

【作者】 郭为禄

【导师】 王立民;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自1978年以来,中国波澜壮阔的改革开放实践,谱写了中华民族自强不息、顽强奋进的新的壮丽史诗,中国的面貌发生了历史性变化。在改革开放的历史进程中,中国的高等教育从混乱状态走向有序发展,从精英教育跨入大众化教育阶段,并开始了从高等教育大国向高等教育强国迈进的伟大征程。在改革开放的历史进程中,中国的高等教育逐步进入法治化建设的轨道,并不断向前发展。认识中国高等教育法制建设的进程,是认识中国高等教育发展的一个视角,也是认识中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业的一个视角,对于理解中国社会主义法制建设轨迹、把握社会主义法制建设的规律具有重要意义。本文的研究以回顾总结新中国高等教育法制建设的基本历程为切入点。改革开放前的28年间,中国在探索社会主义道路上经历了曲折的发展历程,这一历程是改革开放的历史背景,也是逻辑起点。新中国成立以后,我国初步探索建立了高等教育法制,确立了高等教育的社会主义性质和方向,确立了中国共产党对高等教育的领导权,并逐步建立了一套高度集中统一的高等教育管理制度,推动了高等教育的恢复和发展。在遭受了“文化大革命”的严重破坏之后,中国的高等教育法制几近空白。中共十一届三中全会以后,以市场经济为取向的改革开放,建立法治社会不仅成为经济发展的客观要求,也逐步成为包括高等教育在内的整个社会发展的价值诉求,正是在这样的宏大历史背景下,我国高等教育法制建设进入了新的历史时期。在经历了改革开放初期的复苏之后,高等教育法制建设全面启动、展开、推进,逐步构建形成了以《宪法》和《教育法》为主要依据,以《高等教育法》为中心,高等教育相关法律、法规、规章共同构成的高等教育法律体系,在高等教育的各个领域和各个方面基本实现了有法可依,为全面实行依法治教,保障高等教育改革与发展的顺利进行奠定了制度基础。市场经济体制取向的改革,为高等教育法制建设确定了一个基本的价值取向。高等教育法制建设的过程实际上就是要建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的高等教育法制体系,就是要不断调整改革高等教育法律主体之间的权利义务关系,使之逐步适应高等教育发展的基本规律,适应经济社会发展对高等教育的要求。在高等教育法律关系中,高校是最重要的主体。高校作为社会系统中的一个子系统,面临着复杂多重的外部法律关系和内部法律关系。高校的外部法律关系除了高校与政府的法律关系外,高校还与社会产生着千丝万缕的联系。高校与学生、高校与教师的关系以及为实现高校基本职能建立的组织及其相互之间的权力结构等,则构成高校内部法律关系的主要内容。本文从第三章至第七章,重点阐述了改革开放三十年来,高等教育法律主体之间的权利义务关系的变迁的背景和过程。在此基础上,进一步分析各个不同主体之间的法律关系,并探讨构建协调主体之间法律关系的思路。随着历史的发展,科技进步对社会发展发挥着越来越重要的作用,人才已经成为国家竞争力的核心,高校与政府、高校与社会的关系更加紧密,也更加复杂。改革开放以来,以扩大高等学校办学主权为主线,高校与政府的关系逐步走上法制化的轨道,高校法人地位的确立成为高等教育法制建设的具有标志性意义的成就。但即使如此,我国高校与政府的法律主体地位仍然存在许多不确定性。明确高校自治的边界,规定政府职能的范围仍然是我国高等教育法制建设的重要课题。毫无疑问,我国高等教育法制建设是在执政党和政府强力推动展开下,但高等教育法制的变迁受到诸多因素的影响,经济的发展、政治的变革、科技的进步以及市场需求的变化,促使中国高等教育在改革开放进程中走出封闭的系统。在市场经济的推动下,政府之外的多种社会主体进入高等教育领域,相继成为高等教育办学主体;而高校在履行人才培养、科学研究等基本职能的过程中也逐渐发展成为面向社会自主办学的主体,在专业设置、科研成果转化和办学条件保障等方面与社会(市场)发生着越来越密切的联系。在改革开放的历史进程中,高校逐步从象牙塔走向经济社会建设的中心。在某种意义上,高等教育法制建设的过程就是逐步构建与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的高校、政府、社会三者之间和谐法律关系的历史进程,而且这一进程还在进行,并需要积极推进。在高校外部法律关系发生变迁的同时,高校与学生、教师的法律关系也发生着巨大的变化。随着市场取向的经济体制改革的逐步推进,高校与学生之间传统的法律关系受到挑战,在招生制度、学生管理、就业制度各个方面,从入学关系、在学关系到毕业就业整个过程,法律制度都发生了一系列的变革,特别是高等教育成本分担制度的建立,引发了高校与学生相互关系上的重大转变,推动高校学生法律地位得到提升、法定权利逐步扩展。高校与学生之间在一定程度上构成了教育契约关系,维护和发展受教育者的权利成为高等教育法制建设的重要价值取向。改革开放三十年来,尊重知识、尊重人才日益成为广泛的社会共识,教育的基础性、先导性、全局性地位和作用更加突出。教师资格制度、教师职务制度、教师聘任制度和教师薪酬制度的逐步建立完善,促使高校与教师的关系从传统的计划经济体制下的身份关系逐步向市场经济体制下的契约关系转变。高等教育法制建设的过程,也是高校与教师法律关系的重构过程。进一步推进高校教师管理法治化,是协调高校与教师法律关系需要深入探索实践的重要问题。高校办学自主权是高校履行其基本职能的需要。高校内部权力关系的失衡,对高校建设发展的影响是直接的深刻的。改革开放三十年来,高等学校内部权力关系发生着深刻的变化。经过多年的实践探索,形成了党委领导下的校长负责制的领导关系,推进了行政权力运行的法制化,奠定了学术权力在高校内部的重要地位。但高校内部权力配置,深受计划经济体制的影响,实现高校内部政治权力、行政权力、学术权力三者之间的有机结合、协调互补,是建立健全现代大学制度的重要内容。马克思主义认为,法律是由一定物质生产方式所产生的利益和需要的表现。中国有几千年封建社会的历史,改革开放前,中国缺乏市场经济的土壤和条件,也缺乏社会主义民主和社会主义法制,缺乏法律至上的文化传统。高等教育法制建设起步晚、曲折多、发展慢,法制文明与教育文明的结合异常艰难。改革开放以来高等教育法制建设取得了诸多成就,更显得弥足珍贵。在阐述高等教育主体之间法律关系变迁的基础上,本文最后着力探寻高等教育法制建设的社会基础和理论基础,分析高等教育法制建设与经济、社会、文化变迁之间的内在关系。从计划经济向市场经济的转轨,为新时期高等教育法制建设奠定了社会经济基础,经济体制改革带来的利益关系变化成为高等教育法制建设的原始动力。高等教育法制建设是社会主义法制建设的一个组成部分,依法治国基本方略的逐步形成、建设法治国家的目标的逐步确立,直接推动着高等教育法制建设的进程。而伴随着经济全球化进程而来的教育国际化,也对高等教育法制建设产生了深刻的影响。改革开放三十年,是中国共产党在新的时代条件下带领人民进行的新的伟大革命的波澜壮阔的三十年,是不断深入探索有中国特色社会主义理论和实践的伟大历史时期。毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观,作为马克思主义中国化的理论成果,是中国人民探索社会主义发展道路的智慧结晶,是中国社会主义革命和建设的伟大旗帜,也是中国高等教育法制建设的重要理论基础。新时期高等教育法制建设,是在中国共产党人带领中国人民探索有中国特色社会主义的历史进程中,艰辛探索,不断前进和发展的。

【Abstract】 Since 1978, China has undergone one mighty and magnificent practice of reform and opening-up. Thanks to the unremitting and indomitable effort made by the whole Chinese nation, a new great epic, in which China has witnessed a historic change, has arrived. Through the historical process of reform and opening-up, Chinese higher education experienced the development from the state of confusion to orderly and sound progress, shifted its orientation from elite education to mass education, hence is now embarking on the great journey of invigorating the big higher education nation in terms of its quantity to a great higher education power. The historical course of reform