

【作者】 赵建欣

【导师】 张忠根;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国蔬菜产业快速发展,但与此同时,蔬菜质量安全问题却日益突出。如何通过提高蔬菜质量安全水平,保证消费者身体健康和生命安全,提升我国蔬菜的国际竞争力,是亟需解决的一个现实问题。从生产过程来控制农产品质量安全已经在理论界达成共识。农户作为我国蔬菜的主要生产主体,其供给决策直接关系到蔬菜的质量安全。对农户层面的现有研究多侧重于农户决策影响因素的分析,而专门针对农户安全蔬菜供给行为及决策机制的研究在国内学术界尚不多见。因此,剖析农户安全蔬菜供给行为,揭示其决策机理,在理论上有利于弥补国内相关研究的空白;在实践上有助于扩大安全蔬菜供给,提高我国蔬菜的质量安全水平。本文应用经济学和社会心理学的理论,借鉴已有的相关研究成果,构建了农户安全蔬菜供给决策的理论分析框架。然后,运用河北定州、山东寿光和浙江临海510个蔬菜种植农户的调查数据和资料,采用理论与实证、定性与定量、比较与案例分析的方法,考察了农户安全蔬菜供给决策的影响因素,揭示了农户安全蔬菜供给行为的形成机制和决策过程。在此基础上,提出了若干提高我国蔬菜质量安全水平的对策建议。本文的研究内容主要涉及五个方面。第一,对已有相关研究文献进行综述。首先,对蔬菜质量安全的相关研究成果进行梳理,主要从蔬菜质量安全产生的现实原因、理论成因以及安全管理对策等方面,对当前国内外相关文献进行总结和评述;其次,对农户行为的研究成果进行回顾,主要包括国内外的农户行为研究综述以及农户质量安全供给行为决策综述。通过综述文献,发现已有研究存在的不足,明确本文的研究任务、重点和方法。第二,理论分析框架的构建。在相关文献综述的基础上,结合我国农户现实背景,从合理行为理论、计划行为理论、扩展的计划行为理论、交易成本理论以及信息不对称理论出发,详细阐述本研究的理论分析框架。该部分先叙述了模型构建的理论基础,明确了模型构建的目标与思路,然后提出了农户安全蔬菜供给决策的概念模型,并介绍了模型中变量设置的原则、途径和依据,最后提出了待检验的研究假设。第三,实证研究设计。根据理论分析框架的需要,结合研究目标,首先阐述问卷的设计过程以及实证数据的获取过程,之后对本论文所选择的研究方法及应用目的进行概括,最后是对实证分析逻辑程序的说明。第四,实证分析过程。包括三部分:首先,根据实地调查数据,基于概念模型,对样本特征进行统计描述,用相关分析方法初步考察变量之间的关系;其次,运用结构方程模型和多元线性回归方法对农户安全蔬菜供给决策进行实证分析,揭示农户安全蔬菜供给决策的机理;再次,用案例分析的方法验证和进一步剖析农户安全蔬菜供给决策的影响因素、决策机制和行为过程。第五,结论概括与对策建议。根据理论与实证分析结果对全文的研究结论进行简明扼要的总结,并提出我国蔬菜质量安全管理的对策建议。本论文的研究结果表明,农户对安全蔬菜的认知状况不尽理想,供给的蔬菜质量安全水平较低。导致这种状况的原因非常复杂,其中,农户安全蔬菜供给的行为意向、预期收益、政府规制、政府服务、蔬菜交易方式、户主年龄以及家庭劳动力数量对农户供给决策有着直接影响。并且,预期收益、政府规制、交易方式、户主年龄与行为意向产生交互作用影响农户安全蔬菜供给决策。同时,不同预期收益水平、不同政府规制和服务力度、不同交易方式、不同地区导致农户安全蔬菜供给行为存在明显差异。总之,农户安全蔬菜供给决策是在行为目标的导向下,在行为意向的直接作用下,在当前政策制度约束下,综合考虑了经济因素和农户禀赋状况等多种因素影响的行为决策过程。基于上述的理论研究与实证分析,本文得出如下几点对策建议:综合运用市场和非市场手段,激励农户供给安全蔬菜;大力推进蔬菜生产基地建设,倡导合同交易方式;大力支持发展蔬菜合作组织,发挥其在质量安全控制方面的积极作用;充分利用以血缘、地缘关系为纽带的农户间安全生产合作与监督机制;提高政府对安全蔬菜供给的服务水平,增大政府对不安全蔬菜供给的规制力度,以此营造蔬菜产业健康发展的良好外部环境。本文在研究内容、模型构建和研究方法方面有一定的创新。首先,在研究内容上,突破了现有研究成果多是对一个地区、一种类型农户质量安全控制行为影响因素的考察,不仅全面而深入地研究了农户安全蔬菜供给行为的形成机制和决策过程,还进行了不同类型、不同地区农户安全蔬菜供给行为的比较分析。其次,在模型构建上,把农户决策的心理因素、经济因素、政策制度因素等统一纳入到农户安全蔬菜供给决策模型,并结合中国蔬菜种植农户的实际,在模型中加入了新的解释变量,有效地克服了变量选择与我国实际不符的情况,丰富了已有模型的构成要素,在一定程度上发展了农户行为决策理论。再次,在研究方法上,综合运用了描述性统计、方差分析、结构方程模型、逐步回归以及案例分析等方法,突破了现有国内学术界以单一方法为主的分析思路,使研究更具规范性和科学性。

