

Research on the Competitiveness of Mining Company: An Environmental and Mineral Resources-Based View

【作者】 王学评

【导师】 杜杨松;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在全球经济一体化的今天,企业的国际竞争力在很大程度上成为国家竞争实力的重要表现。作为国民经济发展资源保障的矿产业,我国矿山企业面临着国际竞争加剧、国内矿产资源紧缺、技术落后、管理水平低等发展窘境。提升我国矿产业国际竞争力是“十一五”时期国家既定战略之一。客观认识、科学评价矿山企业竞争力,分析影响矿山企业竞争力的主要因素则是实现这一战略目标的重要基础。本文通过对国内外企业竞争力研究的相关文献资料进行系统的分析和梳理,综合借鉴有关竞争力理论,针对矿山企业自身的特点,分析了矿山企业竞争力的基本特征,建立了基于资源环境约束下的矿山企业竞争力概念模型,提出了矿山资源状况、技术能力、市场控制能力、组织管理能力、节约能力和环境保护能力是资源和环境约束下,影响矿山企业竞争力的核心要素。本着理论与实践相结合、定性与定量相结合的原则,论文系统分析了我国矿山企业发展的矿产资源背景与环境状况,揭示了我国矿山企业存在着规模小、资源浪费和环境污染严重、技术创新不足、竞争无序等问题。构建了基于科学发展观、合理、适用、动态的矿山企业竞争力评价指标体系和评价方法。同时,以我国三个重要的铅锌矿企业为例,运用Delphi法、层次分析(AHP)法和多变量时间序列分量方差模型(MTV)等方法进行了实证分析,在验证指标体系可行性的同时,提炼了影响矿山企业竞争力的关键因子。结合理论研究和实证分析,论文从企业视角,提出了树立可持续发展观的企业竞争力理念,强调以企业技术创新、科学管理为主要手段,提高矿山企业资源利用和资源节约能力,以及积极实施“走出去”战略参与国际化竞争的具体方略;同时也从政府视角提出了建立和完善我国矿山环境保护的法律、法规体系建设、加强矿山管理的制度建设,营造公平竞争环境等建议。

【Abstract】 International competition has been becoming much more tempestuously because of today’s rapid-paced economic globalization. Chinese mining enterprises have to find new way to respond to the challenges of hyper-competitive environment. The main purposes of this research are to look into Chinese mining companies, and promote a competitive capability evaluation system for them.A number of literatures about company competitiveness were reviewed. Combined the main theories of competitiveness and the basic characteristics of mining company, an elemental model was promoted for the competitiveness of mining enterprises constraned by environmental and mineral resources. Internal essential factors of mining enterprises, such as mineral resources, technical innovation capability, resources conservation capability, environment protection capability etc, were considered as the kernel of the competitive advantage.The main disadvantages were discussed occurred commonly in mining companies of China such as smaller enterprise scale, less technique innovation, resources wasting, environment pollution, disordered competition etc. Realized the constrans of mineral resources and environment status, the dissertation constructed a suitable and reasonable evaluation index system and method based on Delphi, AHP as well as MTV for the competitive capability of mining enterprises.Three important mining enterprises of lead-zinc oredeposits in China, FK, LP and CB, were selected as case companies for demonstration application of the evaluation system. The set of index and evaluation method were verifed feasible by the case study. Applying Multivariate Time Series Variance Component Model (MTV), some key factors concerns to resources reserve and technique innovation were distinguished as critical for a sustainable competitive advantage.To improve competitive capability of our mining enterprises, it is vital to build innovation-oriented, large scaled,resource-conserving and environment-friendly companies, as well as a justice competition society environment.

  • 【分类号】F426.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】846

