

【作者】 魏宏利

【导师】 韩理洲;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 碑志文作为一种重要的志墓文体在历史上曾经被广泛的使用,传统的碑志研究一直属于金石学的范畴,研究的思路大多以证“史”为主,对于碑志文学特性的探讨则相对较少。北朝碑志作为中国古代碑志发展中的一个重要阶段,具有承上启下的历史作用,本文即尝试从“文”的角度对其创作进行全面的梳理和总结,论文由四个部分构成:第一部分是对北朝碑志创作基本情况的概述;其中,首先探讨了北朝碑志的源流及其历史地位,接着对北朝碑志创作的时代背景进行了分析,最后简要分析了北朝碑志创作的不同阶段及其特点。第二部分是对北朝碑志思想内容所作的讨论;论文分别从家族观念、忠孝观念、事功观念以及生死观念等四个方面对北朝碑志的思想世界进行深入探讨和分析。第三部分是对北朝碑志的文体研究;论文借鉴现代文体学的概念分别就北朝碑志文体的体制、题材内容、语体以及表现方式作了重点的讨论,这其中也包含了对北朝碑志艺术特色和语言风格所作分析。第四部分对北朝碑志的作者、材料来源等问题进行了初步地探讨。庾信作为北朝的碑志大家,其创作实践对后世影响深远,这一章也辟专节对其创作经验予以了分析总结。

【Abstract】 As an important style in the china history, epitaph had been widespread used. Traditional epitaph study has been belong to the scope of the sphragistics, study means give priority to prove "history", at the same time the study for literature characteristic relatively less. As an important development phase in ancient China history, the Northern Dynasties epitaph act as a connecting link between the preceding and the following. Be dead against the Northern Dynasties epitaph the, the paper tries to comprehensively review and analyze form literary viewpoint. The papers from four components:First, the paper outlines the basic status of the Northern Dynasties epitaph. first of all, discuss on the origins of the Northern Dynasties epitaph and the historical position, and then analyze the creation background of the Northern Dynasties epitaph, finally briefly analyses the different stages and characteristics of the Northern Dynasties epitaph.Second, the papers discuss the ideological content about the Northern Dynasties epitaph. The discourse deeply explores and studies the idea of the Northern Dynasties epitaph from four aspect, such as, the family concept, the"loyalty"and"filial piety" ideas, the Utilitarian ideas, along with the concepts of life and death. Third, the papers make researches on the style of the Northern Dynasties epitaph. Use for reference the concept of modern stylistics, the papers discuss four aspect problems, the system, subject content, type of writing and expression fashion, which also contains the artistic features and language style.Fourthly, the papers accomplish some pilot studies on other some important problem, such as, author identity, literature derivation etc. Yu Xin, as the great master of the Northern Dynasties epitaph, his writing bring far-reaching impact on future generations, the papers also designedly analyzed and summarized his write practice.

【关键词】 北朝碑志文体作者材料来源
【Key words】 Northern DynastiesepitaphstyleAuthorSource material
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】K877.42
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】910

