

The Outline of Regional Economic Law

【作者】 殷洁

【导师】 顾功耘;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 经济法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 古今中外,经济发展均表现出明显的区域性特征。经济发展的区域性特征是由经济发展的内在规律所决定的。从世界经济发展的历史渊源来看,经济的区域性在不同的国家和不同的历史阶段都表现得相当明显,而在中国的经济发展过程中表现得尤其突出。建国以来我国在促进区域经济发展的过程中,先后实施了均衡发展战略、非均衡发展战略,尽管国民经济得以迅速恢复和发展,但是一直未能很好地解决区域经济发展极不平衡的问题,并且出现了区域市场严重分割、区域环境恶化等新的区域经济问题,而相应的区域经济法律制度也没有很好地建立起来。我国没有可供利用的具有法制权威的区域划分框架;没有专门的职能部门统筹安排制定和实施区域经济规划与区域经济政策;缺乏健全有效的落实区域经济规划和区域经济政策的工具和监督评价机制;缺乏促进区域经济合作,打破地区封锁的有效机制;缺乏区域经济可持续发展的评价指标体系与保障措施;缺乏对各类开放、开发区统一规范的法律制度。在新的历史时期,党中央、国务院提出了促进区域经济协调发展的战略,标志着我国区域经济政策的重大转变。因此,研究区域经济法的基础理论,构筑较为完整的区域经济法律体系,为实现区域经济协调发展提供制度保障,是当前我国法制建设的一项紧迫的任务。第一章“区域经济法产生的学理解析”。在经济自由主义者看来,区际经济问题完全可以通过市场机制来解决。然而在当今世界,几乎每个国家都存在相对贫困落后的地区或失业问题严重、经济萧条、环境恶化或者城市恶性膨胀的地区。区域问题的出现,并且在有的国家和地区呈日益严重之势,存在诸多原因,但市场失灵显得尤为突出。区域经济中的市场失灵主要表现在区域经济的不完全竞争、区域经济信息的不完全、区域经济活动的外部性、区域公共产品短缺、区域经济发展不平衡以及区际分配不公平等方面。发达国家的经济发展历史以及区域经济的实践表明,单纯的市场机制无法实现区域经济的协调发展。各国几乎无一例外地通过政府的区域政策以刺激欠发达地区的经济发展,或者采取其他经济手段来缩小区域间的发展差距。但是,在政府干预(协调)区域经济发展的过程中,同样存在着失灵,主要表现为区域经济信息的不完全、区域地方政府的有限理性、区域公共产品的不充分以及区域经济管理部门的寻租行为等等。区域经济法的产生及其存在的价值就在于克服区域经济的市场失灵和区域经济的政府失灵,为区域经济协调发展和可持续发展提供制度保障。第二章“区域经济法的地位及其构成体系”。区域经济法是经济法的分支部门法,一方面在于区域经济法有着不同于其他经济法的分支部门法的调整对象,它所调整的社会经济关系具有区域性的特征;另一方面也是促进区域经济的协调发展,逐步缩小区域经济差异,实现区域经济可持续发展的客观现实需要。划分区域经济法构成体系的依据是,作为区域经济法规范对象的社会经济关系具有区域经济特征。区域经济法是由区域经济基本法和区域经济管理机构组织法、经济区划法、区域经济规划法、区域经济协调法、区域经济合作法、反区域经济垄断和区域不正当竞争法、区域经济可持续发展法以及特别经济区法等区域经济部门法所构成的有机联系的体系。第三章“区域经济法的立法宗旨和基本原则”。不同的国家或地区,在不同的时期,所面临的区域经济问题是不同的,因此区域经济政策目标会有很大的差异,反映在区域经济法的立法宗旨方面也就有所不同。我国区域经济法的立法宗旨和主要目标应当是:“促进区域经济协调发展,逐步缩小区域经济差异,实现区域经济可持续发展。”我国区域经济法应当遵循以下基本原则:市场主导与政府适度干预相结合的原则、中央与地方政府合理分权原则、兼顾区域经济公平与区域经济效率原则以及促进区域经济可持续发展原则。第四章“区域经济管理机构法律制度”。国外的区域经济管理机构存在多种类型,既有隶属于中央政府的专门协调机构,比如日本的北海道地区开发厅,德国的区域规划、建筑和城市发展部,也有由中央政府与地方政府代表联合组成的区域协调组织,比如美国的阿巴拉契亚区域开发委员会,还有企业化的区域管理组织,比如美国的田纳西流域管理局。但是无论如何,必须有专门的机构或组织对区域规划和政策负责,而且不论这类机构或组织如何设置,均应当由法律明确其组成、地位、权限和职责。我国区域管理机构的设置一直采取的是分立的职能部门模式。目前我国国务院国家发展和改革委员会、西部开发办、东北办、国土资源部、建设部、扶贫办和民政部等多头管理,协调困难,管理资源浪费。建议整合管理机构与资源,在中央设置一个统一管理区域问题的中央政府组织;在地方设置由中央和地方代表组成的区域联合管理机构。第五章“经济区划与区域规划法律制度”。经济区的形成和发展有其自身的规律。合理的经济区域是有效管理和协调区域经济发展的前提和基础。区域规划是在经济区域合理划分的基础上对区域经济和社会发展所进行的总体部署,它具有地域性、战略性和前瞻性等特点,是区域内各地编制中长期城市建设规划和部门规划的重要依据;同时,它又是国民经济和社会发展规划的重要组成部分,具有综合性、全局性和指导性等特点,会对国民经济和社会发展产生深远的影响。从西方发达国家的经验看,协调区域规划和发展,都离不开法律制度的支持。建国以来,我国的经济区划和区域规划经历了几个不同的发展阶段,在总体上存在经济区划缺乏法律依据和合理框架,随意性较大;区域规划(计划)多头编制,缺乏协调等问题。《“十一五”规划纲要》明确规定了实行分类管理的区域政策,提出了编制全国主体功能区划规划的要求,标志着我国经济区划和区域规划开始进入以科学的发展观为指导,以协调区域经济发展为主要目标的崭新时期。目前迫切需要建立、健全经济区划和区域规划法律制度,保障经济区划的合理性和区域规划编制的科学性,促进主体功能区的形成及其可持续发展。第六章“区域经济协调发展法律制度”。从世界范围来看,区域发展不平衡是一个普遍的问题。单纯强调市场自发力量不可能缩小区域之间的差距,必须通过政府有效干预才有可能实现区域经济协调发展。从美、英、德、日等国的区域经济发展的情况来看,缩小地区差距需要漫长的过程。为了确保政府在区域经济发展和协调中发挥应有的作用,必须建立和完善相应的法律制度体系。建国以来,我国区域经济发展战略的演变大致经历了三个阶段:改革开放前的沿海和内地平衡发展战略阶段、改革开放以后沿海地区优先发展的不平衡发展战略阶段和20世纪90年代以后的区域经济协调发展战略阶段。构建区域经济协调发展法的总体目标应当是既要防止区域均贫富,又要防止区域差距过大。为此,应完善我国预算和转移支付法律制度,推行公共财政,实现区际公共服务均等化;完善税收制度,调节区域经济差异;完善政府采购制度,扶持不发达地区和少数民族地区;规范政府投资行为,改善区域产业结构,改善落后地区的基础设施条件;改革价格管理体制,完善市场定价机制,减少中西部地区因价格扭曲而造成的利益流失。第七章“区域经济合作法律制度”。区域经济合作既是区域经济分工的需要,也是区域共同经济利益的需要。改革开放以来,我国各地开展了内容丰富、形式多样、主体广泛的区域经济合作。但是,区域合作机制不健全,政府间合作大多流于形式;产业同构严重,缺乏合作动力;区际市场发育不平衡,区际合作不充分等问题较为突出。欧盟、亚太经济合作组织以及北美自由贸易区等国际区域经济合作组织的合作经验为构建我国国内区域经济合作法律制度提供了许多有益的启示。区域经济合作应当遵循自愿、平等原则,互惠互利原则,诚实信用原则,市场导向原则以及符合区域规划等原则。此外,应当建立和完善区域经济合作与争端解决机制。第八章“区域经济可持续发展法律制度”。一国(地区)经济和社会的可持续发展离不开区域经济的可持续发展。区域经济可持续发展,是指在现有自然资源(包括环境)约束的条件下,充分发挥区域优势,实现区域经济的持续有效增长。为了全面推进社会、经济和生态环境的可持续发展,我国于2003年1月制定了《中国21世纪初可持续发展行动纲要》,它明确了21世纪初我国实施可持续发展战略的目标、基本原则、重点领域和保障措施,是21世纪初我国实施可持续发展战略的纲领性文件,因而也是构建我国区域经济可持续发展法律制度的重要指南。