

【作者】 谢萌

【导师】 邱振中;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文是对明末清初书法家王铎艺术思想的研究。本文分三个部分。第一部分先总结了晚明南北方思想界的差异。然后通过对王铎关系密切的地方先贤的考证,指出王铎思想的来源是北方阳明心学。王铎祖上和阳明学在河洛(河南洛阳一带)地区重要的传人尤时熙、孟化鲤有很密切的关系。王铎青年时代所在的河洛地区正是阳明学北传兴盛的时候,孟化鲤、吕维祺等人的讲学活动在当地有很大影响。王铎也受这一思潮的影响,并追认孟化鲤为精神导师。如此,王铎就将自己纳入北方阳明学谱系中。王铎的思想主要是阳明心学,接近东林党和刘宗周的对阳明的修正派。而在晚年,王铎有向道教思想的转变。第二部分论述了王铎艺术思想的心学根源。围绕着“活”的审美精神,阳明心学在这一点上从伦理学进入美学。这一部分分析了王铎“活”的美学精神的几个方面:妙悟、禅和虚。第三部分论述了王铎艺术思想在文学、书法、绘画等艺术领域的具体表现。王铎在文学内容上追求奇怪、在形式上追求神变,这些风格追求都是“活”的心体的发用,是阳明心学思想在艺术领域的表现。王铎在书法上注重结构的变化和视觉效果,以及他在绘画上注重丘壑的变化,是相对于董其昌为首的以笔法(笔墨)为中心的艺术观的另一种思路。这种思路注重书法和绘画的视觉性,在结构形式上的想象力使我们看到了新的书法的可能性。

【Abstract】 This thesis is mainly about the artistic thought of the famous calligraphy artist Wang Duo who lived from late Ming Dynasty to the Early Qing Dynasty. And the thesis is divided into three parts.The first part of the thesis has summarized the difference of intellectual crowd between South and North during late Ming Dynasty at first. Then by describing the close relation between the local sages with Wang Duo, pointing out that Yangming Theory from North was an important source of Wang Duo’s thought. Famous successors of Yangming Theory in He-luo area (Luoyang of Henan) such as You Shixi and Meng Huali, had close relation with Wang Duo’s ancestors. Yangming Theory was propagating northwards in He-luo area where Wang Duo resided during his nonage, and the lectures by Meng Huali, Lu Weiqi, et al. made great influence then. Wang Duo was influenced by this ideological trend too, and he even regarded Meng Huali as his own spiritual tutor.In this way, Wang Duo was in the pedigree of North Yangming Theory afterward. The thought of Wang Duo mainly came from Confucianism in Yangming Theory, and familiar with the thought of Donglin Party and Liu Zongzhou who had revised Yangming Theory. While in his late years, Wang Duo tended to turn to Taoism.The author expounded the origin of Wang Duo’s aesthetics from Yangming Theory of Mind in part two. Wang Duo pursued the aesthetic taste of "vividness", in this point he had extended Yangming Theory of Mind into Aesthetics field from ethics field. Several aspects of his aesthetics should be regarded: Savvy, Zen and Vanity.Wang Duo’s aesthetics can be seen in the fields of literature, calligraphy, and painting, etc.. These concrete appearances have been discussed in the third part. In content, he favored strange and weird things; and in form, what he pursued was miracle. All these aesthetic ideals can be seen as the application of "vividness", as well as the visualization of Yangming Theory of Mind in art field.As to the calligraphy, Wang Duo paid attention to the changes of structure and visual effects. Therefore, he emphasized the changes of mounds in painting. Artistic view of the artists group headed by Dong Qichang regarded the technique of calligraphy as most important, contrary to this, Wang Duo’s aesthetics took a different view that he attached importance to the visuality of calligraphy and painting. This kind of imaginary faculty of structure and form shows a brand new possibility of calligraphy.

【关键词】 王铎艺术思想阳明学书法艺术
【Key words】 WangduoArtistic ThoughtThe School of YangmingCalligraphyArt
  • 【分类号】J292.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】955

