

A Restudy of the Han-Wei Transition: The Prince-Minister Relationship and the Writing of History

【作者】 徐冲

【导师】 阎步克;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文在皇帝权力结构转换的视角之下,以君臣关系与历史书写为具体的切入点,对于“汉魏革命”进行了深入考察。本论文择取了汉末魏初的四起政治事件:建安年间许都献帝朝廷所出现的“侍中尚书”;魏王曹丕在代汉建魏前夕旌表包括东汉后期的“逸民”在内的“二十四贤”;延康元年汉献帝对于曹丕的“禅让”;黄初三年魏文帝曹丕在册立皇后郭氏之前五天所发布的“甲午诏书”。这四起事件又分别对应着皇帝权力结构下君臣关系中的四个基础层面:皇帝与中央朝廷官员之间的关系、皇帝与地方被统治者之间的关系、本朝开国皇帝与前朝皇帝之间的关系、皇帝与皇后/太后/外戚等家人之间的关系。通过对于这四起政治事件及其所对应君臣关系的深入考察与分析,我们皆可看到曹魏的皇帝权力结构与汉代的皇帝权力结构作为两种对立的秩序构造而存在。而这种皇帝权力结构上的对立,在各自时代之纪传体王朝史的相关书写差异上也多有体现。汉魏间皇帝权力结构的上述转换,对应着如下历史进程:自东汉后期至于曹魏初期,秉持儒学意识形态的士人群体,以其在地方政治中所实践的“第二次君臣关系”为蓝本,在对汉代皇帝权力结构的反对与改造中,再构筑了新型的皇帝权力结构。

【Abstract】 Proceeding from the prince-minister relationship and the writing of history, this dissertation researches into the comprehensive Han-Wei transition under a sight of the changing of imperial power structure.This dissertation captures four significant political events to develop its discussion, which happened in the period from the end of Han dynasty to the beginning of Cao Wei dynasty:1. in the period of Jianan建安,the official called shizhongshangshu侍中尚书was established in Han Xiandi’s regime at Xudu许都;2. on the eve of the establishment of Wei dynasty, Cao Pi, King of Wei commended‘Ershisixian’二十四贤(twenty-four worthies), including‘yimin’逸民(the hermits) of the late Eastern Han dynasty;3. in Yankang延康1(220), Han Xiandi abdicated the imperial throne to Cao Pi, King of Wei ;4. in Huangchu黄初3(222), Cao Pi,Wei Wendi issued a edict, known as Jiawu-edict甲午诏书,five days before he installed Guoshi郭氏as the Empress.These four political events respectively corresponded to four essential aspects of the prince-minister relationship under the imperial power structure: 1. the relationship between an emperor and the officials at the central;2. the relationship between an emperor and the governed in the local;3. the relationship between the founding emperor of a new dynasty and the former dynasty;4. the relationship between an emperor and his relatives, such as empress, dowager empress and their family members.By means of the discussions and analysis of the four political events and four aspects of the prince-minister relationship, the dissertation comes to the conclusion that the Cao Wei’s imperial power structure and the Han’s existed as two opposed orders and constitutions. Some differences of the writing of history between Cao Wei and Han also show the opposition of the two imperial power structures.The transition of the imperial power structure from Han to Cao Wei corresponds with the following historical course: based on the secondary prince-minister relationship practiced in the local politics, the Han imperial power structure was reconstructed into a new one by Confucian scholar-officials during the late Eastern Han and the early Cao Wei.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】K234.2;K236.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2260