我国应当完善和落实区域环境规划制度;建立区域可持续发展的评价与监测制度;完善环境资源税收制度;建立区域生态利益补偿机制。第九章“反区域经济垄断与不正当竞争法律制度”。建立全国统一的市场体系,是完善社会主义市场经济体制的重要内容。全国市场统一有赖于各区域市场的统一。然而,由于地理区位、行政区划和其他多种原因,我国区域经济分割的特征较为明显。目前我国区域经济垄断与不正当竞争主要表现为设置贸易壁垒,阻碍要素的自由流动;拼政策资源,搞恶性竞争;重复建设,争夺利益和资源;等等。这不仅妨碍了全国统一市场的形成,不利于区域生产力的合理布局,而且损害了国家利益,损害了消费者的正当权益,甚至在很大程度上助长了地方政府权力“租售”,加剧了腐败。为此,应当改革和完善财政税收管理体制、国有经济管理体制以及地方政绩考核机制,合理定位地方政府;完善和落实《反垄断法》和《反不正当竞争法》,建议建立独立于地方政府的跨省区的反区域经济垄断和不正当竞争的司法行政制度。此外,应当完善和落实《行政许可法》,建议将地方各级政府违法设定行政许可的行为列为行政诉讼的对象范围,为有关方提供司法救济途径,切实有效地克服地方保护主义。第十章“特别经济区法律制度”。在经济全球化和区域经济一体化日益加强的背景下,世界各国都十分重视通过设立各类特别经济区发展自由贸易,促进地区发展。我国改革开放以来,为了吸引外资,引进技术和管理经验,开展对外经济合作和技术交流,以及为了调整产业布局,推动技术进步,设立和发展了经济特区、经济技术开发区、高新技术产业开发区、出口加工区、保税区、国家旅游度假区、台商投资区、新区等多种类型的特别经济区。但是,由于缺乏统一的立法,加上地方利益驱动、政绩考核机制不合理以及执法不严等原因,在我国各地纷纷设立各类特别经济区的过程中,也暴露出特别经济区盲目发展,极大地浪费资源;滥用政策资源,破坏公平竞争的市场秩序;分布不均衡,加剧区际经济差异;产业缺乏关联度,集群性不高;过度依赖优惠政策,可持续发展能力较弱;法律地位不明,管理混乱等一系列问题。目前我国十分有必要尽快建立一套完备的适合我国国情的特别经济区法律体系。

【Abstract】 The development of economy has demonstrated apparent regiona l trait in modernor ancient times, in China or elsewhere, which is determined by the inherent law ofeconomic development. From the historica l source of economic development of theworld aspect, the regiona l trait ma nifests a lot in different countries and periods,especia lly in China. After the founding of New China, it adopted bala nceddevelopment strategy and unbala nced development strategy, which help the nationa leconomy recover and grow rapid ly. However, we hadn’t found a solution to settle theunbala nced development of different regions and caused some new regiona l economicproblems such as serious regiona l segmentation and environmental deterioration. Andthe lack of correspond ing regiona l economic laws is another factor which createsabove problems. In China there is no available authoritative regiona l divisionframework to use, no specia l functiona l department to arrange comprehensively theformulation and implementation of regiona l economic program and policy, noinstrument and supervision system to carry out and evaluate the regiona l economicprogram and policy, no effective mecha nism to promote the regiona l economiccooperation and break regiona l blockades, no index and safeguard measures toevaluate the susta inable development, and no unified regulations of different economicdevelopment area neither. In new historica l era, the Party Central Committee and theState Council put forward some strategies to encourage regiona l bala nced development, which mea ns a significa nt change in regiona l economic policy.Therefore, in current time, studying the basic theory of Regiona l Economic Law,constructing more integral lega l systems and provid ing system guara ntee to realizeregiona l economic bala nced development are urgent tasks in lega l system construction.Chapter 1“Academic analysis on generation of Regiona l Economic Law.”Inthe economic liberal’s view, the regiona l economic problem can be settled throughmarket mecha nism. However, in current time, backward and poverty areas exist innearly all the states, which face serious unemployment, economic depression,environmental deterioration and urban ma ligna nt expansion problems. The occurrenceand increasingly serious state of regiona l problems results from ma ny reasons, but thekey cause is the market failure. The market failure ma nifested in ma ny aspects, such asimperfect competition of regiona l economy, incomplete regiona l economicinformation, externality of regiona