

【作者】 张雯

【导师】 王宏建;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 清代杨柳青《红楼梦》年画作为《红楼梦》原著的接受者,形成了一部与《红楼梦》文字相对的《红楼梦》形象资料。这部以《红楼梦》原著为参照载体的形象作品,不仅保留了对原著的忠实摹写,而且存在对之刻意“误读”与“重构”之处。不仅展示了自身的独特与创新,而且呈现出对中国传统画种的继承与发展。清代杨柳青《红楼梦》年画曾在民间产生巨大的文化效应。在具体的影响方面,它曾一度为人物画、花鸟画、界丽等中国传统画科的延承与发展,提供了充足的空间。从抽象角度分析,它通过对原著的“接受”与“重构”方式,无形中实现了《红楼梦》这部文学名著在几种不同文化形态的转换,比如,杨柳青《红楼梦》年画使《红楼梦》原著文本这种“语言文化”向“图像视觉文化”转换;它特有普及与传播效应,又使《红楼梦》原著文本的接受群体从知识文人向普通大众扩延,进而促成了《红楼梦》“精英文化”形态向“大众文化”形态的转换。在这些文化形态转化的过程中,杨柳青《红楼梦》图像对《红楼梦》原著文本意义既存在互补作用,又产生了对其意义的冲击,以其巨大的渗透民间的力量,影响和改造着民间对于《红楼梦》原著的认知。本文从清代杨柳青《红楼梦》年画与《红楼梦》原著的关系,以及清代杨柳青《红楼梦》年画与文人创作《红楼梦》插图的比较等角度,对杨柳青《红楼梦》年画人物的服饰选择、清代杨柳青《红楼梦》年画对原著的接受与重构、清代杨柳青《红楼梦》年画对中国传统画科的继承发展和对不同文化形态转换效应进行解读,以求对清代杨柳青《红楼梦》年画的历史面貌与价值作出更为全面的阐释。

【Abstract】 The YangLiuqing New Year Painting of ’Red Mansion’ in Qing Dynasty, as the accepter of the original work of the ’Red Mansion’, constitutes the visualizing data against the letter data of the ’Red Mansion’. These visualizing data, refer to the original work of the ’Red Mansion’, not only reserve the loyal counterdraw to the original work, but also behave the intented ’Misreading’ and ’reengineering’ to the original work, and bring forth their own speciality and innovation as well as take on the inheriting and developping to the subjects of the Chinese traditional painting.The YangLiuqing New Year Painting of ’Red Mansion’ in Qing Dynasty had brought large culture effect in the folk. Concretely speaking, They had created a plenteous space for the inheriting and developping to the subjects of the Chinese traditional painting such as portrait painting, flower-bird painting, measured painting and so on. Based on abstractly analysing, taking the ’accepting’ and ’reengineering’ to the original work, The YangLiuqing New Year Painting of ’Red Mansion’ in Qing Dynasty unconsciously realized the literature masterpiece ’Red Mansion’ to transform among the several different cultural form. For example, they transformed the letter ’language culture’ of the original work of the ’Red Mansion’ into ’image-vision culture’, which has strong effect to popularize and spread abroad, with the result to extend the the letter-language acceptors of the original work of the ’Red Mansion’ into general people from literators, and tranform the ’essential people culture’ of the ’Red Mansion’into ’general people culture’.In the view of comparing The YangLiuqing New Year Painting of ’Red Mansion’ in Qing Dynasty with the original work of the ’Red Mansion’, and comparing ’The YangLiuqing New Year Painting of ’Red Mansion’ in Qing Dynasty with the illustrating pictures of ’Red Mansion’ painted by the literators, this paper unscramble ’The YangLiuqing New Year Painting of ’Red Mansion’ in Qing Dynasty’ on the clothes choosing, the accepting and reengineering to the original work of the ’Red Mansion’, the inheriting and developping to the subjects of the Chinese traditional paintings, and the effects to transform the different culture form, with the purpose to explain more comprehensively about the historical characters and historical value of The YangLiuqing New Year Painting of ’Red Mansion’ in Qing Dynasty.

  • 【分类号】J218.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1153

