

On the Historical Transformation of Shanghai Law Society

【作者】 穆中杰

【导师】 王立民;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文是有关上海市法学会历史变迁的研究,共分七个部分展开论述:绪论。20世纪50年代中期,上海市法学会开始酝酿成立。经过积极努力和多方活动,上海市法学会于1956年12月30日举行了成立大会。起初,上海市法学会积极开展学术活动,发展对外交流,对上海法学乃至全国法学发展都起到积极作用。1957年6月之后,上海市法学会的正常发展不断受到严重干扰。1962年1月,上海市法学会举行第二次会员大会,选举产生了新一届理事会。1966年6月,“文革”爆发,上海市法学会停止了活动。第一章上海市法学会的活动恢复及其发展。在经济、政治、思想、文化、法制等多种因素的合力作用下,1978年8月,停止活动长达十二年之久的上海市法学会终于恢复活动,重新开始为繁荣法学研究、推进依法治国而不断努力。1979年5月,上海市法学会召开了第三次会员大会,并第二次变更会名。此后,上海市法学会又召开5次会员(代表)大会。尽管这5次会员(代表)大会是在不同的历史条件下召开的,但却有着共通之处:它们都强调坚持马克思主义的指导地位;它们都以践行繁荣法学研究,推进依法治国为主要职责;它们都结合实际情况变化,适时修改学会章程;它们都选举了新一届理事会,健全了上海市法学会组织。1984年,上海市法学会第三次变更会名。第二章上海市法学会组织机理的历史变迁。上海市法学会自恢复活动以后,无论是会员的人数还是会员的结构都处于动态变化之中。在不同的时期,上海市法学会章程关于会员入会条件与退会情形、会员权利与义务都有着不同的规定。随着社会的发展,上海市法学会的最高权力机构从会员大会发展为会员代表大会。会员代表大会代表的产生方式也在不断变迁。理事会的历史变迁主要表现为历届理事会的人数和结构的变化、理事会改选原则的变化、理事会任期和职责的变化、理事会会议召开方式的变化等方面。常务理事会和学术委员也随之发生历史变迁。在恢复活动以后,上海市法学会专业研究组织的发展经历了三个阶段:90年代以前的重建与新设、90年代的发展、新世纪的新设和重建热潮。上海市法学会在不同时期设立的专业研究组织,尽管有着不同的设立程序,但总体上来说,它们还是有着共同的规律。第三章上海市法学会社会功能的历史变迁。中国法学会成立以后,上海市法学会成为其团体会员,在业务上开始接受中国法学会的指导。中共上海市委政法委员会员会及市司法局的许多工作人员以个人身份参加到上海市法学会中去,上海市法学会享有对他们进行管理的权力。这种关系一直持续到现在。1983年以后,上海市法学会在行政隶属上归口于中共上海市委政法委员会,市司法局代为管理。上海社联与上海市法学会的关系由行政上的隶属与被隶属关系、业务上的指导与被指导关系演变为纯粹的业务上的指导与被指导关系。进入新世纪以后,上海市调整了管理上海市法学会的领导体制,明确上海市法学会由上海市委主管政法工作的领导联系,中共上海市委政法委员会管理。这些单位对上海市法学会进行了不同的双重性定位。上海市法学会在其实践活动过程中,围绕人民团体、学术团体、教育团体的属性,不断调整和发挥其社会功能。第四章上海市法学会影响路径的历史变迁。上海市法学会主办或曾经主办的法学期刊共有四个,即《法学》、《民主与法制》、《上海法学研究》、《东方法学》。它们有着诸多的共同之处和不同之处。学术活动是上海市法学会产生影响的最重要路径。自恢复活动后至1980年上半年,上海市法学会的工作主要是恢复和健全组织,初步开展学术活动。1980年下半年以后,它的学术活动进入了正常发展阶段。此外,上海市法学会在为法学研究提供服务活动、开展法制宣传教育活动同时,还通过创办法律咨询公司、举办律师事务所等营利性活动,为上海市法学会拓宽了经费来源渠道,弥补活动经费上的不足,扩大了上海市法学会的社会影响。第五章上海市法学会历史变迁中的几个问题。上海市法学会之所以发生历史变迁,是因为它有着属于自己的变迁动力。在历史变迁过程中,上海市法学会表现出如下变迁规律:上海市法学会随着共和国法治的进步而不断发展;上海市法学会的历史变迁不断体现共和国法学会组织政治统率法律的特色;专业研究组织随着共和国法学的发展而逐渐增多;上海市法学会的运作逐步向制度化、规范化发展。但是上海市法学会在历史变迁过程中也出现了亟需解决的问题。根据时代要求,上海市法学会要更好地服务于中国特色社会主义的发展,应注意坚持进行改革。结束语。通过考察上海市法学会的历史变迁,我们发现它有着旺盛的生命力,正在沿着法学学术团体的方向发展和攀登。