and opening-up is continually pushing forward the construction of China’s higher education governed by law. The recognition of China’s higher education legal system provides a perspective of understanding the development of Chinese higher education, China’s reform and opening-up, as well as the socialist modernization. Therefore, it is of vital significance to observe and comprehend the track and to grasp the law of the development in the construction of socialist legal system in China.The chronological review and summarized analysis of Chinese socialist legal system construction in higher education are the breakthrough point of this study. The past 28 years of reform and opening-up witnessed the tortuous course of development in Chinese exploration for socialism, which was not only the historical background but also the logical departure of reform and opening-up. Right after the foundation of PRC, our government initiated the exploration of the establishment of higher education’s legal system, defined the socialist nature and orientation of higher education, and decided the CPC’s (Communist Party of China) authority over it. Furthermore, one series of highly centralized and unified management system in higher education has also been established, and underpinned the restoration and development of higher education. However, the new-borne higher education’s legal system has almost been destroyed by "Culture Revolution". After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, reform and opening-up adopted the orientation of market economy. The calling of establishing the society governed by law was not only the objective necessity of economic development, but also the demand of values from the entire society including higher education. It was right in the grant historical context, China’s legal construction in higher education embarked on a new era. The revival in the initial period of reform was soon followed by the overall legal construction of higher education which has been launched, promoted and underpinned. Chinese higher education legal system has been gradually come into being on the basis of Constitution of PRC & Education Law of PRC, centralized by Higher Education Law of PRC, and supported by the related law, regulations and rules. On the purpose of running the higher education sector in conformity with legal provisions, it therefore provided a system guarantee to secure the healthy reform and development for higher education, furnishing every domain and aspect with laws to go by.The market-economy orientation of the reform establishes a basic value orientation for legal construction of higher education. To construct the legal system of higher education is to keep it abreast with the socialist economic system, to constantly adjust the balance between right and duty of the higher education’s legal subject, hence accommodating it to fundamental laws of the development in higher education, and social demand toward it. Among the complex legal relations of higher education, colleges and universities are the subject of vital significance, which are ranged as a sub-system in the entire social system facing interweaved and manifold external and internal legal relations. Besides the legal relation between government and college & university, there are inextricably ties between college & university and society. While some other relations, such as the relation between students and college & university, between teacher and college & university, as well as relation among those functional divisions & institutions, constitutes the internal legal relations of college & university. A literature review and related background knowledge, which concerns the evolution of the balance between higher education’s legal subject’s right and duty over the past three decades since reform, will be covered from Chapter 3 to Chapter 7. On this basis, this study further