l economic activities, shortage of regiona l publicproducts, unbala nced development in regiona l economy and unfair distribution and soon. The experience and practice of developed countries show that sole marketmecha nism cannot achieve bala nced regiona l economic development. Variouscountries unexceptiona lly adopt governmental regiona l policy to encourage thedevelopment of undeveloped area or take other measures to minimize the gap ofdifferent regions. However, in the process of governmenta l intervention, the regiona leconomy shows other problems such as incomplete regiona l economic information,bounded rationa lity of loca l government, rent-seeking behavior of loca l department ofeconomic ma nagement and so on. The creation and value of Regiona l Economic Laware to overcome the regiona l market failure and government failure, and to provid elega l systems for regiona l economic bala nced and susta inable development.Chapter 2“The status and constitution system of Regiona l Economic Law.”Regiona l Economic Law is one of the branch laws of economic law. On the one hand,different from other branch economic law, Regiona l Economic Law has its ownadjusted object and the adjusted economic relation shows regiona l traits; on the otherhand, Regiona l Economic Law promotes regiona l economic bala nced development, and minimizes regiona l gap and realizes regiona l economic susta inable development.The foundation of division of regiona l economic constitution system is the regiona leconomic trait existing in socia l economic relation as the adjusted object of regiona leconomic law. Regiona l Economic Law is an organic connection system which isconstituted by regiona l economic basic law, regiona l economic ma nagementorganization law, economic zone division law, regiona l economic pla nning law,regiona l economic coordinating law, regiona l economic cooperation law, regiona leconomic anti-monopoly law, regiona l anti-unfair competition law, regiona l economicsusta inable development law, specia l economic zone law and so on.Chapter 3“Legisla tive purpose and fundamenta l principle of Regiona lEconomic Law.”There are ma ny different legislative purposes, because the hugedifferent aims of regiona l economic policy due to the various regiona l problemsexisting in different countries, areas and periods. Our country’s legislative purpose andchief aim should be“promoting regiona l economic bala nced development, minimizingregiona l economic gap, realizing regiona l economic susta inable development”.Regiona l Economic Law of China shall comply with the following fundamenta lprinciples, as the combining market-oriented with adequate governmenta l intervention,reasonably divid ing the power of central authority and loca l government, payingattention to equity and efficiency of regiona l economy, and promote regiona l economicsusta inable development.Chapter 4“Regiona l economic ma nagement organization law.”There are ma nytypes of regiona l economic ma nagement organization, including specia l coordinatingbody subject to central authority as Hokkaido Regiona l Exploitation Bureau in Japan,Department of Regiona l Planning, Build ing and City Development in Germa ny; andcombining regiona l coordinating associa tion consisting of representatives from centralauthority and loca l government, as Appalachia n Regiona l Development Committee inUSA; as well as regional enterprise ma nagement associa tion as TVA in USA. Anyway,there shall be some