

Study on the Financial Innovation in Binhai New Area and RMB Internationalization

【作者】 庞镭

【导师】 王爱俭;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经大学 , 金融学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 进入21世纪,在金融业竞争日益加剧的格局之中,金融以其不断创新而显示出无穷的生命力和活力,并在社会经济生活中的地位越来越重要、作用越来越显著。滨海新区金融改革创新作为滨海新区综合配套改革的重中之重,在我国金融发展与人民币国际化进程中扮演着金融开放重要支点的关键角色。遵循理论与实践相结合,论文基于金融创新与货币国际化的基本理论,从定性到定量、从一般情况到个别案例研究逐层展开,逐步深入到基于区域经济学和国家宏观经济整体视角分析滨海新区金融创新与人民币国际化问题。通过分析滨海新区金融创新与人民币国际化的经济效应、作用机理和路径选择模式,这篇论文总结了我国宏观经济及滨海新区发展特点,应用经学的相关理论,构建模型研究滨海新区在我国宏观经济中特别是人民币国际化的货币背景下的开发开放,进而提出相关的政策建议。论文主要内容如下:首先,介绍论文的研究背景与意义,对国内外相关研究进行系统的文献综述,给出论文的思路框架、研究方法和创新之处,为天津建立“现代金融服务体系”以及滨海新区作为人民币国际化支点后续论证分析提供背景支撑。在文献综述的基础上进一步梳理出较为典型的理论模型,为金融创新与人民币国际化提供理论指导,为后续章节的分析提供理论框架。其次,对滨海新区金融创新与人民币国际化的现实状况进行考察。通过分析我国以及滨海新区宏观经济现状,确定滨海新区金融创新在我国宏观经济发展中所处的地位。通过研究人民币在周边国家地区的流通情况,分析天津汇制改革对人民币国际化进程的启动与加速作用,分析研究宏观经济进一步发展对滨海新区金融创新的要求。在此基础上这篇论文结合货币国际化条件因素,利用面板数据回归模型,对美元、英镑、日元国际化的外部环境因素进行实证分析,并利用实证结果对人民币国际化的外部现实环境因素进行剖析研究。基于一般均衡概念,这篇论文建立了简单的一般均衡模型,进而分析人民币国际化对我国宏观经济的影响。基于金融创新“自组织”过程的考察与分析,论文研究了滨海新区金融创新的“切入点”与“可行集”,人民币国际化与金融创新之间的关系以及滨海离岸金融中心建设与人民币国际化进程的互动推进,并对滨海新区金融创新与人民币国际化相互作用进行微观分析。最后,在进一步探讨适合滨海新区金融创新促进我国宏观经济发展的基础上,论文给出了人民币国际化的政策建议。在前期研究的基础上这篇论文尝试进行了如下创新工作:主要是借鉴已有研究成果,合理构建基于一般均衡框架的人民币国际化效应分析模型;建立滨海新区金融创新与人民币国际化相互作用的微观分析视角,重点分析人民币国际化前景下离岸金融市场以及人民币可兑换试点,以此作为滨海新区金融创新与人民币国际化对接的关键节点;将金融创新与人民币国际化综合考虑,并以滨海新区作为重要的实施平台进行系统考察,分析滨海新区金融创新与人民币国际化的经济效应、作用机理和路径选择模式,并从操作层面突出结点选择的可操作性。

【Abstract】 Since the 21st century, in the pattern which the financial industry competition intensifies day by day, innovations demonstrates the infinite vitality and the vigor in the financial field, and finance d is getting more and more important in the social economy. Financial reform and innovation taken place in the Binhai New Area is most important among the synthesis coordinated reform, which will tiger the process of Renminbi internationalization and become the important channel’s key aspect in the financial development and in the financial opening process. This paper analyzes the finance innovation in Binhai New Area and the economic effects, the mechanism and the pattern of Renminbi internationalization, and summarizes our country’s macro economic and development characteristics of Binhai New Area. With the help of economic theories, this paper constructs the model to study Binhai New Area in our country macro economic development, and also gives the related policy suggestions. The main content of this paper is as follows:Firstly, this paper gives the background of this research, the analysis of literatures, and the research methods and creative points. This is the introduction for further studies on which Tianjin’s strategic localization of“the modern financial service system”, and carries on the proof analysis to the Binhai New Area as the Renminbi internationalization pivot’s feasibility. On the base of literatures analysis, the paper studies the theoretical basement of financial innovation and currency internationalization, which provides the theory frame for the following analysis. It mainly contains the theories of financial innovation, the currency internationalization as well as the correlation theories. On the base of summarizes in the literature, this chapter gives the foundation which further combs the more typical theoretical model, and provides the theory instruction for the financial innovation and the Renminbi internationalization.Secondly, the paper also gives the inspection for finance innovation in Binhai New Area and Renminbi internationalization. Through analyzes our country as well as the Binhai New Area’s present situation of macro economic, the paper determines the the status for Binhai New Area’s finance innovation in our country macro economic development. The research on Renminbi in the surrounding countries area’s circulation and the analyses of acceleration to foreign exchange management reforms in Tianjin, together with the analytical study on macro economic build the foundation for the following research. Based on the theories of the union currency internationalization condition, using the panel data regression model, the paper carries on the empirical analysis to external environment factors for internationalizations of US dollar, the pound, and Japanese yen’s.With the help of the simple general equilibrium model, the paper analyses Renminbi internationalization’s effect to our country macro economic. Based on the financial innovation“from the organization”the process inspection and the analysis, the paper studies the Binhai New Area finance’s innovation“the breakthrough point”and“the feasible collection”. Besides the research of Renminbi internationalization and financial innovation relations, the paper studies as well as the construction of Binhai off-shore financial center and Renminbi internationalization advancement interactive advancement. At the end of this paper is the paten choice of Binhai New Area finance innovation pattern and Renminbi internationalization. The paper discovers the financial innovation pattern which suits the Binhai New Area to satisfy our country macro economic development request, and further discusses the following measure for Binhai New Area international finance innovation. The paper also gives the policy suggestions on Binhai New Area finance innovation and the Renminbi internationalization.This paper attempted in the earlier period research’s foundation has carried on the following innovation work: based on the reference had the research, constructs the reasonable framework for analyzing the effect of Renminbi internationalization; establishes the interaction microscopic analysis angle of view for Binhai New Area finance innovation and the Renminbi internationalization, as well as the Renminbi exchangeable experiment site for Renminbi convertibility. The paper takes overall evaluation of the financial innovation and the Renminbi internationalization, and makes the important implementation platform by the Binhai New Area carry on the system inspection. It also analyzes the Binhai newly developed area finance innovation and the Renminbi internationalization economic effect, the action mechanism and the way choice pattern, and from operation stratification plane prominent point choice and project design feasibility.

  • 【分类号】F832.7;F832.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2611