【Abstract】 This article is on the historical transformation of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY. It adds up to 7 sections .Introduction. SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY is a product of historical development . It rests on firm foundations of many factors . SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY was founded in December 30st ,1956 . At first , its actions focused on academic activities and foreign exchanges . They exerted positive effects on Law Of China and Shanghai . At the beginning of June 1957 , the normal development of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY was destroyed seriously . In January 1962 , the Second Council Sessions was holded . It elected Office-bearers to establish and improve its organizations . In july 1966 , the“Cultural Revolution”broke out . During the long time , SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY had to cease their activities .Chapter 1 . Reborning And Evolve Of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY. In Augest 1978 , SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY revitalized its legal activities by the application of economic , politic , thinking, culture and law at last . The Third Council Sessions was holded in May 1979 . SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY changed its names again . Since 1979 , it has holded 5 Council Sessions . These Sessions have some wavelengths . They stick to and consolidate the guiding status of Marxism . They maintain to develop the science and study of law for the rule of law . They amended the societies’constitution in accordance with their actual conditions . They elected Office-bearers to establish and improve its organizations . SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY is named in 1984 over again . From then on , it has no changed its names .Chapter 2. The Historical Transformation of organizations of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY. Since 1978 , the number of members has been moved . And the structure of members does. It has at one or another time argued both for and against in amending constitution on joining or dropouting , rights or obligation, over the past fifty years. With the times progressing and society advanceing , the greatest power in the institution system of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY has changed . The transformations of the Council displays these aspects including the principle of relection , the number and structure , the duties and basises , the conference . This holds truely in the Executive members of the Council . Since 1978 , the development on Professional Research Societies of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY has three stages : 1980’s , 1990’s , and the new century . In its history , these societies have abide by the ruels of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY .Chapter 3 . The Historical Transformation Of Social Function Of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY . After the founding of CHINA LAW SOCIETY , SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY became one of its members . From then on , it has continued to recive the suggestions of China LAW SOCIETY on the study of law for the rule of law again and again . Many functionaries in the organization on law of the Party in Shanghai and the judicial branch of the Shanghai Government are one of members of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY . As a result , SHANGHAI LAWSOCIETY has exercised strictly control them since they joined in it . In 1983 , the organization on law of the Party in Shanghai became the leade of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY . The judicial branch of the Shanghai Government manage its affairs instead of its leader . The relation changed between Shanghai Social Sciences Association and SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY . After entering the new century , the organization on law of the Party in Shanghai began to mange SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY’S affairs directly . According to the specifications of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY’S leaders , it has had two personalities from its establishment . The funtions has been adjusted and improved along with the country’s economic and social development by SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY .Chapter 4. The Historical Transformation Of The Affecting Ways Of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY . In the history of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY , it holded LAW SCIENCE and DEMOCRACY AND LAW . Now, it is holding SHANGHAI LEGAL STUDIES and EAST LEGAL . Among these magazines , they have the similarities or differences . The most one of the affecting ways is to hold some academic activities . From 1978 to the first half of 1980 , the major work of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY was restoring its organization and endeavouring to increase academic . Since the latter half of 1980 , it entered a normal period of development . Meanwhile , SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY attaches importance to promoting publicity and education in the law in our society . Besides , it made law to be machines of gaining money . But this kind of action made up for the insufficiency in study appropriations .Chapter 5 . Several Problems Of The Historical Transformation Of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY . This historical transformation was attributed to motive forces of its own development . In the history of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY , it makes apparently laws of social development . With China’s development in the Legal System , SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY keeps moving forward . It constantly reflects the characteristic of the intimate relations between potics and legal on CHINA LAW SOCIETY and Local LAW SOCIETY . The number of Professional Research Societies of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY is building up nicely . SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY concentrates on institutional improvement and ensures that it is institutionalized and standardized . For promoting SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY’s develomment , A lot of problems remain to be solved . SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY must adhere to reform for building socialism with Chinese characteristics with our society .The Conclusion . Through the study of the historical transformation of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY , we find that it still keeps the memorial hall a dynamic attraction . Now , it is just forward developed along the road of the study of law .