specia l body or associa tion to be responsible for regiona l pla nningand policy, not regarding how to set up such body and associa tion, and there shall be legislation specifying the constitution, status, rights and obligations and so on. The setup of regiona l ma nagement body in China, always adopts separate functiona ldepartment pattern. Until now, Nationa l Development and Reform Commission of thePeople’s Republic of China, Western Development Office, North East Office, Ministryof Land and Resources, Ministry of Construction, Poverty Alleviation Office andMinistry of Civil Affairs have caused multi-cha nnel ma nagement, hard coordination,and waste of administrative resources. It is suggested to integrate administrative bodyand resources, set up a central governmenta l body to ma nage the whole regiona l issuesand set up combining regiona l coordinating associa tion consisting of representativesfrom central authority and loca l government.Chapter 5“The lega l system of economic regiona liza tion and regiona lpla nning.”The conformation and development of economic zone has it owndisciplines. Reasonable economic zone is the premise and foundation of effectivema nagement and bala nced development of regiona l economy. Regiona l pla nning is anovera ll arrangement of regiona l economic and socia l development based on reasonabledivision of regiona l economic zone, with characteristics of regiona lism, strategy andprospect. Regiona l pla nning is also the foundation to draw med ium-and-long-term cityand department program, as well as the important part of nationa l economy and socia ldevelopment program with characteristics of synthesis, overa ll interest andinstructiveness affecting profoundly the national economy and socia l development.From the western countries’experiences, without legislative construction and support,bala nced regiona l pla nning and development cannot be realized. Since theestablishment of New China, it has been through ma ny different stages of economicand regiona l pla nning, but some problems come up as its compilation by multidepartmentand coordination failure due to the lack of lega l basis, reasonableframework and working at random. Sort ma nagement of regiona l policy is stipulatedin the outline of eleven-five pla nning, putting forward nationa l ma in body function ofregiona l pla nning that indica ted China economic and regiona l pla nning had enteredinto a new period when emphasizing the guide with scientific outlook on development and the aim to bala nce regiona l economic development. At the present, we shallurgently establish and perfect the laws and regulations on economic pla nning andregiona l pla nning to guara ntee making the economic and regiona l pla nning morereasonable and scientific in order to promote the establishment of ma in body functionzone and susta inable development.Chapter 6“The lega l system of coordinated development of regiona l economy.”The unbala nced development in different regions is a common problem in the world.The regiona l gap cannot be minimized only by market mecha nism itself, but also bythe governmental effective intervention to bala nce the regiona l development. From theregiona l situations in USA, England, Germa ny, Japan and so on, minimizing theregiona l gaps needed a long term. To ensure the role of government pla ying indevelopment and coordination of regiona l economy, we shall establish and perfectcorrespond ing lega l systems. Since the establishment