

Research on Supervision Right of Contemporary and Modern China

【作者】 王月明

【导师】 王立民;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以监督权利这一重要的公民基本权利作为研究对象,从历史的角度分析中国近代以来监督权利的产生、发展和变化过程,结合运用宪法学的相关理论,试图通过监督权利这一建立在人民主权、法治、权力制约和人权等诸多理论基础之上,连接着抽象的国家主权、实在的政权和具体的人权的基本权利,描绘我国近代以来民主法制的进程和发展规律,探寻我国的宪法和法律对监督权利保障的经验和教训,并试图揭示出公民监督权利实现的发展方向。之所以选择监督权利的历史演变作为本文研究对象,一方面在于宪法学对该权利的研究较为薄弱,另一方面在于该权利在中国从近代到新中国成立直至今天所呈现出的曲折性和复杂性的特点。本研究既厘清了监督权利的内涵、性质和特征,弥补宪法学研究的空白;有通过历史分析法,梳理出监督权利在近代中国曲折的演变过程,总结出其中的经验和教训。本文采取了历史的实证分析方法与法学论证的逻辑分析方法相结合,在对监督权利的性质和内涵进行理论分析以奠定全文的理论前提后,通过对清朝末民初、南京国民政府、人民革命根据地和新中国成立后各个历史时期的研究,对监督权利相关思想理论、保障监督权利的宪法和法律规范以及机构设置、人民行使监督权利的实践进行了系统的分析,以期对完善我国现行的公民监督权利有所裨益。全文分导论、正文五章和余论三部分,其内容要点如下:导论,介绍以监督权利作为研究对象的原因和意义,表明选择监督权利作为研究对象的意图。在整体的逻辑结构上,从民主宪政理论研究监督权利是本文的出发点,以历史的角度研究监督权利是本文的落脚点,对现实的监督权利状况的评判和发展方向的判断是本文的终结点。第一章,监督权利的理论分析。本章通过理论分析的方法,对“监督”、“监督权力”、“监督权利”的概念进行了辨析,梳理了我国宪法学界对监督权利性质的各种学说,即参政权说、请愿权说、诉愿权说、陈情权说、请求权说。在归纳了我国宪法第41条中批评权、建议权、申诉权、控告权、检举权、取得赔偿权等六项权利的特性后,提出监督权利是一项更能够涵盖这些权利的相对独立的权利。由此确定了作为本文研究对象的监督权利既包括民众通过各种形式对政府的批评、建议、控告、检举权,又涉及能够对政府产生监督效果的请愿权、行政诉讼权、取得国家赔偿权等。本章还分析了监督权利的价值和功能,认为监督权利具有正义价值、秩序价值和自由价值,在一国的民主法治进程中有着捍卫人权、弘扬民主、政治稳定与社会和谐、遏制腐败等重要的功能。第二章,近代中国监督权利的源起。首先,在中国古代,有着民众对官员偶发的监督活动,如采诗、讽喻和直谏、击鼓鸣冤、邀车驾、京控、特定的舆论表达场所的设立等。这些监督活动只是专制统治者调整政策、维持政权稳定的手段,带有相当的精英政治色彩,在君臣关系下民众不具备作为权利性质存在的监督权利,其主要原因在于高度集权的封建专制体制和臣民的人格意识。其次,从清末开始,监督权利思想和观念开始在中国产生和传播。人民主权思想的启蒙、民权意识的萌发、国民参政意识的启蒙和培育,使得监督权利的内容在中国最早成型。而辛亥革命准备时期的民权意识和监督权利思想的强化,尤其是孙中山的监督权利思想,对整个民国时期监督制度的形成的发展都起到了十分重要的作用。新文化运动中,陈独秀、李大钊等对人民主权的确认、对国民参政的关注、对抵抗力与国民性的论证,弘扬了民主和监督思想。再次,在清末制宪背景下,臣民政治权利包括一些监督权利的内容被提出,并得到《钦定宪法大纲》等宪法性文件的部分确认。清末的国会请愿运动、设立议院以监督政府、地方自治的实践等,表明民众对政府的监督在中国几成现实。解析近代中国监督权利理论的形成可以发现,清末监督权利与宪法观念产生具有同步性,受西方思想的影响和中国传统文化的碰撞,当时的监督权利思想呈现出零散性、非系统性。第三章,近代中国监督权利的演进。本章对监督权利的规范分析和实证研究按三个阶段展开:第一阶段,中华民国初期。孙中山领导的资产阶级革命派对监督权利的法律确认及其实践,包括《中华民国鄂州临时约法》中的陈诉权、陈情权,《中华民国临时约法》中的主权在民和请愿权、陈诉权和行政诉讼权,地方立法中对陈请、诉愿和舆论监督的规定:北洋军阀时期的宪法性文件对监督权利的规定、保障监督权利行使的机构如平政院的设置。在这一时期,资产阶级革命初期的愿望与紧随其后的军阀政治的背离,决定了人民的监督权利是难以实现的。第二阶段,国民党政府时期。这一阶段对监督权利规定的宪法和宪法性文件涉及到《太原约法》、《中华民国训政时期约法》、《中华民国宪法草案》和1946年《中华民国宪法》,同时出现了关于人权包括监督权利的思想论战。在监督官吏的机构设置上,有广州国民政府的监察院和惩吏院、南京国民政府的监察院、行政法院。其时,国家赔偿制度开始起步,地方自治、冤狱赔偿运动对人民监督权利起到了推动作用,但南京国民政府的以党治国、一党专政窒息了监督权利的发展空间。第三阶段,人民革命根据地时期。中国共产党领导的新民主主义革命中监督权利思想和和革命根据地的监督权利实践,迎来了人民监督权利的曙光。《中华苏维埃共和国宪法大纲》、《陕甘宁边区施政纲领》、《陕甘宁边区宪法原则》、《华北人民政府施政方针》等对人民的监督权利予以保障。革命根据地建立了保障人民行使监督权利的机构,如江西瑞金苏维埃政府的控告局、抗日民主政权建立的专门监督机构人民监察通讯员制度。论文在肯定了这一时期的监督权利理论和实践的宪政意义后,认为监督权利的目的主要在于巩固根据地政权、防止腐败,内容较为单一,侧重于控告权和批评权监督权利的行使,以有组织的群众运动方式为主。第四章,新中国监督权利的发展。新中国成立后,公民监督权利大致经历了以下三个阶段:第一阶段,从1949年新中国成立到1957年6月“反右”斗争开始。国家对公民的监督权利比较重视,既通过宪法对公民的监督权利予以根本法上的保障,又建立了相关的制度努力使公民的监督权利得到实现。但由于历史的原因,领导人的指示在传统习惯上占有最优地位和具有最佳效力,人治并没有完全为法治所取代,又没有建立系统有效的监督机制,公民对于政府机关及其工作人员的申诉、控告并非都能得到及时、公正的处理,公民因行政行为所受的损害并非都能得到适当的赔偿,更多只能借助于舆论监督政府。第二阶段,1957年6月反右斗争开始到1978年12月党的十一届三中全会召开。由于社会主义民主制度的被破坏,人民的监督权利被扭曲甚至被异化。是凡针对“文化大革命”的批评和建议,往往被冠之以“恶毒攻击”的罪名并予以“法律”的制裁。在分析产生这一严重后果的原因时,本文认为在于“人治”思想的泛滥和“法律虚无主义”的盛行、权力制约和监督的丧失以及对宪政民主价值的工具化认知。第三阶段,1978年12月党的十一届三中全会召开至今。这是中国历史上公民监督权利的保障和行使状况最好的时期。十一届三中全会后,邓小平监督理论和监督权利思想为82年宪法的相关规定奠定了基础。82年宪法对公民的监督权利进行了充分的确认,成为后来我国确立行政诉讼制度、国家赔偿制度、违宪违法审查建议权的宪法依据。党的纪律检查委员会、国家行政监察体制、听证制度的确立使公民监督权利行使有了制度保障。最后,着重对82年宪法中监督权利的发展进行了思考。第五章,我国当代监督权利的发展方向。本章分两部分,第一部分提出了构建我国监督权利充分实现的主要条件,包括创造监督权利行使的组织化、社会化条件,保障公民的知情权,实现政务活动的公开化,建立监督权利和监督权力的良性互动关系,培养现代公民意识等。这些条件决定了我国公民监督权利的未来走向,也是宪政民主发展的基本要求。第二部分针对批评权、建议权、申诉权、控告权和取得国家赔偿权,分别提出了保障公民监督权利的具体路径。作者认为,应实现批评、建议权的规范化,申诉、控告、检举权的法治化,国家赔偿权的常态化,特别是备受争议的信访制度应该向司法化回归,即确立以司法途径解决各类矛盾和冲突应成为全社会的共识。结语。监督权利发展的历史告诉我们,民主制度建立是监督权利的重要保障,而监督权利的实现又是民主制度的重要一环。监督权利因民主而生,民主离不开监督权利的行使。监督权利的发展史是一部民主政治史的缩影。论文最终总结出,中国历史上人民的监督权利始终未能实现的根本原因就在于各个历史时期的统治者将其工具化,只有将监督权利作为人民固有的当家作主的权利对待,还监督权利本来面目,监督权利才能成其为权利,最终为人民所享有。

