

【作者】 郑海呐

【导师】 王同起;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中华民族精神是一个永恒而又常新的命题。研究中华民族精神既具有理论意义、也具有实践价值。近代中国遭遇到了“千年变局”,使得中华民族精神日趋萎顿,出现了严重危机。正是马克思主义传入中国,给中华民族精神注入了生机和活力,使中国人的精神由被动转入主动,中华民族精神被空前的高扬。尤其伴随马克思主义中国化的进程,马克思主义一方面与中国革命、建设、改革的实践相结合,一方面与中国传统文化相结合,诞生了许多新的时代精神。因此,本文拟从马克思主义中国化与中华民族精神的弘扬和培育这个角度来探讨这一历史进程。全文包括导论、正文和结语三部分。导论部分主要说明选题的依据,评析本课题的研究现状,阐明其理论意义和实践意义,并说明本文的研究方法和重点、难点问题。第一章从总体上介绍了民族精神和中华民族精神的内涵、特征以及中华民族精神的发展演进历程等等,从而在理论上科学把握民族精神和中华民族精神的实质。第二章论述了文化力、时代精神与中华民族精神的培育。重点论证了文化力的基本理论及其对民族精神的影响、时代精神与民族精神的关系。第三章探讨了马克思主义对中华民族精神的熔铸。马克思主义传入中国,改变了中国人精神发展的方向,开创了中华民族精神发展的新途径,实现了对中华民族精神的改造。第四章论述了马克思主义中国化与新民主主义革命精神。概括了革命精神的内涵及形成,分析了马克思主义与中国传统文化如何相结合,培育出井冈山精神、长征精神及延安精神。第五章论述了马克思主义中国化与社会主义建设精神。概括了社会主义建设精神的内涵及形成,分析了马克思主义与中国传统文化如何相结合,培育出社会主义艰苦创业精神和劳模精神。第六章论述了马克思主义中国化与新时期创新精神。概括了新时期创新精神的内涵及形成,分析了马克思主义与中国传统文化如何相结合,培育出改革创新精神和科学发展精神。第七章论述了中国共产党弘扬和培育民族精神的经验与启示。梳理了中国共产党重视对中华民族精神弘扬和培育的历史,归纳总结了中国共产党弘扬和培育民族精神的经验、特点以及启示。结语部分论述了弘扬和培育民族精神对构建社会主义核心价值体系的重要性,提出了当前弘扬和培育民族精神的路径。

【Abstract】 Chinese national spirit is an everlasting and often fresh thesis. It is meaningful to study it in theory and practice. China suffers a millennium change in modern times, thus causing a fading of the spirit even at a risk of loss. The spread of Marxism generates Chinese national spirit, highly encouraged, from passive to active. In the process of Marxism becoming Chinese, Marxism combines Chinese practice in revolution, construction and reform, together with its traditional culture, bringing a lot of fresh epoch spirits. Therefore, this dissertation supposes to explore the historical course of Chinese Marxism influencing and cultivating Chinese national spirit.The dissertation concludes three parts: introduction, main text, and conclusion. Introduction mainly covers the basis of the topical choice, the present research, the significance of the study in theory and practice, and at last explains the research method, the emphasis and difficulties.Chapter One introduces the connotation, characteristics and evolution of national spirit and Chinese national spirit, etc, so it points out the spiritual nature of national spirit and Chinese national spirit.Chapter Two illustrates the blossom of Chinese national spirit from cultural power and epoch spirit, putting emphasis on the basic theory of cultural power, its influence to national spirit and the relationship between epoch spirit and national spirit.Chapter Three explores the formation of Chinese national spirit by Marxism ’influence. With knowing Marxism, Chinese has gradually changed their spiritual direction which establishes a new way to develop the national spirit, realizing its spiritual reform.Chapter Four is about Chinese Marxism and new democratic spirit. It generalizes the connotation and formation of the revolutionary spirit, analyzes the combination of Marxism and Chinese traditional culture, and cultivates Jinggang mountains spirit, long march spirit and Yan’an spirit.Chapter Five discusses Chinese Marxism and socialist construction spirit. It generalizes the connotation and formation of the spirit, analyzes the combination of Marxism and Chinese traditional culture and cultivates the spirit of hardworking and model workers.Chapter Six discusses Chinese Marxism and the spirit of innovation in present epoch. It generalizes he connotation and formation of the spirit, analyzes the combination of Marxism and Chinese traditional culture and cultivates the spirit of reform, innovation and scientific development. Chapter Seven discusses the experiences and enlightenment of Chinese communist party advocating and cultivating the national spirit. It also arranges the history of Communist party advocating and cultivating Chinese national spirit. Eventually it summarizes the experiences, characteristics and enlightenment of the process.In Conclusion, this dissertation illustrates the necessity to advocate and cultivate national spirit in constructing socialist core value system and finally points out what way to achieve it.