of New China, our regiona leconomic strategy has been through three stages: the stage of bala nced developmentbetween coastal and inla nd area before implementation of Reform and Opening-upPolicy, the stage of unbala nced development with coastal area priority afterimplementation of Reform and Opening-up Policy, and the stage of regiona l bala nceddevelopment after 1990s. The overa ll aim to establish regiona l economic bala nceddevelopment law shall prevent equalitaria nism and huge regiona l gap. Therefore, weshould perfect our budget and transfer payment laws and carry out public fina nce torealize regiona l public service equaliza tion; perfect tax regulation to adjust the regiona leconomic gap; perfect government purchase system to support undeveloped andminority area; standardize government investment to optimize industria l structure andbackward area’s infrastructure; reform price ma nagement syste m and pricingmecha nism to minimize loss of interests in mid-western area due to price distortion.Chapter 7“The lega l system of regiona l economic cooperation.”Regiona leconomic cooperation is the requirement of regiona l economic division and of regiona lcommon interests. After the implementation of Reform and Opening-up Policy, allregions of China develop regiona l economic cooperation rich in content, form and subject. However, there are still some problems as unsound regiona l cooperationmecha nism, nomina l cooperation among governments, serious industria l structureassimila tion, absence of cooperation motivation, unbala nced market developmentamong regions, insufficiency of regiona l cooperation and so on. The experience ofinternationa l economic cooperation as EU, APEC, NAFTA, provide lots of beneficia lrevela tions to set up regiona l economic cooperation law. The principle of willingness,equality, mutual bene fit, good faith, market-oriented and adapting to regiona l pla nningshall be complied in regiona l economic cooperation. Beside that, we should set up andperfect regiona l economic cooperation and dispute settlement mecha nism.Chapter 8“The lega l system of susta inable development of regiona l economy.”Regiona l economic susta inable development is the premise of the nationa l susta inabledevelopment. Regiona l economic development indica tes that base on existing naturalresources (including environmental) constraints, give full play to the regiona ladvantages and achieve the susta inability of regiona l economic growth. In order tocomprehensively promote the socia l, economic and ecological susta inabledevelopment of the environment, the government formulated China early 21st centuryPlatform for Action for the Susta inable Development which indica tes that Clearlybeginning of the 21st century China implements the strategy of susta inabledevelopment objectives, basic principles, priority areas and safeguard measures, andthe early 21st century in the implementation of the susta inable development strategydocument. And it is build ing regiona l economic susta inable development of China’slega l system an important guide. China should improve and implement regiona lenvironmental pla nning system; establish a regiona l susta inable developmentevaluation and monitoring system; improve the taxation system of environmentalresources and establish a regiona l ecological interest’s compensation mechanism.Chapter 9“The lega l system of anti-regiona l economic monopoly and unfaircompetition.”Establishment of a unified nationa