

【作者】 张新华

【导师】 庞卓恒;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 史学理论与史学史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 新中国近60年经济社会发展的实践表明,中国实现现代化的难点在农村,农业、农民和农村是我国现代化建设中的薄弱环节。因此,中国实现现代化的关键是实现三农现代化,解决三农问题不仅是中国全部工作的重中之重,更是一项十分重要而迫切的任务。本文以马克思主义唯物史观为指导,在中国实现现代化的大背景下,通过回顾新中国推进三农现代化进程的伟大实践,分析当代中国三农现代化的成就和问题,力求对破解当前面临的三农问题做出一些理论探索和实践对策设想。本文由绪论和10章构成。绪论阐述了研究中国三农现代化的必要性和意义,回顾理论探讨和实证研究的情况,提出有待解决的问题以及本文的主旨。第一章主要回顾了从新中国成立到改革开放之前对于三农现代化的艰辛探索。第二章主要回顾了从改革开放到世纪之交三农现代化的成功实践。第三章主要介绍了21世纪初中国三农发展战略的重大转变。新中国成立以来特别是改革开放以来,中国共产党为了解决三农问题,为了实现工业化和现代化,几经调整三农政策,我国农业和农村因而发生了历史性的深刻变化,农村经济社会发展取得了举世公认的伟大成就,农民生活水平有了极大的提高。但是,由于种种原因,制约农业和农村发展的深层次矛盾尚未消除,促进农民稳定持续增收的长效机制尚未形成,农村经济社会发展滞后的局面也还没有根本改变,统筹城乡发展的体制机制没有完全建立起来,全面建设小康社会,最艰巨、最繁重的任务在农村。因此,新世纪三农问题仍将是中国共产党构建和谐社会需要解决的一个突出问题。进入新世纪以来,中国的三农政策进行了重大调整。中国共产党的十六大确定了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,其重大任务之一是建设现代农业、繁荣农村经济、增加农民收入。2003年全国农村工作会议正式提出将三农问题作为全党工作的“重中之重”。此后,党中央、国务院领导反复强调这个“重中之重”,并陆续出台了缓解三农问题的政策措施。中国共产党的十六大、十六届三中、四中全会提出加强党的执政能力建设,其任务之一是“在指导方针、政策措施上注重加强薄弱环节,特别要重视解决好农业、农村、农民问题”。十六届五中全会提出了建设社会主义新农村的重大历史任务,为做好三农工作指明了方向。十六届六中全会提出以科学发展观为指导构建和谐社会,坚持协调发展,扎实推进社会主义新农村建设。2007年十七大进一步提出统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设。2004年以来中央连续五年出台了五个关于三农问题的一号文件,显示了中国共产党解决三农问题的决心。所有这些标志着中国三农发展战略的重大转变,预示着中国三农问题的解决步入了更加科学的轨道。第四章主要介绍和分析了中国三农现代化的成就和存在的问题、问题的成因及对现代化进程的影响。中国三农现代化取得了伟大的成就,但同时还存在着农业劳动生产率低,城乡居民收入差距、财产差距、消费差距不断扩大,以及城乡社会发展差距悬殊等问题。造成这些问题的原因是,改革开放以前,尤其是1956年党的八大以后,党和国家在指导思想上受“左”的影响,犯了“左”的错误,逐渐放松了发展生产力这个中心,是形成三农问题的主要原因,再加上实施偏重工业和城市的经济发展战略、使农民和农业承受了过重的负担和牺牲等原因,三农问题逐渐发展,不仅使三农的基础作用没有充分发挥出来,也使三农现代化充满了艰辛曲折;改革开放后,解放和发展生产力重新成为中心任务,三农现代化取得了重大进展,但是由于党的十六大之前继续偏重工业和城市的发展战略没有根本改变,这是使三农问题长期存在并越来越严重的重要原因。这些问题的长期存在造成了中国严重的内需不足,阻碍了城市生产力的进一步发展;城乡差距扩大,增加了中国社会的不稳定因素。第五章至第十章是在以上回顾和分析的基础上,作了一些破解三农问题的理论探索和实际对策设想。第五章主要分析了衡量三农政策的标准是是否解放和发展了农村生产力。第六章主要分析了就三农问题而言坚持以人为本就是坚持以农民为本。强调促进农民增收、提高农民科学文化素质和生产能力是解决三农问题的关键。第七章主要分析了怎样通过改革和发展解决前进中的问题。主要阐述怎样在三农问题上落实科学发展观的问题。第八章主要阐述怎样在实践中落实农业是国民经济发展的基础的指导思想。第九章主要阐述了坚持城乡协调发展重点在农村。全面建设小康社会和实现现代化,难点不是在城市而是在农村。第十章主要分析了发展农业规模化经营的必要性。

