

Research on Environmental Taxation Law System

【作者】 李传轩

【导师】 顾功耘; 郑少华;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 经济法, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 环境税法律制度作为协调经济发展与环境保护关系的重要制度,源起于对各种环境问题根源的深刻揭示与反思求解,正式诞生在可持续发展的全球战略背景下,体现了用税收手段来促进环境保护、实现可持续发展的新思维。环境税最早实施于OECD国家中,尤以北欧国家为典型代表,并逐渐形成了世界范围内的“税制绿化”现象。经过较长时期的发展,环境税已经演进成为比较成熟的一项法律制度。并且,在全球性环境危机步步紧逼的形势下,环境税法律制度正处于蓬勃发展中,其重要性也在不断彰显。中国当前也正面临着严重的环境问题,环境与发展之间的矛盾冲突已达致十分紧张的程度。然而,在国外取得良好效果的环境税,在中国还处于刚刚开始尝试、尚未有效加以利用的状况。如何运用环境税这一手段来保护环境、实现环境与发展的均衡协调,已成为中国环境法和税法发展的时代性主题,具有十分重大的理论意义和实践价值。同时,这也是对十六大以来提出的科学发展观、构建环境友好型、资源节约型的人与自然相和谐的和谐社会,以及十七大提出的建设生态文明等战略目标,所做出的法理回应与制度安排。正是基于上述思考和认识,本文以环境税法律制度为研究对象,并以中国环境税法律制度的构建为中心内容进行展开,从理论探寻求解到实践考察论证,从借鉴国外经验到结合本土实际,努力构建起真正符合中国实际需要的环境税法律制度,以期推动中国当前因意识不足、认识落后而裹足不前的环境税法制建设。第一章导论。作为本文的导引部分,本章首先从环境税的产生与发展历程的梳理开始,结合对中国现实的简要考察,对本文选题的研究背景与动因进行了说明。为更好地确定本文的研究方向,本部分还对当前国内外研究现状进行了综合性概述和评析,同时对本文所使用的主要研究方法进行介绍,以及对主要进行的研究内容加以简要描述。此外,为方便理解本文所展开的探讨内容,还对有关基本概念予以简单界定。第二章环境税法律制度的理论基础。“为什么环境税?为什么环境税法律制度?”以这两个核心问题为起点,本章主要从经济学、环境法学、税法学和可持续发展向度上的伦理学等方面对环境税法律制度的理论基础进行了概括总结和拓展性分析,从而为环境税法律制度寻求和论证理论层面的正当性与必然性,并构建出多元化的理论基础体系。环境税法律制度是环境法与税法交叉领域中的一项经济属性很强的法律制度,同时具有深厚的可持续发展背景。因此,环境税法律制度有着多元化的理论基础。在经济学理论方面,基于外部性理论的庇古税理论、公共物品理论以及市场与政府双重失灵理论给环境税法律制度作出了丰富的经济学解释,揭示了环境税的经济学合理性;在环境法理论方面,以环境公平和环境效率为主要维度的环境正义理论、具有创新性内涵的环境权利与环境义务理论,以及以人与自然关系的法治化和谐为内容的法律协调理论,形成了环境税法律制度的环境法理基础;在税法理论方面,环境税收法定主义、环境税收公平理论、环境税收效率理论和环境税收中性理论共同构筑了环境税法律制度的税法理论基础;在伦理学理论方面,可持续发展伦理观为环境税法律制度提供了伦理学依据。第三章环境税法律制度的中国实践。尽管已有了一些初步的尝试,但总体上说环境税在中国还是一个新鲜事物。本章主要是对环境税法律制度在中国的具体实践状况进行现实考察,并对其存在的问题进行评析,在此基础上对中国环境税法律制度的发展现状与出路作出基本判断。中国的环境税经过原始的萌动后有了初步的发展,形成了一些相关内容;但也明显存在着许多问题与不足,包括理念的缺失、专门性环境税种的空白、资源税的环保功能不足、相关税种中的环保内容不完善、有关环保税收优惠措施不够协调完整以及环境税费关系失当等方面。而进一步深入分析,可以得出这样一个基本判断:中国目前还没有正式形成和建立环境税法律制度;但根据现实环境保护形势,又迫切需要建立环境税法律制度;而结合有关情况分析,构建这一制度的基本条件已经初步具备。