

【作者】 熊毅

【导师】 曾艳兵;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 约翰·多恩是英国17世纪玄学派的代表诗人,他的诗歌思辩诡异,意象奇特,如同白色背景下的黑色记忆,令人情感跌宕起伏。多恩的作品引领了玄学派思潮,进入了巴洛克艺术的范畴。研究多恩诗歌可以发现,多恩对传统的叛逆、对“恶”的体现张显出超前性。在某种意义上,此种超前性可以被看做现代性的表现。不论是在多恩所处的时代,还是在现代,多恩艺术如同时代艺术之弦上不可忽视的一股潜流,不断地提示着人们对自身的解构和建构,时代对自身的看视与反思,其间所呈现出来的现代性特征也正是多恩艺术中不易察觉的特色。本文从审美的角度论述多恩及其诗歌的间性、空间化、张力、间离效果和镜像五个现代性特征,旨在说明古典主义思潮盛行的17世纪隐藏着现代性的暗流。这不仅丰富了多恩研究,而且以一种个案研究的形式实践了17世纪的现代性研究,从而推动了现代性研究的发展。不仅如此,论文尝试了科学与诗歌的结合,呈现出诗歌语言符号的分子运动状态。比如,将隐喻的本体与喻体之间的关系解读成物理学理论中的水珠表面张力、用自然科学中的自组织理论阐释现代性等。该文从上下两篇论述多恩的现代性特征。上篇着重指出多恩与现代性的关联。第一章首先论述了现代性概念的界定,然后,从詹姆逊解读现代性的四个基本原则出发,概括出现代性的本质特征,它们如同一条暗线自始至终贯穿全文。第二章指出多恩与现代性相关联的可行性。以语言为媒介,以“距离”为现代性因子,在诗性隐喻的表达空间内,多恩得以充分体现出其现代性特征。第三章论述间性、空间化、张力、间离效果和镜像五个现代性诗学概念以及它们的表征形式。下篇论述了多恩现代性的多副面孔,换言之,从多恩现代性的多个侧面来具体说明多恩及其诗歌的现代性特征。第四章重点论述了多恩的“间性”特征。由于多恩认知中“零距离”的混沌,导致了其主体的“间性”和文本的“间性”的出现,令多恩文本在横向组合轴上产生事物两极间的动态运动,从而产生多恩中间性的特征。与不同风格的作品相比,多恩文本所体现出来的落差大,使得“间性”较之更强些。第五章重点论述了多恩及其诗歌的“空间化”。显然,随着多恩距离意识的复活,他对社会的认识逐渐从混沌走向清醒。他将视野转向了宇宙,以“打破性别认同”、强调“虚幻”等手段进行写作,从而构建了与传统意义上不同的横向组合轴和纵向聚合轴相交叉的空间系统,此空间系统是无中心的,也无边界的。第六章重手笔地论述了多恩及其诗歌作品中的张力。张力是现代性表征的一个重要层面。因为语言能指与所指的“异质”与“远距”,诗歌给人带来一种落差引起的强大的心灵震动与视觉冲击,生发出一种不同寻常的美感。本章主要通过对隐喻的本体与喻体的变动过程的分析,在多恩及其诗歌文本的情感、主题以及时代张力等方面挖掘出多恩张力的不同层面的表现。第七章言及“间离”效果。多恩眼中的社会是乌托邦的梦想之国,在其中,能实现社会的政治、宗教、军事和文化等各个方面的“大一统”。这一思想与当时的社会主流格格不入,但有助于建构“和谐”的理念。第八章主要从不同时代对多恩诗歌的不同反映反观多恩的颠覆性、表现性、魔幻性和后现代性等特征,正如照镜子所形成的镜像,映射出多恩现代性的不同面孔。多恩的现代性是有其发展渊源与衍生条件的。研究多恩现代性的意义首先在于多恩本身所呈现的意义。多恩这部历史作品有极强的隐喻性,对“恶”之美的启示正隐喻了时代的发展和发展中所遇到的困难和阻碍。其次,多恩作品的思想的超前性可以在时代找到契合点,这为揭示文化的深层内在结构提供了参考。最后,作为一部历史作品的多恩诗歌作品的现代性对现代作品也是有指导意义的,其拼贴、互文等已经成为了工业社会和后工业社会时期的文学作品高频率使用的写作手段。多恩是17世纪人,其作品只具有某些现代性特征,但对其现代性的研究推动了现代性研究的发展,使现代性进一步深入其美学意义上的动态描述之中。