【Abstract】 The nearly 60 years’ practice of economic and social development in China shows that the greatest difficulty in China’s realization of modernization is in the rural areas. Issues involving agriculture, the rural areas and the peasants are among the weakest in China’s construction of modernization. Therefore, the key to realizing modernization in China is to achieve modernization in these three areas. To resolve problems in these areas is not only of the greatest importance but looms ahead of China’s development.This dissertation, guided by Marxist historical materialism, in the backdrop of working to realize modernization in China, strives to make some theoretical exploration and to envisage some possible practical measures for the resolution of the above mentioned problems through reviewing the great practice of China’s promotion of modernization in the three areas concerning agriculture, the rural areas and the peasants, and by analyzing the achievements and problems in contemporary China.This dissertation consists of Introduction and another 10 chapters. By reviewing the theoretical discussion and empirical study, the Introduction expounds the necessity and significance of studying the rural modernization and puts forward the issues to be solved and the standpoint of this dissertation.The first chapter reviews the painstaking exploration in the rural modernization from 1949 to 1978, that is, from the founding of PRC to the beginning of reform and opening policy. The second chapter focuses on the successful practice of the rural modernization from 1978 to the turn of the century. Chapter 3 introduces the significant changes in China’s rural development strategies at the beginning of the 21st century. Since the founding of PRC, especially after the implementation of reform and opening policy, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), in order to solve the three dimensional rural problems, to achieve industrialization and modernization, have adjusted relevant policies for several times, which have brought about historic and profound changes in China’s agriculture and the rural areas. Internationally-acknowledged great achievements have been made in the economic and social development of the rural areas, and the peasants’ living standards have been greatly improved. However, due to various reasons, the deeply-seated contradictions that restrict agricultural and rural development have not yet been eliminated. A mechanism to secure sustainable and steady growth of the peasants’ income in the long run has not been formed. And the fact that the rural economic and social development is lagging behind the overall development on the national level has not been fundamentally changed. What’s more, the establishment of adequate systems and mechanisms to coordinate urban and rural development have not been completed, so the most arduous, and onerous task to build a well-off society is in the rural areas. Therefore, in the new century the three dimensional rural issues still stand out among all the issues to be resolved for the CCP to build a harmonious society. Since the beginning of the new century, some major adjustments of policies have been made in these areas. The 16th CCP National Congress set up the goal of comprehensively building a well-off society, among the specific tasks of which is to develop modem agriculture, flourish the rural economy and to increase the peasants’ income. The 2003 National Conference on Rural Work officially proposed to give "top priority" of the CCP’s efforts to the three rural dimensional issues. Since then, the CCP Central Committee (CCPCC) and the State Council have repeatedly stressed this "top priority", and have successively adopted a series of policies and measures to relieve the grave situation of these three rural dimensional issues. The 16th CCP National Congress, and the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 16th CCPCC all proposed that to strengthen the Party’s administrative capacity, one of its tasks is "to focus on the weak points, especially the issues involving agriculture, the rural areas and the peasants, in the making of the guiding principles, policies and measures". The Fifth Plenary Session of the 16 CCPCC put forward the major historic goal of building a new socialist countryside, which provides the guidance to successfully accomplish the tasks in rural issues. The Sixth Plenum put forward the scientific concept of development as the guidance to build a harmonious society, to uphold coordinated development in urban and rural areas, and to enhance the building of a new socialist countryside. In 2007 the 17th CCP National Congress further proposed to coordinate urban and rural development and to promote the building of a new socialist countryside. Since 2004, all the five No. 1 official documents of the year issued by the central government are about the three rural dimensional issues, which shows the CCP’s determination to resolve the problems in these areas. All these facts indicate the major strategical change in the development of China’s rural issues, and that the development of China’s three dimensional rural issues will be directed to a more scientific path.Chapter IV introduces the achievements and the existing problems in the process of China’s agricultural modernization, and analyses the causes of the problems and their impact on the modernization. Great achievements have been made in China’s rural modernization, but there still exist problems like a low level of agricultural productivity, the widening gap in income and consumption level between urban and rural residents, and the widening gap between the social development of the urban and rural poor, etc. Before 1978, especially after the Eighth CCP National Congress in 1956, misguided by the "leftist" in the guiding ideology, both CCP and the state government committed "leftist" mistakes, and gradually reduced its focus on developing productivity, which should have always been the central task for the Party. This, coupled with the unbalanced strategy of focusing on industry and urban development and some other reasons, imposed too heavy a burden on the peasants. Thus, problems involving the three dimensional rural issues gradually arise and become increasingly serious, which has not only repressed the full play of the rural issues as the basic role in the national economic and social development, but also brought about lots of obstacles to the rural development. After the implementation of reform and opening policy, to liberate and develop productivity once again became the central task, which led to significant progress in rural modernization. However, as no fundamental change was made to the unbalanced focus on industry and urban development, problems in these rural issues existed for a long time and became increasingly serious, which resulted in the serious insufficiency of domestic demand in China, which in turn has hampered the further development of urban productivity and has deeply influenced the ideology of Chinese peasants, restraining them in the petti-peasant mentality. This hinders the development of China’s modern ideological civilization and increases the instability in Chinese society.Based on the previous review and analysis, in Chapters V to DC the author makes some theoretical exploration and envisages some possible practical measures to resolve the problems concerning the rural issues. Chapter V mainly analyses whether the major criteria to measure the rural policies truly liberate and develop the rural productivity. Chapter VI maintains that as far as the rural issues are concerned, to stick to people-first approach means to always keep the peasants’ interest in mind. The key to resolving the rural issue-related problems is that great emphasis must be attached to promoting growth in peasants’ income, raising their educational levels and improving their productivity. Chapter VII mainly discusses how to resolve the problems on our way to modernization through reform and development, specifically how to implement the scientific concept of development in rural issues. Chapter VIII mainly expounds how to implement the guiding ideology in practice that agricultural development is the basis of the national economic development. Chapter IX mainly concentrates on coordinating urban and rural development with the focus on the countryside. The difficulty in building a well-off society and realizing modernization is not in the cities but in the countryside. Chapter 10 is devoted to the discussion on the necessity of developing large-scale agricultural operations.

  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2336

