

The Stripping and Integrating Study of Heritage Community

【作者】 李连璞

【导师】 惠泱河; 曹明明;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 历史文化名村的多维属性特征决定了其是一个矛盾集聚的对象,发展中伴随着遗产保护、旅游开发和聚落发展之间的矛盾。论文采用中观尺度,选取7个历史文化名村为研究对象,从困境入手,以属性剥离为切入点,按“整体—个案—整体”的框架展开研究,试图对历史文化名村的属性进行剥离和整合,探寻其矛盾的形成机理、表现形式与释放途径,以矛盾的求解达到属性整合的目的,指出其可持续发展的突围之路。论文的主要研究工作包括:首先,提出旅游发展是解决聚落属性发展和遗产属性保护之间矛盾的桥梁,由此引出了旅游发展和遗产保护的矛盾以及旅游发展和聚落发展之间的矛盾;采用“市场吸引力-坚固性”双指标,模糊数学方法计算历史文化名村的可持续旅游发展的潜力,通过“M-R”状况矩阵对其要素组合状态进行了分类,理想型及良性转化可能性的存在,证明了旅游发展和遗产保护之间相互依存的关系。其次,提出旅游发展的层次性是历史文化名村聚落、遗产和旅游属性整体性的集中表现,依此构建了评价旅游可持续发展现状的指标体系,用因子分析法计算了7个历史文化名村的旅游可持续发展现状,对现状和潜力进行组合,在“S-P”状况矩阵中按其组合状态将历史文化名村可持续发展分为强同步型、弱同步型、强错位型和弱错位型四种类型,强同步型及良性转化路径的存在,证明了聚落属性、遗产属性和旅游资源属性的整合是可行的。第三,提出旅游发展是解决历史文化名村面临的多种矛盾的突破口,依此勾画了“旅游发展模式层次—递进模型”,表达出历史文化名村在向高级类型转变过程中需要解决的主要目的和任务,用“P-E-D”指数辨别出不同“S-P”组合状态应采取的旅游发展模式,依此达到旅游的可持续发展,解决了不同阶段面临的主要矛盾,达到了历史文化名村属性整合的目的。第四,提出合理的旅游发展模式是解决不同类型历史文化名村发展与保护矛盾的关键,在此基础上指出:弱同步型应采用保护型旅游发展模式,弱错位型应采用社区参与型旅游发展模式,强同步型应采用城镇化旅游发展模式。论文最后指出:“有效保护”与“合理开发”相结合战略,“以人为本”的战略,“文化主线”战略,“数字化”战略以及申报“世界文化遗产”战略是历史文化名村的战略选择。论文的主要结论有以下几点:(1)历史文化名村具有聚落、遗产和旅游资源等多维属性特征。其中聚落属性是本质属性,遗产属性是附生属性,旅游资源属性是衍生属性,遗产属性和旅游资源属性的追加具有时间维特征,是历史的产物;不同的属性对应不同的价值,聚落属性对应自在价值、遗产属性对应存在价值、旅游资源属性对应经济价值,不同的价值对应有不同的利益相关者,他们对历史文化名村的价值取向不同。(2)历史文化名村是遗产属性保护和聚落属性发展、旅游资源属性开发和遗产属性的保护、以及旅游资源属性开发和聚落属性发展之间矛盾的集结体。这三个矛盾在历史文化名村发展过程中扮演不同的角色,解决矛盾的过程就是促使旅游可持续发展的过程,也就是历史文化名村可持续发展的过程。(3)历史文化名村可持续发展包含三层含义:遗产属性的可持续保护、旅游资源属性的可持续开发以及聚落属性的可持续发展,三者存在相互协调、相互促进的理想模式,理想模式的实现途径不同。(4)根据“市场吸引力—坚固性模型”以及“M-R”状况组合矩阵,可以将历史文化名村旅游可持续发展潜力分为四种类型:理想型、保护型、开发型和危险型。组合状态类型及其转化的可能性证明了旅游资源属性和遗产属性整合的可能性与可行性。(5)依据历史文化名村旅游可持续发展现状及存在的制约因素,采用“S-P状况矩阵”分析法,可以将历史文化名村旅游可持续发展状态分为四种类型。即强同步型、弱同步型、强错位型和弱错位型。类型之间存在多种转化可能性,可以分为正转化路径和负转化路径。(6)应用“旅游发展模式层次—递进模型”,证明了不同类型历史文化名村其旅游发展的目的和任务不同,因此需要用不同的旅游发展模式。通过“P-E-D”指数辨别,指出弱同步型应采用保护型旅游发展模式,弱错位型应采用社区参与型旅游发展模式,强同步型应采用城镇化型旅游发展模式。(7)有效保护与合理开发相结合战略,“以人为本”的战略,“文化主线”战略,“数字化”战略以及申报“世界文化遗产”战略是历史文化名村的突围之路。

