

Research and Application on CHOPS (Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand) Technology

【作者】 刘立平

【导师】 任战利;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 油气田地质与开发, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 我国有丰富的稠油资源,稠油年产量达1300×10~4t以上,稠油产量占全国原油总产量的10%,是世界上四大稠油生产国之一。吉林稠油资源量也非常丰富,主要分布在松辽盆地南部的西部斜坡区内,二次资源评价,西部斜坡区资源量4.87×10~8t,三次资源评价区带可探明资源量1.41×10~8t,由于投入原因,于1999年在套保地区只提交探明石油地质储量2046×10~4t,面积14km~2,松辽盆地西部斜坡区具有巨大的稠油勘探开发前景。在开发动用方面,目前国内稠油油藏开发主要采取注蒸汽方式,普遍面临着采油成本过高的严峻挑战。特别是西部斜坡的套保稠油具有油层薄(3-10m)、埋藏浅(280-320m)、隔夹层薄且疏松不成岩、边底水特别活跃等不利因素,因此在先期研究和试验过程中,遇到了常规采油产量低、热采效益差、底层水上窜等难题,没有获得高效益开发的突破,矿场试验过程中,由于不利地质因素所造成开发难度极大,国内外同类油田又没有成功开采先例。但是,稠油资源能否有效动用,对提高吉林套保资源利用率、实现增储上产具有深远意义。为了使套保稠油资源能够有效动用,我们对油藏地质与开发工艺进行了研究,在油藏地质上,开展了油层对比、沉积微相、构造特征及构造发育史研究、储层特性研究、流体物性、储量状况等研究。在工程技术上开展了稠油普通采油试验区的研究、热力采油试验区的研究、稠油出砂冷采试验区的研究及防止底层水上窜油层防水技术等研究工作。针对套保稠油开发的工程技术难题,在对国内外资料进行调研的基础上,将地质与工艺相结合,室内试验与矿场试验相结合,经过五年时间的研究与试验,解决了吉林稠油油藏开发工艺技术三大主要难题:一是解决了薄浅层稠油油藏有效开发方式问题,经过近五年艰苦的试验确定出砂冷采方式为最佳开采方式;二是解决了底层水上窜油层难题,采用国内八种固井办法和不打开油水层间隔层(开采90%以上地质储量)方法试验,最终选择不钻穿隔层定深完钻技术,从根本上解决了底层水上窜这一“瓶颈”问题;三是采用大孔径、高孔密射孔工艺技术和保持油井高产稳产的激励出砂工艺技术现场试验研究,使单井产能提高为普通采油10倍以上(有的井甚至提高到20~30倍以上),是热力采油4.5倍以上,突破了产能关,有着非常好的经济效益。在套保稠油油藏出砂冷采工艺技术方面取得了五个创新点:一是有效的解决了薄浅层稠油油藏有效益开发方式问题;经过三种开发方式的试验确定了出砂冷采为吉林套保稠油油藏最佳开发方式。二是优化确定出适应出砂冷采高效射孔技术的各项技术参数,这是出砂冷采技术关键。三是开发出了大孔径、高孔密射孔工艺技术和保持油井高产稳产的激励出砂技术。四是解决了底层水上窜油层难题,总结出防止底层水上窜油层的避水开发定深完钻工艺技术。五是形成了一整套适合套保含砂稠油独特的地面油气集输、脱水、洗砂及油砂处理模式。套保稠油油藏出砂冷采工艺技术应用推广前景非常广阔,2006年到2007年采用此项技术投产54口井,平均单井日产油8.2t/d,单井产量大幅度提高,有60%的井单井产量达到10t/d以上。最高产量达到30t/d,折算成千米井深产量达15~60t/d。生产四个月累产油量为常规冷采产量的10倍,是蒸汽吞吐产量的4.5倍。稠油开发技术的成熟加快了西部斜坡的勘探开发进程。套保地区总体规划8个区块共部署开发井880口井,动用面积43km~2,动用地质储量3348×10~4t,年建产能56×10~4t,近期优选了3个区块,部署开发井123口井,建产能16.47×10~4t。该技术还可以在国内外同类稠油开发应用推广。采用该技术取得了可观的经济效益,仅54口井累计实现利润12581万元,其中今年建产能16.47×10~4t,当年产油13.2×10~4t,年创利润11655.7万元,比上年增加利润11293.6万元。