【Abstract】 This article selects supervision right, one of the critical fundamental civic rights, as the subject of research. Supervision right, basing on the theories of People’s Sovereignty, rule by law, check and balance, human rights etc., is connected with many other fundamental rights, such as sovereignty, regime, and human rights. This article shows the development of such right of contemporary China in historical context. With the theory of constitution, it tries to disclose the process and development of democracy and legislation of contemporary China, draw the experience and lessons from the protection of supervision right provided by our constitution and other laws, and show the tendency of how to realize such right. Considering that there is still much room for the research on supervision right in constitutional context and the complicated and tough development of such right from contemporary China to now, this article focuses on the evolution of supervision right. This article clarifies the content, nature and characteristics of supervision right, which has never been touched in research on constitution. Moreover, this article draws the picture of the tough development of supervision right in contemporary China, and experience and lessons with a methodology for historical analysis.This article consists of three parts: preface, texts (5 chapters) and conclusion. Preface: In this part, the article states the reasons and the meaning of selecting supervision right as the subject of research. Logically, with the theory of democratic constitution and politics, this article aims to comment on the status quo of supervision right and find out the tendency of it.Chapter One: Theoretical Analysis of Supervision Right With the methodology of theoretical analysis, this chapter distinguishes the concepts of supervision, the power of supervision and supervision right, and lists various teachings of the nature of such right in detail. After summarizing the features of 6 rights (the rights to criticize, make suggestions, charges, expose, complains, get compensation) provided in article 41 of our constitution, this article concludes that supervision right is such an independent right which can cover the 6 rights mentioned above. Therefore, supervision right in this article concludes not only the rights to criticize, make suggestions, charge, expose, but the rights to demonstration, bring administrative suits and get state compensation as well. In addition, this chapter finds out the value and function of supervision right. It has the value of justice, order and freedom. It can assist to fight for human rights, promote democracy, keep a stable political atmosphere and harmonious society, curb corruption.Chapter Two: The Sources of Supervision Right of Contemporary China. First of all, in ancient China, there were occasional supervision activities conducted by ordinary people against officers. However, all these activities worked as means of adjusting policies and keeping the regime under control. Although people can conduct supervision activities, which are the fruit of elite politics, but have no such right under the relationship of controller and the controlled, because of the highly centralized feudalism and the awareness of being controlled. Secondly, at the end of Qing dynasty, the awareness of supervision right came into being in China and prevailed. The enlightenment of people’s sovereignty, the awareness of democracy and participating in the political activities drove the formulation of the primary content of supervision right. During the preparation for Xinhai Revolution, the awareness of democracy and supervision right had been strengthened. Sun Yatsen’s thought of supervision right had played an important role in the formulation and development of the system of supervision in Kuoming period. During the New Cultural Campaign, the acceptance of the people’s sovereignty and the concerns on people’s