控的技术,即对生产与自然关系进行有效控制的综合性或生态化的技术,因此,它不仅体现为对自然的改造能力,而且还体现为对自然的建设能力。随着生态危机的出现和生态文明的兴起,发展观也发生着生态化的转向,其直接的理论成果就是可持续发展理论的产生。在中国,党和政府不仅结合中国当代社会的发展状况,及时提出了以可持续发展为核心内容的生态文明的建设问题,而且提出了全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观。它不仅把中国的社会发展置于整个世界发展的整体中,而且把中国的社会发展看成一个整体,用整体的观点去看待社会各要素之间的相互关系和发展,用整体的观点去评价中国的社会发展和进步。其协调发展的思想不仅是对马克思主义协调发展理论的继承,同时又是解决当前中国发展中所面临问题的主要方法和途径。它在社会全面、协调发展的基础上,进一步面向未来地提出可持续发展的思想,更加体现了生态文明建设在社会永续发展中的重要作用和意义,也使科学发展观具有了前瞻性和社会进步的意义,由此,也构成了社会发展的完整模式。生态文明的价值指向是在人与自然和谐统一的基础上实现人及其社会的持续发展。所谓生态和谐观就是对人与自然和谐关系的根本认识和看法。马克思主义生态和谐观的理论本质是在人口生产、物质生产和精神生产的协调发展中实现自然、社会与人的和谐。在中国,实现人与自然的和谐是构建社会主义和谐社会的基本内容之一。在社会主义市场经济的发展中,充分发挥社会主义制度的优越性,克服市场经济所带来的生态破坏性,是解决当前生态环境问题、实现人与自然和谐发展的重要途径。生态文明建设作为实现人与自然和谐关系的社会构建活动,不仅是实现人与自然和谐、构建生态和谐社会的有效途径,而且也是实现人与人、人与社会和谐发展、构建社会主义和谐社会的基本要求。为此,应依据生态和谐社会的基本要求和中国的实际状况,来构建生态和谐社会的战略选择。它包括:实施“人口的零增长或负增长”战略;实施科教兴国战略、人才强国战略;实施资源利用率的倍增跃进战略;实施自然资源和生态环境的投资战略等。从生态和谐与社会和谐的相互关系来看,生态和谐是实现社会和谐的自然基础,而社会和谐是实现生态和谐的前提和重要社会保障,它们共同构成了社会主义和谐社会的基本内容。为此,正确认识整体利益与局部利益、和谐与竞争、平衡与自利的关系,对我们正确调节人与人(社会)之间的各种利益关系、构建生态和谐社会具有重要的理论和实践意义。

【Abstract】 The rise of the ecological environment problem and its solution resulted in people’s theoretic research and constructive activities on ecological civilization. Ecological civilization means all the positive fruits in human (communities) dealing with the relationship between human (community) and nature, as well as the relative human-human relationship through ecologicized social practice. However, the essential problem of ecological civilization construction is to rebuild the harmony between human and nature through the ecologicized transformation of the industrialized production, guided by the view of the ecological environment, so as to realize the sustained development among nature, society and human. Therefore, guided by Marxism, it is of great importance in theory and reality for setting up correct view of ecological civilization and building of ecological civilization. These rely on exploring the rise of ecological civilization, essence and the demand for development, revealing the theoretical transformation to the view of ecological environment by the rise of ecological civilization.The appearance of global environment problem is one of the greatest puzzles that human being has ever been met. The recognition and resolution to ecological problem push the rise of ecological civilization and the turning of social development. The rise of ecological civilization reflects the theoretical transformation of ecological environment view. The obvious feature is the form of ecologic view. It not only pushes the ecologicized turning of social practice, but also pushes ecologicized turning of ecological environment view that means paying attention to the turning of human and society itself to paying both human and social development and ecological environment, and shows new look and definition to the relation between man and nature. The rise of ecological civilization is a necessary option to civilization development way. It reflects the theoretical cognition to the way of resolving ecological problem. If human being wants to get rid of puzzle of ecological problem and walk on the civilization way of sustained development of nature and society, he must be the base of social civilization and transformation industrialized society from economy, society and culture. It not only points the direction for resolving ecological problem and correctly dealing with the relation between man and nature, man and man, but also points the direction for the transformation of society and civilization development. It also lays a foundation for integration of world civilization.The essence of ecological civilization is a result of ecological environment that transformed in the process of manned nature, which benefits existence and development of human being and natural evolution. The view of ecological civilization is a basic concept and cognition that is based on environment and instructs its development. The relation between man and nature is not only one of the basic relations of human society development, but also a special social area and basic contradiction relation on the birth of ecological civilization. The relation between man and nature is a practice relation in fact, and shows the course of nature manned. Here, nature has its particular meaning, namely manned nature. The manned nature is a part of nature, it comes into man’s recognition and practice fields, and marked by man and becomes the direct material basis of existence and development of human society. Nowadays, cognition and practice of human being have involved each corner of earth nature. Therefore, nature is earth nature. The changes and development of relation between man and nature rely on social practice, especially the development of produce practice and shows manned course of nature. And it displays the different forms of environment results. The composing analysis of ecological civilization is an analysis to ecological environment results with different quality, interrelation and relation to other results of civilization. Although ecological civilization remains in the stage of rise and theory constructing, it has produced specific results which differ from other civilization, and has positive effect on material civilization, moral civilization and political civilization or institutional civilization. The product comes not only from protection of ecological environment, restoration of nature, development of natural resource, but also from the understanding of ecological environment law, ecological view and relevant ecological technology, and results from green industries and economy, circulation economy and corresponding law of protecting environment. The rise and development of ecological civilization depend on appearance of way of ecologicized production that is its