【Abstract】 Heavy oil resource is abundant in China. Annual production of heavy oil is more than 1300*10~4 tons, account for 10% of total oil production in China. China is one of the four heavy oil producers in the world. Heavy oil resource is very rich in Jilin Province, which mainly located in western slope of southern Songliao Basin. OOIP (original oil in place) of western slope is 4.83 * 10~8 tons according to secondary resource assessment. Proved OOP is 1.41 * 10~8 tons in tertiary resource assessment zones. Submitted proved OOIP was only 2046 * 10~4 tons in Taobao oilfield. There are great prospective in exploration and development in western slope of Songliao Basin.At present, development fashion of domestic heavy oil reservoirs is mainly steam huff and puff recovery, with serious challenges of high cost. Specially, Taobao oilfield in western slope of Southern Songliao Basin has factors of thin pay zone (3-10 meters), shallow burial depth (280-320meters), thin barriers and interlayers, unconsolidated sandstone, active bottom water and edge water, and other unfavorable features. So, in the prophase of research and test, the difficulties are low production rate of convention cold heavy oil production, poor thermal recovery profit and upward breakthrough of bottom water and lateral water, and so on. Field tests of heavy oil development are very difficult due to unfavorable geologic features, without examples of successful development in the reservoirs with same geologic characteristics in domestic and abroad. High efficiency development of heavy oil reservoirs in Jilin Daobao oilfield has great significance in enhancing resource utilization ratio and increasing reserves and production rate.In order to develop efficiently the heavy oil resource in Daobao oilfield, we engaged the research to the oil reservoir geology and the development technology, in reservoirs geology, developing the research of pay zone correlation, depositional tiny facies, structural characteristics and structural developing history, reservoir bed characteristics, fluid property, reserves situation, in technological aspect, developing the research of cold heavy oil development test blocks, thermal recovery blocks, CHOPS blocks, preventing upward breakthrough of bottom water, and so on.Against the engineering and technical difficulties in Daobao heavy oil development, on the basis of research in the domestic and international research data, geological and technology were combined , the laboratory and field test were combined, after five years of research and testing, the three main problems have been solved by adopting CHOPS technology in Jilin heavy oil reservoir. Firstly, high-efficient development fashion problem in the special thin heavy oil reservoirs with shallow depth is solved. CHOPS technology has been determined as the optimum development fashion through 5 years trial field tests; secondly, upward channeling problem of bottom water has been solved. Drilling technology at certain depth completion without drilling through barriers has been selected finally,which is based on 8 advanced cementing techniques at home and abroad and drilling tests without drilling interlayer between oil reservoirs and aquifers (exploitation more than 90% OOIP), the bottleneck problem of upward channeling of bottom water has been basically solved; thirdly, productivity breakthrough has been carried out, perforation technology with large diameter, high density, sand stimulation technology that can keep oil well high and stable production rate is adopted. Productivity of individual well can be increased by 10 times of that of conventional cold production methods(sometimes 20-30 times in some wells), and 5 times of that of thermal recovery. Productivity breakthrough has been carried out. CHOPS has very great profit.There are five technical innovation points in CHOPS technology in Jilin heavy oil reservoir.First, the difficulty in developing the thin shallow heavy oil reservoir has been solved. By three development test mode, CHOPS is confirmed the optimum development methods in Jilin Daobao heavy oil reservoir.Second, all kinds of the technical parameters of high efficient perforation technology that suit CHOPS technology have been optimized and confirmed.Third, Developed the perforation technology with large perforation diameter and high perforation density, and the sand stimulation technology maintained production rate or increased production rate.Fourth, Solved the problem of upward channeling of bottom water, Summed up the development drilling technology at certain depth completion in order to prevent upward channeling of bottom water.Fifth, a series of unique surface oil and gas gathering technology of viscous sandy heavy oil in Taobao oilfield, dehydration, sand washing and treatment process of sandy heavy oil have been put forward.CHOPS technology has wide application potential in Daobao heavy oil reservoir. Matched development technologies have been adopted in 54 wells from 2006 to 2007. Daily production rate of individual well enhanced greatly, average daily production rate of individual well is 8.2 tons, daily production rate of individual well of 60% wells were more than 10 tons, the highest daily production rate of individual well is 30 tons. Equivalent daily production rate is 15-16 tons per one thousand well depths. Four-month cumulative production is 10 times of that of conventional cold production, 4.5 times of that of steam huff and puff recovery.Mature heavy oil development technologies speed up the process of exploration and development of western slope. There are 880 development wells, with producing area of 43 km~2, producing OOIP of 3348*10~4 tons in 8 blocks in Taobao oilfield. Annual productivity is 16.47*10~4 tons. CHOPS technology can be widely applied and promoted in heavy oil reservoirs with the same geologic features at home and abroad.Great economic benefit has been achieved by adopting CHOPS technology. Cumulative profit is 1.2581 billion Yuan. Productivity is 16.47*10~4 tons. Oil production rate is 13.2*10~4 tons. Annual profit is 1.16557 billion Yuan, increasing 1.2936 billion Yuan profit than that of last year.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】TE345
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】624