analyzes legal relations among different legal subject, and probes the solutions of setting up and coordinating legal relations among them.With the historical progress, advanced technology is playing an increasingly important role in social development; and the core of improving national competence is people. Hence the connection between university and government as well as university and society, has been more intensive and complex. Since reform and opening-up, in conformity with the guidance of enhancing university’s managerial authority, the relation between university and government has been gradually normalized and governed by law. China’s legal construction of higher education has been monumentalized by the establishment of college & university’s legal status. Even so, quite some uncertainty still exists in the matter of the legal subject of university and government. To clear and define the boundary of university’s autonomy in authority, and to determine realm of government’s governance, are important topics in legal construction of higher education. Though, no doubt that the legal construction in higher education is directed and underpinned by the ruling party and government, diversified factors, including economic growth, political reform, technological advancement and change in market’s demand, also exerted influences on it, and impel it out of the state of being sealed off. Driven by the development of market economy, some non-governmental entities came into the domain of higher education, and became the important power of running schools. While, apart from implementing the basic functions like training talented personnel and scientific researches, college & university has grown as a major independent entity of running schools, strengthening ties between course institutions, and scientific researches’ application. During the course of reform and opening-up, college & university shook off the traditional identity of ivory tower, and get involved in the social and economic development. Legal construction in higher education is, to some extent, a process of establishing a harmonious legal relation among college & university, government and society, keeping abreast with socialist market economy. This process is now advancing, and will continue to be underpinned.What accompanied with the dramatic shift in university’s external legal relations was the see change of internal legal relations---relations among university, student and teacher. With the continuous progress in market-oriented economic reform, the traditional relation between university and students has been challenged, in the regard of university enrolling system, students’ administration, labor system and so on. One series of reforms have been taken place concerning the relation between students and university covering the period from their entrance, in-school to their graduation. Especially, the establishment of higher education’s cost-share-system triggered the dramatic shift in the connection between university and student, promoted university students’ legal status, and extended their legal right. The nature of relation between university and student is to some extent contractual; and the important value orientation of higher education’s legal construction is to protect and promote the right of the educated. During the past three decades since reform and opening-up, the importance of respecting knowledge and the talented is but the social consensus; and it is more striking phenomenon that education is playing a basic and vanguard role and having an overall bearing. The teacher’s qualification system, teacher’s post system, teacher’s appointment system, and teacher’s remuneration system, have been established and further improved, which in turn impel the gradual alteration of the relation between university and teacher from traditional identity under the planned economy to contractual