participation in political activities improved democracy and supervision. Thirdly, during the drafting of constitution at the end of Qing dynasty, political rights of the people, including supervision right, had been mentioned and confirmed by the Blueprint of the Constitution of the Empire and other constitutional documents. The demonstration campaign to the parliament, the establishment of congress to supervise the government, the autonomy of local governments showed that it almost came true that people can supervise the government. From the above analysis, it is clear that supervision right and the opinion of constitution came into being simultaneously. But the thought of supervision right was not systematical because of the influence of western thought and Chinese traditional culture.Chapter Three: The Development of Supervision Right in Contemporary China.In this chapter, analysis of regulations and empirical studies are conducted at three stages. At the primary stage, the early period of the Republic of China. The party of bourgeois revolution led by Sun Yat-sen had recognized supervision right by legislation and then practiced it, such as the right to suit and state provided in the Interim of Ezhou of the Republic of China, the thought that people enjoys the Sovereignty, the right to suit, bring administrative suit and demonstrate provided in the Interim of the Republic of China, the right to state, express their hope and consensus supervision provided in local legislations. Otherwise, during the reign of Beiyang Military, supervision right was provided in constitutional documents and the institutions safeguard the application of such right were set up.During this period, the aim set at the early period of the bourgeois revolution was betrayed by the military politics, which means that supervision right is hard to come true.The second stage, period of government of Kuomintang. During this period, constitutions or constitutional documents concerning with supervision right came out, such as Taiyuan Agreement, Agreement of the Republic of China during educating people period, Draft of the Constitution of the Republic of China and the Constitution of the Republic of China (1946). Besides, there were many debates on supervision right. As for the supervisory institutions, there were departments in charge of supervision and penalty of officers in Guangzhou, supervision department and administrative court in Nanjing. At that time, the state compensation system, although at the primary stage, the autonomy of local governments, the campaign for compensation for wrong decisions improved the development of supervision right. However, the Nanjing Government of the Republic of China ruled the country by only one party, which curbed the development of supervision right.The third stage, the base of people’s revolution was set up. With the thought of supervision right in the new democracy revolution led by CPC came out and supervision right was practiced, it seemed that the development of supervision right entered a new stage. According to many documents, supervision right was protected. Institutions to protect supervision right were set up. This article considers the theory and practice are meaningful at constitutional and political level. As means to strengthen the regime, fight against corruption, supervision right is quite simple, emphasizes more on the application of the right to expose and criticize and in the form of organized campaign.Chapter Four: Development of Supervision Right Since the Establishment of the People’s Republic of ChinaThe development of supervision right has experienced three stages since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.Stage I: From 1949 to June 1957.Supervision right was emphasized by the