practice base. It is related and different from industrialized way of production. In one aspect, way of ecologicized production is also a production way of mechanic and automatic production way, which relies on science and technology. It is hard to imagine that there is a more effective way of production without science and technology and without mechanic and automatic production. In another aspect, way of ecologicized production has basic difference from way of industrialized production, mainly including: purpose and value are different; different basic requirement for production activity; different requirement for development and apply of science and technology; different requirements for production and consumption. These differences show that the way of ecologicized production is a more advanced way which can promote harmonious development among human, nature and society. The eminent point is that, in the process of production and social development, nature is the base and has the priority, and natural harmony is a tenet for realizing and maintaining harmony between man and nature which makes the development of society accord with the law of ecological development.The rise of ecological civilization initially triggers the theoretic transformation of view of ecological environment. The view of ecological environment is a basic cognition of ecological environment on the basis of relation of man and nature. It includes basic cognition of human’s status in nature and mutual relation with nature, and relative view of nature, value, ethics, science and technology, and social development, etc. Its positive results of recognition makes up of the basic content of ecological civilization view.The theoretical transformation of ecological environment view is influenced by the rise of ecology civilization firstly shows form and concept transformation. From a historical development and modern ecologies, ecological civilization illustrates that ecology integrity, competitive harmony, ecological balance, mutual dependence, mode of ecology-evolution and diversity of ecological environment have put effect on people’s view on nature, value, ethics and social development. It promotes the theoretic transformation of ecological environment, and provides scientific base to theoretic argument on anthropocentrism and non- anthropocentrism.The concept of ecological nature is a product of the transformation of traditional nature view. It composes of one of the basic content of ecological civilization view. The view of ecological nature is one of the main forms of modern nature views. It is a new view, which bases on digging beneficial parts of traditional culture of China and the other countries, and Marxism humanized nature thought, as well as modern nature science especially ecologies, in order to overcome view of nature of mechanic determinism and resolve the contradiction between human and nature. Its basic research method is ecologies, to illustrate the complicated relation between nature, society and human being from the angle of ecological integrity; to illustrate the significance of mutual dependence between human being and nature, ecological balance and ecological diversity with the methods of systemized and non-linear research; to illustrate social practice as useful measurement of competition and harmony between human being and nature. View of ecological environment is not only a sum to the essence of nature development and general laws, but also a feature belonging man and a value care. It is a kind of dialectic nature view and humanized nature view, reflecting modern value of Marxism nature view, which is the necessity requirement and important product of the change of human’s view. Therefore, it is significant for constructing ecological civilization.The value relation between human being and nature referred as an evaluation relation on the basis of cognition and practice, which has a value object, namely humanized nature, and it enlarges with the enlargement of human’s cognition and practice, that is the value subject. That is to say, the value relation between human being and nature is determined not only by cognition relation between human being and nature, but also by practice relation between human being and nature. The forming of cognition relation is the subjective term for the forming of the value relation, and the practice relation is the objective term. On the factual basis, the value relation between human being and nature is embodied as the value relation between human being and ecological environment which bases on cognition-practice relation. The nature value is called ecological value either, namely, ecological environment is important of survival and development of human being. In the sphere of ecological civilization, owing to human’s cognition and practice, nature and its existence have become integrity of objective and subjective existence from an early stage of pure objective existence. Therefore, as one of the basic content of ecological civilization view, the concept of view of ecologic value not only pushes forward the theoretic turning of value research, riches the content of value research, promotes people’s understanding between human being and nature, but also directs people to handle the relation between human being and nature correctly.The birth and development of environment ethics is a transformation in the human ethics sphere. As one of the basic content of ecological civilization view, the view of ecological ethics is not only the ethic reflection and moral pursuit of human-nature relation, but also new requirements of human ethics, which embodies that people has ethic feeling on ecologic environment, the public interest of human being, and illustrates people’s ethic potential and moral pursuit of harmony between human being and nature. All