

A Study on the Emperors’ Information Channels in Song Dynasty

【作者】 王化雨

【导师】 邓小南;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对宋代宫廷建筑布局、章奏处理过程、君臣奏对、以及特定政治群体等多方面因素的分析,论述了当时皇帝收集、处理信息的过程,并在此基础上对宋代皇权的运行方式进行了更细致的考察。宫廷的建筑布局,以及各个通进机构在其中的具体位置,在一定程度上决定着不同信息渠道的特点和各自在政治运行中能发挥的功能。本文自在北宋宫城中具有重要地位,但较少受到研究者关注的内东门出发进行讨论,指出空间位置上“密迩禁中”,是内东门最重要的特点。正因此门具有这样一种位置,宋代帝王经常利用它来获取一些不能或不便通过常规通进渠道获取的机要信息或敏感信息。通过将内东门与其它通进机构进行对比,我们可以看出当时的帝王是如何结合具体的建筑空间,利用多元信息渠道来“防范壅蔽”的。皇帝与宰辅大臣的关系,往往决定着政局的走向。而政治信息处理过程,又影响着两者关系的形成和发展。本文以宋代政治信息的主要载体——章奏文书为切入点,讨论了皇帝和宰辅各自在通进、降出、覆奏、留中等章奏处理环节中发挥的作用,以及彼此之间发生的关联。通过章奏处理,可以看出,在宋代,皇帝日渐走到了政务处理的前台,而宰辅则逐渐成为皇帝处理政务的助手,二者在政务运行中形成了较前代更为紧密的协作关系。但另一方面,出于各自的利益考量,双方又不时围绕着信息进行着政治博弈。皇帝个人信息处理能力的不足,是双方合作的基础,也是博弈得以形成的关键。君臣奏对是臣僚向皇帝呈报信息的重要途径。本文通过宋代一种较为特殊的奏对活动——经筵,来考察奏对制度与君臣交流的关系。与转对、轮对等常规奏对相比,经筵在各方面的限制较少,同时具有更为宽松的氛围。利用经筵,皇帝可以弥补常规奏对的某些不足,更为有效地获取信息。同时,在经筵活动中特殊的交流方式,还使得君臣双方体现出一种与平日相比,更为亲近平等的关系。在信息收集活动中,宋代皇帝经常对宦官等“侧近”私人委以重任。利用宦官等“侧近”,皇帝在外廷官僚集团之外,开辟了一个易于为自己掌控,便捷隐秘的信息来源,有助于自己更有效地周知外事。在任用宦官的同时,皇帝也利用外廷官员对其加以防范。在很多政务的处理中,皇帝都是同时通过内臣与外官来收集信息的。而内臣与外官的“异论相搅”,在拓展了君主信息来源的同时,也增大了其判断信息真伪的难度。能否合理地对信息加以辨析,不仅取决于君主的政治能力,更取决于他对待信息的态度和动机。

【Abstract】 This dissertation concentrates on the information collection and operation for the emperors in Song Dynasty by analyzing of the distribution of buildings in royal court, the operation on the reports, the liege Zou-dui奏对, and particular political groups. On the basis of these analyses, the author aims to study further on the operation of the imperial power in Song Dynasty.The distribution of buildings in royal court and the location of all the delivering departments in the royal court, determined the features of different information channels and functions in the political operation. In the first part of the dissertation, the author discusses Nei dong men内东门(The inner east gate). The gate was very significant in Northern Song, but few researchers pay attention to this issue. The author points out that the special position was the most significant feature of Nei-dong-men内东门(The inner east gate). In view of the position of the gate, the emperors in Northern Song Dynasty often used the gate to get confidential information whcih could not be got through common channels. Contrasting Nei-dong-men and other delivering departments, the author argues how the emperors prevented themselves from being cheated through the distribution of buildings and multiple information channels.The relationship between the emperors and the chief and assisting councilors宰辅(zai-fu) determined the trends of the political situation. On the other hand, the operation of political information affected the formation and development of that relationship. In the second part, the author discusses how the emperors and the chief and assisting councilors宰辅(zai-fu) played their own role in the operation of the reports. In view of the operation of the reports, the author argues that the emperors of Song Dynasty gradually operated the government affairs in person with the assistance of the chief and assisting councilors宰辅(zai-fu), and they had closer co-operation in the operation of government affairs than anterior dynasties. On the other hand, they often had political struggles on the information. The co-operation and the struggles were both on the basis of the emperors’lack of abilities to operate the information.The Zou-dui奏对was significant for the officials. In the third part of this dissertation, the author studies on the relationship between the Zoudui奏对system and the liege communication by analyzing of a special Zou-dui奏对----Jing-yan经筵. Constructed with the common Zou-dui奏对such as Zhuan-dui转对and Lun-dui轮对, Jing-yan经筵got less restriction and freer atmosphere. In order to get information efficiently, the emperors used Jing-yan经筵to remedy defects in the common Zou-dui奏对. Moreover, the special communication way in Jing-yan经筵made a closer and more equal liege relationship than usual.In the fourth part, the author discusses the eunuch chiefly. When collecting information, the emperors in Song Dynasty often appointed heavy tasks to the eunuch and other private groups. In order to know the outside situation efficiently, the emperors established an easily controlled and secret information channel through them. While appointing the eunuch, the emperor guarded them through the officials. In most cases, the emperors collected information through all of them. For the emperor, the struggles between the eunuch and the officials expanded the information sources and made the judgment of the reliability of information more difficult.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1722