【Abstract】 John Donne is a typical metaphysical poet of Britain in the 17th Century. His poems are strange in speculation and picturesque in the use of images like dark memories against a white background, causing emotional rise and fall among the readers. John Donne’s works led the ideological trend of the metaphysical poems and touched upon category of Baroque Art. The study of John Donne’s poems reveals his rebellion against tradition and his pre-consciousness in the embodiment of "evil". In a certain sense, this pre-consciousness is viewed as manifestation of modernity. Whether in Donne’s or in the modern times, Donne’s art is something like an under current that keeps people aware of the construction and deconstruction of their personal beings, of their perspectives and introspection of the times, the demonstration of the modernistic features in both of which are just the hardly noticeable characteristics of Donne’s art.This dissertation attempts to discuss the five modernistic features of "intermediacy", spatiality, tension, alienation effect and mirror image from the aesthetic perspective, aiming to point out that the prevalence of classicism in the 17th Century implies an under current of modernity. This not only enriches the studies of John Donne, but also makes it possible to study the modernity of the 17th Century in an individual case, thus promoting the studies of modernity. Besides, science and poetry are attempted to be unitied in the dissertation in order to show the molecule-like movement of language symbols. For example, the relation between metaphor’s referring and the referred is explained into facial tension with physics theory, modernity is elaborated with Self-Orgnization Theory of science and etc.This dissertation is divided into parts in discussing the modernistic features of John Donne. Part one mainly points out the connection between John Donne and modernity. Chapter One firstly focuses on the definition of modernity and then generalizes the nature of modernity in light of Jameson’s four basic tenets in interpreting modernity, which serves as an unseen thread through out the dissertation. Chapter Two explores the feasibility of associating John Donne with modernity. It reveals how John Donne gives expression to modernity within the scope of poetic metaphors through the medium of language and with the modernistic factors of "distance". Chapter Three illustrates the five conceptions and the superficial forms of modernistic poetics, i.e. the "intermediacy", spatiality, tension, alienation effect and mirror image.Part two expounds the multi-features of Donne’s modernity. In other words, the modernistic features of John Donne’s poems are specifically illustrated from the multi aspects of Donne’s modernity. Chapter Four emphasizes the features of "intermediacy" in Donne’s poems. Due to the chaos of "null distance" in Donne’s cognition, a dynamic movement has been produced between the two poles on a horizontal axis in his texts, which led to the occurrence of subjective and textual "intermediacies". And this is the characteristic of Donne’s intermediateness. In comparison to the poems of different styles, the drop of Donne’s texts is great, which makes the "intermediacy" stronger. Chapter Five is centered on the spatiality of Donne and his poems. It is obvious that with the survival of Donne’s awareness of distance, his cognition of the society gradually diverges from confusion to soberness. He turns his vision to the universe and writes by "smashing the cognition genders" and emphasizing on "illusions", having created a spatial system cross-sectioned by the untraditional horizontal composite axis and the vertical polymerized axis. Such a spatial system has neither a center nor a boundary. Chapter Six empathetically relates and analyses the tension in Donne’s poems. Tension is an important aspect of the superficial feature of modernity. Because of the "heterogeneity" and "remoteness" in the quality of language’s referring and the referred, poems may bring strong mental shocking and visual impact caused by the drop, producing an unusual sense of beauty. Through the analysis of the shifting process of homo-body and metaphoric body, this chapter aims to cultivate the different aspects of the emotions, themes and tension of the time in the texts of Donne’s poems. Chapter Seven discusses the "intermediacy" effects. In Donne’s eyes, the society is a dream land of utopia in which politics, religion, military affairs and culture can reach a "grand reunion". This belief is completely out of tune with main stream society while is beneficial to constructing Idea of harmony. Chapter Eight chiefly reflects the subversion, the expressivity, the magic nature and the post-modernity of Donne’s poems from the different reactions to Donne at different times. Just like the images as reflected in a mirror, they reflect the different aspects of Donne’s modernity.Donne’s modernity has its origins and derivatising conditions in the course of its development. The study of Donne’s modernity lies first in the significance as reflected in Donne himself. This historical work of Donne is strongly metaphorical, and the inspiration of the beauty of "evil" has just indicated the development of the age as well as the difficulties and obstacles in the process of development. Next, the foresightedness in Donne’s poems may find its correspondence in its age, offering reference for probing into the deeper structure of culture. Last, as a historical work, Donne’s poems may also serve as guidance to the modern works; its techniques of collage and intertextuality have become the highly frequent means in literary creation of the industrial and post-industrial societies. John Donne is a poet of the 17th Century and his works have merely presented some modernistic features, but the study of his modernity has deeply come into dynamic description in the sense of aesthetics, which has enriched the studies of the modernity of the 17th Century in general and prompted the development of the researches of modernity as a whole.

  • 【分类号】I561
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