【Abstract】 The vegetable industry has developed rapidly, since China began its reform and opening-up policy, but there emerges the problem of vegetable quality, which can not be neglectable. Therefore, it is essential to enhance vegetable quality in order to guarantee the consumers’ health and life, as well as promote Chinese vegetable’s international competitiveness. Being an important body of supplying vegetable, farmers play crucial role in guaranteeing the vegetable quality. Domestic researches about farmers’ behavior have paid much attention to the influencing factors, while studies on farmers’ decision-making mechanism are insufficient and confined. Therefore, it is quite necessary and important to analyze the farmers’ behavior and disclose the internal mechanism of farmers’ decision, which can not only enrich the theory academically, but also provide practical suggestions on how to guarantee the supply of safe vegetable.The dissertation constructs a theoretical model based on the relevant economics and social psychology theories. And then based on the data of 510 househoulds in Dinzhou contry of Hebei, Shouguang county of Shandong and linhai country of Zhejiang provinces, the dissertation applies both theoretical and empirical methods to analyze the influencing factors, disclose the internal mechanism of fanners’ decision-making, compare the differences between farmers’ behavior and provide the explaination, Based on the above analysis, the dissertation puts forward the implications to policy-making and concludes with some suggestions on increasing safe vegetable supply and improving vegetables’ quality.The dissertation consists of the following five parts:The first part is the literature review, which mainly summarizes the theories of safe foods and relevant research findings of farmers’ behavior. To begin with, this part summarizes the theories about the cause of safe vegetable supply, as well as the literature of managing countermeasures. Secondly, the author studies and comments on relevant researches on farmers’ behavior of supplying safe vegetable. And then points out the shortcoming of present research and at the same time puts forward the theoretical and practical significance of this study.The second part is the construction of theoretical model. Combining with the Chinese fanner’s practice, based on TORA, TPB and other farmers’ behavior theories for reference, this part constructs a decision-making behavior model of farmers’ safe vegetable supplying. Begining with the introduction of relevent theories needed, the author states the object and thoughts of model construction, After putting forward the theoretical model, the author explains the involved variables. And the last of this part is the introduction of hypothesis of this study.The third part is the design of empirical analysis, which is based on the theoretical model and the research object. Firstly it discribes the contents of questionnaire and the process of investigating data in detail, then generalizes the empirical methods and their purposes. Lastly, it states the procedure of empirical analysis.The fourth part is the empirical analysis of decision-making, the key of this study. Based on the theoretical models constructed in the second part, this part carries out empirical studies on farmers’ supplying of safe vegetable behavior. Firstly, it uses the statistic method to analyze sample’s character and variables’ correlation. Secondly, it applies the methods of SEM and multiple regression to analyze the internal mechanism of farmers’ decision-making. Then three typical cases are selected to analyze the influencing factors, mechanism and process of farmers’ decision-making.The last part is the summary of this study, as well as proposals to guarantee the safe vegetable supply.Through theoretical and empirical analysis, this dissertation finds out that farmers can not completely understand what is the safe vegetable and there is no doubt that the quality of vegetable is low. Behavioral intention, expectative profit, government’s regulation and service, trade patterns, farmer’s age and family’s labor influence the farmers’ supplying of the safe vegetable behavior directly. While farmers’ object, attitude, subjective-norms and perceived-behavioral-control influence the decision-making indirectly. To sum up, farmers’ decision-making of supplying safe vegetable is influenced mainly by farmers’ behavior intention, household resources, economic factors, policy, regulation and other factors.Based on the theoretial and empirical analysis, This dissertation puts forward the following policy implications: promoting farmers to provide safe vegetable by market measure and other measures, building up vegetable base and carrying out contract trading, developing cooperative organization and exerting its influence on farmers, strengthening farmers’ cooperating and supervising of vegetable, enhancing government’s service standard and regulation powers. These countermeasures provide great possibility to guarntee the supply of safe vegetableThe main progresses that this dissertation makes are as follows: Firstly, it uses the theoretical and empirical methods to disclose the internal mechanism of farmers’ decision-making, and analyze comparatively differences of farmers’ behavior, which promotes and deepens the current research on influencing factors. Secondly, based on relevant research findings of fanners’ behavior, it applies the theory of both economics and social psychology to construct the theoretical model, which adds new explaining variables and makes the conclusion more scientific and practical. And the third, it applies statistic method, SEM and multiple regression to analyze the internal mechanism of farmers’ decision-making, which may make progress in the demestic research method.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】F326.13;F224
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】1657
  • 攻读期成果

