

International Standards of Labor Rights’ Protection and the Developing Trends

【作者】 李凌云

【导师】 周洪钧;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 当前,关于“我国劳动标准是高还是低”的争论异常激烈,这促使作者尝试通过对国际劳工标准的研究为国内的劳动标准问题给出解释。本文彻底摆脱了“劳工标准是否应与贸易挂钩”的研究视角,而是回归对国际劳工标准本身的探究。本文运用历史分析、比较分析、个案分析的研究方法,以“作为人权的劳动权的内涵是保障劳动者的生存权”这一命题为逻辑起点和核心思想,对国际劳工标准的内容、特征和发展趋势进行了全新的阐释,指出国际劳工标准是一种“守住底线,留出空间”式的国际立法形式,并提出依据国际劳工组织对经济性标准放松管制、增加弹性、扩大适用范围的发展趋势对我国的劳动标准立法进行调整。全文分为导论、正文和结束语三部分,其中正文部分共四章,总计12万字。导论部分介绍了本文研究的背景与意义,通过对现有研究成果的综述,提出摆脱“劳动标准与贸易”的视角,而关注国际劳工标准本身的内容、特点和发展趋势的研究思路。第一章探讨了国际人权法视角下的劳动权保障。作者首先从劳动权的概念出发,分析了普遍意义上的劳动权是劳动者的全部权利,而作为人权的劳动权是劳动者的最低限度的权利。作为人权的劳动权的内涵是保障生存权。正因为如此,国家对劳动关系的干预应以最低标准为限,才能达到既保障劳动者生存,又不妨碍劳动关系自治的目的。其次,分析了国际上已经形成较为完善的劳动权保护的国际人权法体系,由国际性及区域性人权文件以及国际劳工组织制定的国际劳工标准所构成。第二章主要论述了国际劳工标准的内容与特征。该章首先介绍了国际劳工标准的产生和发展概况,以及国际劳工标准的分类方式。其次对国际劳工标准在各个历史阶段的发展情况进行了回顾。在此基础上,本章重点分析了国际劳工标准的特征,即制定主体的三方原则,性质上是硬法与软法的结合,内容上兼顾普遍性与灵活性。上述特征是国际劳工组织实现对作为人权的劳动权的最低限度保护,寻找最低保护标准的必然途径。第三章阐述了国际劳工标准的发展趋势。当前,新的国际劳工标准的制定已经趋缓,其重点转向对现有标准的更新与实施。为有效实现“守住底线,留出空间”的目标,国际劳工组织对核心劳工标准进行推动使这部分公约呈现强化的趋势,而对大量的经济性标准则呈现出放松管制、增加弹性、扩大适用范围的趋势。同时,作者以对劳动力派遣的放松管制为例,论证了国际劳工标准的上述发展趋势。第四章是利用国际劳工标准的相关理论解决我国劳动标准高低之争。首先,该章探讨了国际劳工标准在国内适用的方式,并分析了我国批准的国际劳工标准对国内劳动立法的影响。其次,关于国内的劳动标准高低之争,作者认为其理论根源是对劳动关系的属性以及劳动关系调整模式的不同认识,通过分析并结合对劳动权保障国际标准的理论,作者主张以兼容性的观点理解劳动关系的属性,并建立“守住底线、留出空间”的劳动关系调整模式。再次,将劳动标准与国际劳工标准比较后,本文指出我国的劳动标准虚高,实践中难以落实,而且适用范围窄,不利于对所有劳动者的公平保护。最后,参照国际劳工组织经济性标准放松管制、增加弹性、扩大范围的趋势,文章对我国劳动标准立法的调整提出了建议。结束语部分,作者对论文的全部内容进行了高度概括。

【Abstract】 Recently, the debate of whether China’s labor standards are too high or too low is extremely intense. This makes the author trying to explain the problem of national labor standards through the research of International Labor Standards (ILS). This dissertation thoroughly abandons the research angle of whether the labor standards should be linked with international trade, and returns to the research of ILS itself. It adopts different kinds of research methods, such as historical analysis, comparative analysis and case study. It takes the proposition,“the connotation of labor rights, as a part of human rights, is to protect workers’rights to exist”, as the logical beginning and the core thought, and provides new explanations to the context, characteristics and trends of ILS. It demonstrates that ILS is the international legislation which in the mode of“defending the base line and preserving the vacancy”and proposes that China should adjust its legislation of labor standards according to the trends of ILS, such as deregulation, increasing flexibility and expanding coverage.The full text of this dissertation divides into three parts, including introduction, body and conclusion. The body part is composed of four chapters. The whole dissertation consists of around 120,000 words.The introduction part introduces the background and the significance of the research. By summarizing the existing research, the author proposes that this research should get rid of the angle of“social clause”and pay attention to the content, characteristics and the trends of ILS.The first chapter discusses the labor rights’protection in the angle of international human rights law. Firstly, starting from the concept of labor rights, the author analyses that universal labor rights are worker’s complete rights, while the labor rights as a part of human rights are workers’minimum rights. The connotation of labor rights as a part of human rights is to protect workers’right to exist. Country should limit its intervention into the labor relations at the lowest level, so that the goal of protecting the workers’rights to exist without hindering the autonomy of labor relations can be achieved. At present, an international human rights law system for labor rights’protection has already formed in the international community. This system composes of international and regional human rights instruments, as well as ILS made by the International Labor Organization (ILO).The second chapter mainly elaborates the content and characteristics of ILS. Firstly, the author introduces the origin and development status of ILS, as well as the classification methodology. Secondly, the author reviews the development of ILS in each historical stage. Then, this chapter analyses the characteristics of ILS with emphasis, namely the principle of tripartism in the standards setting, the combination of hard law and soft law in nature and the universality and flexibility in content. These characteristics demonstrate the way, in which ILO provides minimum protection for labor rights as a part of human rights.The third chapter analyses the tendency of ILS. Presently, the setting of new ILS has already been slowed down. The concern of ILO switches to the renewal and implementation of existing standards. The promotion campaign for Core Labor Standards by ILO has made them in the tendency of strengthening, while a volume of economic standards show the new trends, such as deregulation, increasing flexibility and expanding coverage. Additionally, the author takes the deregulation of labor dispatchment as an example to prove the above trends of ILS.The fourth chapter utilizes the theory of ILS to explain the debate of China’s labor standards. First, this chapter discusses the domestic implementation of ILS, and analyses the impact of ILS, which China has ratified, on Chinese domestic labor legislation. Second, according to the debate of China’s labor standards, the author believes that its theoretical origin lies in the different opinions on the nature of labor relations and the mode of regulation. Through complete analysis combining with the theory of international standards of labor rights’protection, the author holds the compatible viewpoint to understand the nature of labor relations, and supports the regulation mode of“defending the base line and preserving the vacancy”. Third, by comparing China’s labor standards with relevant ILS, the author figures out that China’s labor standards are too high to implement with a narrow coverage. Finally, the author suggests that China should adjust its labor standards in accordance with the tendency of ILS, including deregulation, increasing flexibility and expanding coverage.In conclusion,the author presents a very concentrated and compact summary of the dissertation.

  • 【分类号】D912.5;D411
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1723
  • 攻读期成果