第四章中国环境税法律制度构建的基本思路与模式。环境税法律制度的构建,首先要解决的就是基本思路和模式选择的问题。本章首先对应当如何构建中国环境税法律制度进行了全面而深入的思考,并形成了如下基本思路:明确树立统一的环境税理念、合理利用域外经验与本土资源、正确定位环境税与环境费的关系、科学选择制度构建的时序策略、协调融合环境税与其他相关制度措施以及努力克服环境税制潜在的消极影响。根据上述思路,本章进而对国内外提出的有关具体构建模式进行了比较分析,并在此基础上,结合中国实际需要,提出了中国应当选择分阶段实施的独立型环境税法律制度构建模式。其具体内容是采用统一规划、分阶段实施的方式,构建出独立于传统税制、系统完整的环境税法律制度。第五章环境税具体法律制度之构建。根据制度的不同内容和功能,可把环境税法律制度划分为具体制度和保障性制度两个部分。环境税具体法律制度是环境税制各基本要素的制度规定部分,是整个环境税法律制度的主体性内容。因此,本章是本文十分重要、也是重点论述的内容部分。环境税具体法律制度主要应当包括污染税法律制度、自然资源税法律制度、生态保护税法律制度、其他相关税法律制度和环境税收优惠制度等五部分,对之进行具体构建时应当按照税种、征税环节、纳税主体、征税客体、征收方式、计税依据、税率和税收优惠等有关税制要素来展开。构建时应当以传统税收法律制度的绿色化以及环境收费制度的“费改税”为主要思路,同时要大胆借镜国外环境税制的发展经验,引入新的环境税种,绿化旧的税收制度。具体而言,在污染税法律制度构建方面,一是对排污费进行“费改税”,将主要的排污费改为排污税,并在该税种下设污水税、废气税、噪音税和固体废物税四个税目;二是开征污染产品税,并在税目设置上与现行消费税制度相协调。在自然资源税法律制度构建方面,首先要理顺资源费与资源税的关系,对部分资源费实行“费改税”;其次要对现行资源税进行绿色化改革,绿化其制度理念,扩展其征税范围。在此基础上,构建统一的大资源税——自然资源税。在生态保护税法律制度构建方面,一是应以部分生态收费的“费改税”为基础,开征生态补偿税;二是应在国际和国内的有关条件和时机成熟时,开征二氧化碳税;三是要开征专门为筹集环保资金的环境收入税,并与现行城市维护建设税进行协调,形成互补。在其他相关税法律制度构建方面,应当对消费税、城市维护建设税、车船税和车辆购置税进行绿色化改革;同时应当先行开征燃油税,并在进一步的环境税改革中对其进行调整,纳入到污染产品税之中;此外还应对土地资源相关税进行调整,并最终将其纳入自然资源税中。在环境税收优惠制度构建方面,应当清查和评估现有税收优惠措施,取消不利于环保的内容,进一步完善和加强有关环境税收优惠措施,尤其是增值税和企业所得税中的优惠措施。第六章环境税保障性法律制度之构建。环境税保障性法律制度在功能上属于配套性法律制度,对于环境税具体法律制度的有效实施以及整个环境税法律制度价值功能的实现,有着十分重要的作用。但受当前整体研究水准所限,该部分的研究一向比较薄弱,亟待予以补强。本章内容就是针对此点而进行的开拓性研究。具体言之,本章主要从环境税征管体制、环境税征收管理和环境税收入使用三个方面展开研究和进行有关制度构建。在环境税征管体制方面,应当确立环境税征管主体为税务机关,有关环境税收入应在中央政府和地方政府之间进行合理划分,并由国税局和地税局分别征管。对于环境税的征收管理,应当建立税务机关与环保机关协同征管机制,并应建立环境税征管人员的培训机制、环境税收会计制度以及与传统征管系统的融合机制等辅助性制度。对于环境税收入的使用,在用途上,应当主要用于环境保护,适当用于降低劳工税和所得税等有关扭曲性税收负担、增加公共开支和降低公共部门财政赤字;在方式上,应当综合采用专款专用、纳入公共财政一般预算和税收返还三种方式,并以专款专用为主。在专款专用制度方面,应当建立环保基金制度和环保专项资金制度。最后是结论部分。主要是在前述各章研究的基础上,对本文的主要观点进行简要概括和提炼,同时展示出本文的主要创新点,并总结和检讨研究中存在的局限与不足。