relation under the market economy. The course of higher education’s legal construction is the reformation of legal relation between university and teacher. Therefore, further promoting university teacher’s management in accordance with law is one of the central issues of coordinating legal relation between university and teacher, which need to be probed and put into practice.The autonomy of college and university in running schools is entitled by law, which is also a basic function of college and university. The unbalance of university’s internal authority exerted a direct and profound influence upon university’s construction and development. During the past three decades since reform and opening-up, the internal relation of authority in college and university has undergone profound change. Thanks to decades’ of practice, a mechanism that the university chancellor assumes the overall responsibility under the leadership of Party Committee has come into being, which normalized the administrative power by law, and determined the top position of academy within college and university. However, the distribution university’s internal authority was deeply affected by planned economy. Hence, how to integrate and coordinate university’s internal authority of politics, administration and academy is a crucial issue for modern university institution.Marxism believes that law is "manifestation of interest and demand produced by certain way of material production". China has thousand-year-long history of feudal society; so before reform and opening-up, China lacks of the prerequisite of market economy, socialist democracy, socialist law system, as well as the tradition that law is supreme. The tortuous development of higher education’s law system started fairly late, and the process is relatively slow. It was of exceptional difficulty to integrate law civilization and educational civilization. Therefore, the achievement obtained by legal construction in higher education since reform and opening-up is extremely precious. On the basis of illustrating the change of relation among higher education’s subjects, this study focuses in the end on probing the social and theoretical basis of legal construction in higher education, and analyzing what is the intrinsic connection between legal construction in higher education and evolution of economy, society and culture. The shift from the planned economy to market economy solid social and economic foundation for higher education’s legal construction in new era; and change of interest relation resulting from reform of economic system provided the engine for higher education’s legal construction. As a part of the socialist legal system, legal construction in higher education was directly empowered by fundamental principle and aim of governing the nation by law. Globalization in education in the context of economic globalization also deeply affects China’s legal construction of higher education. The recent three decades since reform and opening-up witnessed the amazing reform which was a brand new "revolution" guided by Communist Party of China. It was also a grant historical period in which the socialist theory and practice with China’s characteristics has been explored. Mao Zedong’s thought, Deng Xiaoping’s theory, the ’Three Representatives", and Scientific Outlook on Development are all considered as the theoretical achievements of Marxism’s localization in China, which is not only the great beacon of China’s socialist revolution and development, but also the paramount theoretical basis for China’s legal construction in higher education. In the historical process that Chinese people leaded by CPC try every means to explore socialism with Chinese characteristics, legal construction in higher education in the new era is probed, advanced and developed.

【关键词】 新时期高等教育法制进程
【Key words】 new erahigher educationlegal systemprocess