【Abstract】 Based on its multidimensional attributes, historical and cultural village is considered as a contradiction group, and with its development accompanied by the contradiction between heritage protection, tourism exploitation and the development of the village. This study attempted to stripping and integration its attribute, and then point out the breakthrough way of sustainable development.In this paper, seven historical and cultural villages are chosen for study in Meso-scale. Starting form the plight, and cutting in with stripping its attribute, this paper outspreads according to the "overall - case - overall" framework study, then explore its root of conflict, find a solution and finally attributes to the purpose of integration.In accordance with the cycle mode of "question No.1 - assume solving questionNo.1 - raise question No.2 - solve question No.2...... solve question No.1 ", thearticle put forward the view that tourism development is act as a bridge in solving the contradictions between property development and the protection of heritage properties, and at the same time leads to the contradiction between tourism development and heritage protection as well as between the development of tourism development and settlements. Using the "attractiveness - strength of the market" indicators and fuzzy math method, the paper calculated the sustainable potential of the development of tourism of historical and cultural village, classifies its elements’ combination through the "M-R" situation matrix, the existence of an ideal type and transformation possibility proves the interdependence between tourism development and heritage protection; establishes a index system about sustainable development of tourism, valuates the situation of sustainable development of the seven historical and cultural villages using factor analysis method, combines its status and potential with "S-P" situation matrix, and disport the sustainable development into four kinds: strong synchronous, weak synchronous, strong-dislocation and weak-dislocation. The existence of strong synchronous and its benign transportation prove the possibility of integration of attributes between village heritage and travel resources. The paper sketches an "arrangement-progressive mode of travel development", expresses the main goals and tasks of historical and cultural village on transforming to higher types, uses "P-E-D" index to identify which kind of tourism development model different "S-P" combination should follow to achieve sustainable tourism development, solve the principal task different stages faced, and achieve the purpose of attribute integration. The final conclusion is that weak synchronous should develop with the protection of tourism development model, the weak wrong type with community participation mode, and strong synchronous with urbanization model. Based on the strategies above, the article at last bring forward the "effective protection" and "reasonable development " integration strategy, the "people-oriented" strategy, "culture- mainline" strategy, the "digital" strategy, as well as declaring "World Heritage "strategy is historical and cultural village ’s choice to achieve the overall return.The main conclusions are as follow:(1) Historical and cultural village has the characters of village, heritage and tourism resources, and other multi-dimensional attributes. Thereinto attributes is essential, heritage properties are epiphytic, tourist resources are derived, heritage and tourism resources attributes is a product of history; different attributes corresponding different values. Settlement is to value, corresponding value of heritage properties, tourist resources attribute is to economic value, corresponding to different values of the different stakeholders, they have different value orientations.(2) Historical and cultural village is a concentration of heritage property protection and the development of village property, property development and protection, and the contradiction between the development of tourism resources and settlement attribute. The three contradictions play different roles in the development process of historical and cultural village. The ways of solving these problems are just the processes of sustainable development(3) The meaning of sustainable development based on historical and cultural village includes three meaning: the sustainable protection of heritage properties, tourist resources as well as the settlement attributes’ sustainable development. Their relationships are coordination, and promotion, but the ideal modes are achieved by different ways.(4) In accordance with the "market attractive - solid model" and "M-R" combination matrix, historical and cultural village sustainable development of tourism potential can be separated into four types: ideal, protection, developing and dangerous type . Portfolio status type and the possibility of their conversion prove the possibility and feasibility that integrate tourism resources attributes with attribute of integration .(5) Based on historical and cultural village sustainable development of tourism and the existing constraints of which, the "SP situation matrix" analysis, historical and cultural village sustainable development of tourism state will be divided into four types, that strong synchronous, weak synchronous, strong-dislocation and weak-dislocation. Exist between various types of conversion possibilities, which can be divided into positive transforming path and negative transforming path.(6) Application "Tourism development model level - progressive model" prove the different types of historical and cultural village of its different tourism development goals and its different tasks, so it was necessary to use different tourism development model. Through "PED" for the identification, pointed out that protect tourism development model should be used to weak synchronous type, community participation tourism development model should be adopted to the weak dislocation, urbanization tourism development model should be used to the strong synchronous.(7) The effective integration of protection and rational development strategy, the "people-oriented" strategy, " Culture mainline " strategy, the "digital" strategy, as well as to declare "World Cultural Heritage" strategy is famous historical and cultural villages breakout road.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期