【Abstract】 As an important system to harmonize economic development and environmentprotection, environmental taxation law system origina ted from how to cope with allkinds of environmental problems, and came into being formally under the backgroundof susta inable development. It indica ted the new concept of using tax instrument toprotect enviroment and implement the susta inable development. Environmental taxeswere firstly carried out in OECD countries, and became a worldwide phenomenon ofgreening tax systems. Now environmental taxation envolves into a mature system, andcontinues to develop and be more important. In China environmental tax is just a tryand not effective, so how to use it to protect environment becomes a critica l topic ofenvironmental law and tax law.Grounding on the understa nding and ideas above, this dissertation research es theenvironmental taxation law system, and centers on constructing environmentaltaxation law system in China. It is also an effort to impulse China’s environmentaltaxation law system.This dissertation genera lly includes seven parts.Chapter one is the introductory part. Through reviewing environmental taxation’sorigin and evolution, and combining the reality of China, this part introduces the backgound and aim of the dissertation. Then it summa rizes and remarks what is aboutforeign and domestic academic research on the topic. The chapter also expla ins themea ns of study, describes the ma in contents, and defines some related conception.Chapter two is the genera l discussing on the theory basis of environmentaltaxation law system. Why environmental tax and why environmental taxation lawsystem are the beginning point of its theory basis. Environmental taxation law systemhas multiple theory basis, which includes economics, environmental law, tax law andsusta inable development ethnics. Such kinds of theories provide environmentaltaxation law system with a profound basis of justice and rationa lity.Chapter three is the reviewing and commenting of environmental taxation lawsystem’s practice in China. After the origina l development, China’s environmentaltaxation has some tentative steps. But genera lly, there are ma ny obvious deficiencies init. If take an in-depth study, we can gain such a basal opinion: there is no formal andactual environmental taxation law system coming into being in China; but accord tothe current situation of environment protection, China needs to construct this lawsystem consumingly; and seeing about China’s reality, some ma in conditions ofconstructing this law system have grown up.In chapter four, the basic thinking path and model choice about how to constructenvironmental taxation law system in China are discussed deeply. When constuctingenvironmental taxation law system, the first task is to find out the basic thinking pathand choose the proper model. By deeply and compoundly thinking, the paper formessuch paths as follows: establishing an uniform notion of environmental taxation,utilizing rationa lly the foreign experience and domestic resource, locating correctlyenvironmental taxes and charges, choosing scientifica lly the order strategy of the lawsystem’s constructing, harmonizing environmental taxes and other system measures,and restra inting potentia l nega tive influence of environmental taxation law system.Basing on the thinking paths above, this chapter comparatively analyses somepresent models in OECD countries and some models suggested by the internalscholars. Also based on the analysis, the dissertation thinks that China should choosethe model of independent environmental taxation law system, which should be carried into execution step by step.In chapter five, the materia l environmental taxation law system is constructed indetail. The materia l environmental taxation law system is very important and includesfive parts. When constructing the law system, China should change someenvironmental charges into taxes, use foreign experience for reference, introduce newkinds of environmental taxes, and green present taxation.In more words, when constructing pollution taxation law system, China shouldreform some emission charges into emission taxes; and levy pollutant products taxes,which should be assorted with consumption taxation. When constructing naturalsource taxation law system, China should take order with the relationship betweennatural source charges and natural source taxes, reform some natural source chargesinto natural source taxes, and green the present natural source taxation, broaden its taxbase, then develop into a big uniform natural source taxation in the end. Whenconstructing ecological protection taxation law system, China should reformecological protection charges into ecological protection taxes and start to levyecological repair taxes, levy CO2 tax if the related conditions are mature, and levyenvironmental income tax, which should be assorted with city’s ma inta ining andbuild ing taxation. When constructing related taxation law system, China should greenpresent consumption taxation, city’s ma inta ining and build ing taxation, auto and shiptaxation and auto purchasing taxation, and adjust some related taxes on la nd resources.At last, when constructing environmental tax benefits law system, China should checkand evaluate the present tax benefits policy, and add some new benefits measureswhich are made for environment protection.Chapter six constructs the supported environmental taxation law system, which isundertaken in three aspects. At the aspect of environmental taxation’s administrationregime, the organ of tax shoule be ma in body of the administration. As to the aspect ofenvironmental taxation’s administration mecha nism, the organ of tax should cooperatewith the organ of environment protection. And at the aspect of environmental taxrevenue, it should be used to protect environment. Furthermore, the neutral principleshould be complied, and earmarking of revenue from environmental taxes should be the ma in ma nner of the revenue’s expend iture. And the fund of environment protectionand the specia l fund should be founded.The conclusion part is to summa rize the whole dissertation’s ma in viewpoints,disclose the innovative points, and analyse the deficienc ies.

【关键词】 环境税法律制度构建
【Key words】 Environmental TaxationLaw SystemConstructing