l market system is an important wayto improve the socia list market economic system. Nationa l market unity depends onthe regiona l market. However, due to geographical location, administrative boundaries and a variety of other reasons, regiona l economic division in China is obvious. Atpresent, regiona l economic monopoly and unfair regiona l competition in China havelots of forms, as trade barriers, impeding the free movement of factors, fighting forpolicy resources, engaging in vicious competition; redunda nt construction, fighting forthe interests and resources and so on. These have not only hindered the formation ofthe unified nationa l market or the rationa l distribution of regiona l productivity, but alsodama ged the interests of the nation and undermined the legitima te rights and interestsof the consumers, or even to a large extent contributed to the loca l governmentauthority“renting and selling”and exacerbated corruption. Enhance, we should reformand improve the fisca l and tax ma nagement system, the state-owned economyma nagement mecha nism, loca l performa nce evaluation mecha nism and a reasonableposition of loca l governments; improve and implement the Anti-monopoly Law andthe Law on Combating Unfair Competition and propose to establish a inter-provincia ladministration of justice system independent of loca l governments with the function ofanti-regiona l economic monopoly and unfair competition. Furthermore, we shouldperfect and implement Administrative License Law, and it is suggested to takeadministrative licensing acts of loca l governments at all levels into the scope ofadministrative litigation and provide concerning parties judicia l relief channels toeffectively overcome loca l protectionism.Chapter 10“The lega l system of specia l economic zones.”Under thebackground of the economic globa lization and increasing regiona l economicintegration, all countries in the world promote regiona l development through settingup various types of specia l economic zones. Since the implementation of China’sreform and opening up policy, in order to attract foreign capital, technology andma nagement experience, and engage in foreign economic cooperation and technicalexcha nges, as well as to adjust the indus trial la yout and promote technologica lprogress, we have established and developed specia l economic zones, economic andtechnologica l development zones, high-tech industry development zones, exportprocessing zones, bonded areas, the Nationa l Tourism Resort, Taiwanese investment zones and the new district, and other types of specia l economic zones. However, for thereason of lack ing uniform legislation, coupled with loca l interests driven, andunreasonable performa nce assessment mecha nism as well as la x enforcement, and soon, in the process of setting up various specia l economic zones in the country, itexposed a series of problems such as the blind development of specia l economic zones,great waste of resources, abuse of the policy resources and undermining market orderof fair competition; uneven distribution and aggra vate inter-district economic gap;industries lack of correla tion, not clusters, serious relia nce on preferential policies,weak capacity to keep susta inable development, unknown laws status, chaoticma nagement, and other issues. At present, China is absolutely needed to establish assoon as possible a comprehensive lega l system of specia l economic zones suited toChina’s nationa l conditions.