that is a surpass, and provides a ethic support for ecological civilization.The rise of ecological civilization pushes the theoretical transformation of scientific and technical concept, and it also promotes formation of the view of ecological science and technology. Though there are different views on the roles of science and technology played on the coming up and solution of ecological crisis, the solution of ecological crisis and the development of ecological civilization are dependent on the development of science and technology. Following the ecology-oriented development of science and technology, as the“first productivity”, it surly will play an important role in the formation of way of ecologicized production. It acquires a kind of new and advanced productivity through improving the quality of the basic elements of productivity, optimizing the structural and organizing way of the productivity elements, and improving the technologic relations among people. It also changes the way of production of the traditional industry through the development and wide application of ecological technology. It provides technologic basis for the formation of way of ecologicized production so as to boost development of way of ecologicized production globally. At the same time, as the practicing basis of ecological civilization, the formation and development of way of ecologicized production puts up a new demand for the scientific and technological development. The general demand is that it is not only a kind of technology to acquire necessary materials efficiently, but also a kind of technology which does no public harm. It is a technology to monitor and control the whole process of the production and its effects on the environment, namely, a comprehensive and ecologicized technology to control the relationship between production and nature. Therefore, it embodies an ability not only to cultivate the nature but also develop it.With the coming up of ecological crisis and the rise of ecological civilization, the view of development shifts toward ecology, with the theory of sustainable development as its direct theoretic fruit. In China, considering the present social development, the CPC and the government not only put up the construction of ecological civilization with sustainable development at its core in time, but also the scientific concept of development with overall coordination and sustainable development at the core. It not only integrates China’s social development into the whole development of the world, but also sees China’s social development as a whole, and analyses the relationship and development of all the social elements and evaluates China’s social development and progress with the concept of viewing situation as a whole. Its concept of coordinated development not only carries on the coordinated development theory of Marxism, but also creates ways to solve the various problems cropped up in the way of China’s social development. It further puts up the concept of sustainable development on the basis of overall coordination of social development, which embodies important meanings of ecological civilization construction playing in the sustainable development of the society. It also makes the concept of scientific development more visionary in views of social progress, hence, which makes the integrated model of social development.The ecological civilization values at the realization of the sustainable development of human and society, which is on the basis of the harmonious human-nature unity. The view of ecological harmony is the fundamental view of the harmonious relationship between human and nature. The theoretic essence of the Marxism view of ecological harmony is to realize the harmony among nature, society and human in the coordinated development of the population production, material production and intellectual production. In China, the realization of human-nature harmony is one of the main content of the construction of socialist harmonious society. In the development of socialism market economy, making fully good use of the advantages of the system of socialism and overcoming the ecological problem brought by market economy are important ways to solve the present ecological problem and realize harmonious human-nature development.As the constructive activity to realize the harmonious development of human and nature, ecological civilization is not only the effective way to realize harmonious human-nature relationship and construct an ecological harmonious society, but also the basic demand of realizing the harmonious development between man and man, man and society. Therefore, we should construct the strategic choices to develop an ecological harmonious society based on the basic demands of an ecological harmonious society and China’s present situation. These strategies include:“zero increase or minus increase of population”strategy; the strategy of developing a powerful nation through technology, education and people of talent; the strategy of times increase of the usage rate of resources; the investment strategies of natural resources and ecological environment. In aspect of the relationship between the ecological harmony and social harmony, ecological harmony is the natural basis of realizing social harmony which is the premise and an important social guarantee of the realization of ecological harmony. They both compose the basic content of socialist harmonious society. Therefore, it is of great theoretic and practical importance for coordinating all kinds of relations of interests between man and man and constructing ecological harmonious society to recognize correctly the relationship between partial interests and interests of the whole, harmony and competition, balance and self-interest.

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