

A Study on the Perceive Value of the Relationship between Consumers and Internet Retailers

【作者】 宋晓兵

【导师】 刘瑞明; 董大海;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 网络购物市场的飞速发展给网络商店带来商业机会的同时,也给它们带来了激烈的竞争与巨大的挑战,如何尽快盈利并获得持续竞争优势是网络商店经营者关心的重要现实问题。无论是在传统环境中还是在互联网环境中,培养和维系顾客忠诚是企业盈利的关键途径,因此探寻顾客忠诚的驱动因素一直都是学术界热衷的研究课题。以往的研究得出价值、满意等以产品或交易为评价客体的概念会对顾客忠诚产生影响,但近年来已有学者指出,消费者对关系本身的评价也会影响顾客忠诚,关系价值、关系满意等以关系为评价客体的概念应运而生。新兴的互联网技术使得网络商店能够更加有效的实施顾客关系管理,这凸显了在互联网环境下研究以关系为评价客体概念的重要性。本文研究以B2C网络商店的消费者为研究对象,在现有文献细致深入的回顾基础上,提出了基于关系价值建立网络商店顾客忠诚的研究思路。为求本文研究更加全面和具有创新性,全文围绕消费者与网络商店的关系价值这一核心概念,开展了三个阶段的研究工作。首先,本文在现有文献和消费者定性访谈的基础上,将消费者与网络商店的关系价值定义为,消费者对其与网络商店关系给自己带来的所得和所失进行的比较性评价,并把这一概念进一步细分为3个关系利益维度和2个关系成本维度:信心利益、经济利益、定制化利益、时间精力成本和隐私成本。本文利用网络消费者样本数据开发了包括上述5个维度的消费者与网络商店关系价值的测量量表,检验结果表明该量表具有很好的信度和效度。接着,本文根据社会交换理论和信任-承诺理论,构建了5个关系价值维度通过关系满意和关系承诺影响顾客忠诚的理论模型,并对该模型进行了实证检验。分析结果表明关系满意和关系承诺是顾客忠诚最直接的前因,它们对顾客忠诚都具有很强的直接影响,同时关系满意也会通过关系承诺间接影响顾客忠诚。关系价值的5个维度只会通过关系满意和关系承诺间接影响顾客忠诚,它们对顾客忠诚没有显著的直接影响。这5个关系价值维度对关系满意都具有显著影响,其中3个关系利益维度正向影响关系满意,2个关系成本维度负向影响关系满意;信心利益对关系承诺没有显著影响,经济利益、定制化利益和时间精力成本对关系承诺具有显著的正向影响,只有隐私成本负向影响关系承诺。综合考察关系价值5个维度对顾客忠诚的间接影响总和,信心利益对顾客忠诚产生最大的正向影响,然后依次是经济利益和定制化利益;隐私成本对顾客忠诚产生较大的负向影响,时间精力成本的负向影响相对较小。最后,本文对消费者与网络商店的关系生命周期中的关系阶段进行了划分,并实证检验了关系生命周期对关系价值与顾客忠诚之间关系的调节作用。通过在不同关系阶段样本中检验本文提出的理论模型,我们得出关系价值驱动顾客忠诚的理论模型在不同关系阶段中都具有普适性。通过对不同关系阶段理论模型中路径系数的差异及其显著性的分析,我们得出随着关系从探查期发展到成熟期,关系满意对关系承诺和顾客忠诚的影响都越来越小,而关系承诺对顾客忠诚的影响则越来越大。5个关系价值维度对关系满意和关系承诺的影响变化各不相同,经济利益对关系满意的正向影响越来越大,时间精力成本对关系满意的负向影响也越来越大,隐私成本对关系满意的负向影响则越来越小,而信心利益和定制化利益对关系满意的影响不存在关系阶段间的显著差异;随着关系进程的发展,经济利益和时间精力成本对关系承诺的正向影响都越来越大,定制化利益对关系承诺的正向影响则越来越小,信心利益对关系承诺的正向影响在探查期和发展期不存在显著差异,而在成熟期则会显著变大,隐私成本对关系承诺的负向影响在发展期和成熟期不存在显著差异,但都显著小于在探查期的负向影响。本文研究的创新点是:(1)本文在现有文献和消费者定性访谈的基础上,明确定义了消费者与网络商店关系价值的概念,并基于网络消费者样本开发了具有良好信度与效度的多维度测量量表。本文首次尝试在B2C环境中定义并测量关系价值,从而为其他学者们进行相关研究提供有益借鉴,并为网络商店诊断顾客的关系价值感知提供有效工具。(2)本文基于社会交换理论和信任-承诺理论,构建了关系价值维度通过关系满意和关系承诺影响顾客忠诚的理论模型,并对该模型进行了实证检验。本文拓展了顾客忠诚的前因研究,从而为学者们考察顾客忠诚影响因素提供更加广阔的视角,并为网络商店通过关系管理获得顾客忠诚明确了努力方向。(3)本文在前人研究的基础上,对消费者与网络商店关系生命周期中的关系阶段进行了划分,并实证检验了关系生命周期对关系价值与顾客忠诚之间关系的调节作用。本文在不同关系阶段检验了理论模型的普适性,从而以动态视角更加透彻的了解关系价值对顾客忠诚的驱动作用,并为网络商店进行顾客细分和实施差别化关系管理提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of the Internet markets provides not only great chances for the Internet retailers, but also furious competitions as well. How to gain profit as soon as they can and get the competitive advantage are the most important questions they care about. No matter in traditional environments or in Internet environments, developing and maintaining customer loyalty are the key ways for enterprises to gain profit. So exploring the drivers of customer loyalty is always the research task of the scholars. Many studies have found perceived value and customer satisfaction, whose objects are products and exchanges, influence customer loyalty positively. In recent years some scholars proposed that the consumers’ evaluations of the relationship would also have some effects on customer loyalty. Relationship value and relationship satisfaction, whose objects are relationships, appear correspondingly. Internet technology makes Internet retailers conduct more effective customer relationship management. This emphasizes the importance of studying relationship value in Internet environments.This dissertation takes the consumers of the B2C Internet retailers as the subjects. Based on the thoroughly literature review in this field, a model of building up customer loyalty to the Internet retailers through relationship value is put forward. In order to make the research more comprehensive and innovative, following the core concept of relationship value, three stages of research work are conducted.First, on the basis of literature review and depth interview, the dissertation defines the concept of the perceived value of the relationship between consumers and Internet retailers as consumers’ comparative evaluations of what they get and lose from the relationships between them and Internet retailers. The dissertation further specifies three relationship benefits dimensions and two relationship costs dimensions of relationship value: confidence benefit, economic benefit, customization benefit, time & energy cost and privacy cost. Using the data of Internet consumers, a reliable and valid five-dimension scale is developed.Second, based on Social Exchange Theory and Trust-Commitment Theory, the dissertation builds up a theoretical model, in which the five dimensions of relationship