

【作者】 孟晓斌

【导师】 王重鸣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在经济日益全球化的今天,任何企业的经营活动都或多或少地嵌入在国际竞争网络中。不管企业自身是否乐意,当企业的经营活动与国际经济发生某种联系时,企业的国际化进程也就不可避免地启动了。国际化并非是大型跨国公司的专利,中小企业同样可以突破规模、资源等因素的掣肘,开展国际创业,这已经得到了研究者的广泛认同。在现实中,具有创业精神的中小企业的国际创业行为正日益成为国际经济活动的主流。组织动态能力理论和组织变革理论为中小企业的国际创业提供了新的视角。对此,回顾以往文献,我们发现有四个理论问题有待解决:(1)在中小企业国际创业过程中,其组织动态能力具有怎样的维度结构?(2)组织动态能力受哪些因素的影响,应当如何构建组织动态能力?(3)从组织动态能力的角度看,企业的国际创业行为策略可以得到怎样的阐释?(4)在国际创业坏境中,企业的组织动态能力如何影响其国际创业行为,并进而影响其国际创业绩效?为了回答这些问题,本文开展了以下研究。研究一,探索国际创业背景下中小企业组织动态能力的结构维度。分为两个子研究。子研究一为访谈研究。在对以往相关研究和理论回顾的基础上,选择了16家中小企业负责人进行访谈。围绕国际创业背景下组织动态能力的内涵展开,并在此基础上对其结构特征、作用机制也进行深入访问,对访谈内容全程记录。随后采用内容分析技术对访谈材料进行分析,初步得到了组织动态能力的概念构思:为适应或创造国际化变革,企业通过获取、释放、整合或重构自己的资源、胜任力或规则的一系列特征、行为或惯例更新过程。在此基础上,子研究二进一步采用问卷研究方法,收集组织水平的变量数据,进而通过综合运用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析方法,对概念构思进行验证。子研究一、二共同揭示了国际化背景下中小企业动态能力的多维度构思,包括搜索吸收能力、转化整合能力、变革创新能力和网络协同能力等四个维度。研究二,分析国际创业背景下组织动态能力的影响因素。研究首先通过文献综述和理论推导,提出了影响国际创业背景下中小组织动态能力的关键变量及其作用关系。然后通过实证研究发现,公司创业导向的创新超前性和风险承受性、高管团队的知识异质性和行为互动是影响中小企业搜索吸收能力的主要因素;高管团队特征风险承受性、理念一致性、行为互动性和企业家的学习能力是决定企业转化整合能力的主要因素;创新超前性、风险承受性、理念一致性、行为互动性、企业家的学习能力和国际愿景是决定企业变革创新能力的关键因素,并且理念一致性对其的影响效应是负的;高管团队的知识异质性和理念一致性是影响企业网络协同能力的主要因素。研究三,采用案例研究的方法,从组织动态能力的视角,分析中小企业的国际创业行为策略。首先从半结构化访谈中得到关于中小企业国际创业行为策略的一些现实线索。接着以组织动态能力和组织变革理论为基础,结合企业国际创业理论的最新进展,推导得到中小企业国际创业的典型行为策略。然后根据理论框架,从访谈中选取典型案例,进一步收集相关材料。通过呈现企业在国际化进程中的行为特征,对案例进行解析并进行理论提炼。最后,对各种行为模式进行对比分析。从组织动态能力和组织变革的角度看,中小企业国际创业行为策略可以概括为柔性适应型策略、愿景驱动型策略、因循规则型策略和压力推动型策略。研究四,采用问卷研究方法,在组织水平收集大样本数据,借助结构方程建模技术,从三方面分析了中小企业组织动态能力的国际创业绩效机制。(1)企业组织动态能力与国际创业环境对其国际创业行为的影响。研究发现,这种影响关系并非是简单的一一对应关系。在不同的国际创业环境特征条件下,搜索吸收能力、转化整合能力、变革创新能力和网络协同能力的强弱差异、组合不同,将影响企业对国际化行为模式的选择。(2)国际创业行为与国际创业绩效的关系。研究表明,企业国际创业的各种行为模式自身所隐含的变革匹配机制的差异,分别对企业的国际创业生存绩效和成长绩效有不同的影响作用。(3)通过检验国际创业行为模式的中介效应,打开了组织动态能力与国际创业绩效关系的“黑箱”。组织动态能力对于国际创业绩效的影响,主要是通过其对国际创业行为策略的影响而实现的。本研究基于学习观,提出并验证了国际创业背景下中小企业组织动态能力的多维度构思,并分析了其涉及多个组织层次的影响因素;基于组织动态能力观,探索了中小企业国际创业的典型行为模式:基于匹配观,深入分析了组织动态能力绩效机制。这些理论观点,为中小企业抓住国际变革机遇,赢得并保持竞争优势,提供了思路。