authority. The supervision right was protected by the constitution and implemented through relevant institutional arrangement. However, traditionally, the commands and dictations of the political leaders were of the highest priority and affect, therefore, rule by people had never been fully replaced by rule by law. In addition, for lacking of systematic and efficient arrangement for supervision, complains about and suits against governmental units and civil servants failed to be handled in time and fairly and not all of the damages of the people caused by administrative activities could be compensated reasonably. Therefore, the people had to turn to the press.Stage II: From June 1957 to December 1978.Because of the destroyed democracy, supervision right was distorted. Any suggestions and complains against the Culture Revolution was considered as evil attack and the people who did that were punished according to so-called law. It is the result of the prevailing thought of rule by people and that law is meaningless, the lack of supervision and check on power and treating democracy as a tool.Stage III: From December 1978 to NowDuring this period, supervision right has been well protected and fully implemented. After the third session of the eleventh CPC, Deng Xiaoping’s theory and thought of supervision have laid foundation for the Constitution of 1982. In the Constitution of 1982, supervision right was fully confirmed, according to which the systems of administrative suit, state compensation and the right to propose the motion of examining the constitutionality or legality were set up. The establishment of the Discipline Committee of CPC, the National Administrative Supervision System and the Hearing System help the people to implement supervision right at institutional level. At the end of this chapter, some profound thought about the development of supervision right provided in the Constitution of 1982 was made.Chapter Five: Where should Existing Supervision Right Go.This part consists of two parts. In the first part, the principle conditions to fully implement supervision right are listed. The conditions include making the implementation organized and socialized, protecting the right to know the truth, opening administrative activities, establishing the mutual activities of supervision right and supervision power and fostering modern civic awareness. All these, prerequisite of democracy, are critical to the development of supervision right. In the second part, the measures to protect supervision right, such as the right to scold, propose suggestions, suit, complain and get state compensation, are listed. The right to scold and provide suggestions should be standardized, the right to suit, complain and report legalized, getting the state compensation normalized. As for the Hearing System, various conflicts should be tackled by judicial means. ConclusionFrom the history of supervision right, it is clear that the system of democracy protects supervision right, while the implementation of supervision right is important to democracy. Supervision right comes along with democracy, while the realization of democracy depends on the implementation of supervision right. The development of supervision right is only part of the history of democracy. This article comes to conclusion that the main reason why the supervision right failed to be realized is that the authorities of different period treated it as nothing but a tool. Only those who threat it as a right of the people--the owner of a country, supervision right can be a true right and be enjoyed by the people.

【关键词】 监督权利请愿申诉控告国家赔偿
【Key words】 supervision rightdemonstrationcomplainchargestate compensation
  • 【分类号】D929;D921
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1569
  • 攻读期成果