value influence customer loyalty via relationship satisfaction and relationship commitment. And then the model is tested empirically. The results indicate that relationship satisfaction and relationship commitment are the most immediate antecedents of customer loyalty. Both of them influence customer loyalty directly, while relationship satisfaction also influences customer loyalty indirectly via relationship commitment. The five dimensions of relationship value influence customer loyalty indirectly via relationship satisfaction and relationship commitment. They have significant effects on relationship satisfaction. Relationship benefits have positive effects, while relationship costs have negative effects. Confidence benefit has no significant effect on relationship commitment. The other two benefits dimensions and time & energy cost influence relationship commitment positively. Only privacy cost has negative effect on relationship commitment. As a whole, confidence benefit has greatest positive effect on customer loyalty, economic benefit and customization benefit have less and least positive effects respectively. Privacy cost has more negative effect on customer loyalty than time & energy cost.Finally, the dissertation specifies the stages of the relationship between consumers and Internet retailers, and examines the moderating effects of relationship lifecycle to the relationship between relationship value and customer loyalty. After testing the theoretical model in the samples of different relationship stages, we conclude that the model is valid in different relationship stages. By testing the differences of the path coefficients in different relationship stages, we find that from exploration stage to maturity stage, relationship satisfaction has less and less effect on relationship commitment and customer loyalty, while relationship commitment has more and more effect on customer loyalty. From exploration stage to maturity stage, the effects of the five dimensions of relationship value change differently. As for their effects on relationship satisfaction, economic benefit has more and more positive effect, time & energy cost has more and more negative effect, privacy cost has less and less negative effect, while confidence benefit and customization benefit have the same effect in different stage. As for their effects on relationship commitment, economic benefit and time & energy cost have more and more positive effects, customization benefit has less and less positive effect. Confidence benefit has the same effect in exploration stage and expansion stage, but it has more positive effect in maturity stage. Privacy cost has more negative effect in exploration stage, but it has the same effect in expansion stage and maturity stage.The innovations of this dissertation are: (1) Based on the literature review and depth interview, the dissertation defines the concept of the perceived value of the relationship between consumers and Internet retailers and develops a reliable and valid multi-dimension scale using the data of Internet consumers. The dissertation defines and measures relationship value in B2C environments firstly, which provides reference for other scholars to conduct similar studies and tools for managers to measure customers’ perception of relationship value. (2) Based on Social Exchange Theory and Trust-Commitment Theory, the dissertation builds up and tests a model in which the five dimensions of relationship value influence customer loyalty indirectly via relationship satisfaction and relationship commitment. The dissertation extends the studies on the drivers of customer loyalty, which provides broader perspective for the scholars and methods for the managers to build up customer loyalty via CRM. (3) Based on the former research, the dissertation specifies the stages of the relationship between consumers and Internet retailers and examines the moderating effects of relationship lifecycle to the relationship between relationship value and customer loyalty. The dissertation proves the validity of the theoretical model in different relationship stages, which makes the scholars understand the effects of relationship value on customer loyalty more deeply from a dynamic perspective and provides reference for managers to carry out different CRM strategies.

  • 【分类号】F224;F713.36
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1690
  • 攻读期成果