【Abstract】 With the increasing globalization of economy, every firm’s business activities have been embodied in the international competitive networks. Whether the firms would like to international business or not, their internationalization will start up inevitably when they connect with international economy to some extent. Internationalization is not only the privilege of large multinational companyes, but also the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which can break through the condition of scale and resource and then obtain international growth. In fact, these SMEs with entrepreneurial spirit are becoming the leading actors in international economic activities.The theory of organizational dynamic capabilities (ODC) and organizational change (OC) gave a new perspective for internationalization of SMEs. We confirmed four theoretical issues unresolved: (1) What were the connotation and constructs of organizational dynamic capabilities of SMEs in the context of international entrepreneurship? (2)What were the impacting factors of ODC, and how to build ODC? (3) What did the international entrepreneurial behavior types of firm really mean from the point of ODC? (4) How did ODC influence international entrepreneurial bwhaviors of firms, and then influence the firms’ international entrepreneurship performance? Four studies were conducted to answer these questions.Study 1 explored the construct of ODC of SMEs in the context of internationalization. It was composed of two sub-studies. In sub-study 1, the researcher conducted depth interviewing to sixteen entrepreneurs of SMEs on connotative meaning of ODC and its construct based on the literature reviewing. The interviewing courses were recorded by text. Based on the content analysis, it came up with the construct of ODC. In sub-study 2, the researcher wanted to validate the construct of ODC by means of empirical method. Acoording to thes data, EFA and CFA findings showed that the construct of ODC put forward in sub-study 1 is legitimacy in a way. These two studies showed that ODC of SMEs in international entrepreneurship context was a multi-dimensions construct which were searching and absorbing capability (SAC), transforming and integrative capability (TIC), change and innovation capability (CIC), networking and cooperating capability (NCC).Study 2 analized the impacting factors of ODC in the context of international entreprenurship. Before the study, the researcher had put forwarded several critical variables which worked on ODC and had supposed their effects on ODC. Subsequently, empirical study was conducted to confirm these hypotheses. The study showed that the firms’ innovativeness and proactivenesss, risk-taking, top management team’s (TMT’s) knowledge heterogeneity and behavior interaction, entrepreneur’s learning compentence were the key factors influencing SAC; the firms’ risk-taking, TMT’s vision consistency and behavior interaction, entrepreneur’s learning compentence were the key factors influencing TIC; the corporate entrepreneurial orientation, TMT’s vision consistency and behavior interaction, entrepreneur’s learning compentence and international vision were the key factors influencing CIC; TMT’s knowledge heterogeneity and vision consistency were the key factors influencing NCC.Study 3 analyzed the international behavior strategies of SMEs from ODC perspective, by means of case studying methods. Firstly, the researcher got some practical clues about international behavior strategies of SMEs from the semi-structured interviewing. Secondly, the researcher supposed four representative international entrepreneurial behavior modes of SMEs based on the theory of ODC, OC and IE. Thirdly, under these theoretical frameworks, the cases were selected from interviewing and enriched by various mediums data collection. And through presenting the critical behavioral characteristics of firm in their internationalization processes, these cases were analyzed and concluded in depth. Finally, these four behavior strategis of SMEs were contrasted with each others. From the perspective of ODC and OC, the researcher found that the international entrepreneurship behavior strategies of SMEs could be classified into four types which were the flexibility adaptive strategy, the vision driven strategy, the rule following strategy, the pressure impelling strategy.Study 4 analyzed the performance mechanism of ODC of SMEs international entrepreneurship in three aspects, adopting questionnaire studying method, sampling on organization level, and depending on structural equation modeling techniques. (1) The effects on international entrepreneurial behaviors made by international environmental characteristics and ODC. It was found that the diversity of combination of SAC, TIC, CIC, and NCC had influences on international entrepreneurial behaviors in various international environments. (2) The relation between international entrepreneurial behaviors and international entrepreneurship performance. The researcher found that the diversity of change fitting mechanism embedded in international entrepreneurial behaviors had different influence on international survival performance and growth performance respectively. (3) It enabled to open up the ’black box’ between ODC and international entrepreneurial performance through testing the mediation effects of international entrepreneurial behaviors. The effects on international entrepreneurship performance made by ODC were mainly through its effect on international entrepreneurial behaviors.Based on fit view, this paper put forward and validated the multi-dimensions construct of ODC of SMEs in internationalization context. It also explored the typical modes of internationalization of SMEs relying on ODC perspective. Besides, it further analyzed the performance mechanism of ODC. As a result, these theoretical opinions enabled the SMEs to be aware of the way how to gain and maintain the competitive advantage in international change context.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期

