

Hydrocarbon Forming Regularity and Exploration Potential Evaluation in Nanyang Depression

【作者】 曾庆才

【导师】 王德发;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 利用盆地沉降史、石油构造分析等技术和理论,从南阳凹陷构造、沉积演化及其时空配置关系研究入手,分析南阳凹陷构造形成机制、断裂作用活动期次、断裂系统展布特征,沉积演化特征及沉积、构造时空配置关系。充分利用油气成藏理论,分析南阳凹陷魏岗、张店、东庄三个油田的油藏特征,油气成藏作用过程的各要素时空配置关系及成藏控制因素,探讨油气运移、聚集机理,总结油气成藏模式,预测各类油藏地质特征、分布富集规律。分析了油气运移较集中的路径为输导层的油气运移输导脊,南阳凹陷主要有两种类型的输导脊,即鼻状构造-岩性输导脊和背斜-岩性输导脊。鼻状-岩性输导脊主要位于魏岗-北马庄地区和张店地区,而背斜-岩性输导脊主要位于东庄凹陷内。输导脊具有明显的继承性,输导脊控制了南阳凹陷油气的运移与聚集,沿输导脊的方向指示了油气运移较集中的指向和路径。分析解剖了不同构造区带油气藏的类型、控制因素及分布规律。南阳凹陷油气藏类型,平面上,主要分布在烃源岩成熟区内和边缘;纵向上,主要分布于核二段和核三1段,为自生自储式。其控制因素主要受构造单元的控制(即北部斜坡带、中央凹陷带和南部断超带),也受岩性组合、生储盖配置方式的控制。这三个构造带的不同部位分布着不同的油藏类型,北部斜坡内带主要分布有断鼻、断块及断层-岩性油藏;中央凹陷带主要分布有断鼻、断块及断层-岩性油藏;而南部断超带则主要分布有背斜、断背斜和砂岩上倾尖灭油藏。系统总结了南阳凹陷油气成藏规律,建立了魏岗、张店、东庄三个成藏组合体模型。魏岗成藏模型以垂、侧向运移兼有,中央断层控制油气成熟度及富集程度的断鼻断块成藏模型,即断层对成藏的垂向有沟通作用;张店成藏模型以侧向运移为主,断层遮挡的断鼻油藏成藏模型,即断层对成藏的垂向连通作用较小;东庄油田以垂向运移为主,为断层切割的断背斜油藏成藏模型。围绕南阳凹陷成藏规律研究这个主题,进一步完善了南阳凹陷构造形成机制,建立了南阳凹陷油气运聚模式;分区带对勘探目标进行了评价和描述,为南阳凹陷下一步的勘探指明了方向。

【Abstract】 From the tectonic movement, deposition evolvement and their space-time allocation relationship in Nanyang Depression, the basin settlement history, petroleum structure analysis and other technologies and theories were adopted to analyze the formative mechanism of Nanyang Depression, movement period of rifting, characteristics of faults distribution, deposition evolvement feature and the space-time allocation relation between deposition and tectonics in the North Slope of Nanyang Depression.Taking full advantage of hydrocarbon forming theory, the analysis on hydrocarbon forming dominant factors and space-time configuration of reservoir formation process in Weigang, Zhangdian, and Dongzhuang oilfields in Nanyang Depression, the discussion on hydrocarbon migration accumulation mechanism, generaliztion of hydrocarbon forming modes, as well as prediction of reservoir geological feature and enrichment regularity are carried out.The pathway of hydrocarbon migration focused on the ridge of carrier bed is analyized. Two types of carrier-ridge, nose-like structure and lithology, as well as anticline-lithology, are mainly appeared in Nanyang Depression; the carrier-ridge of nose-like structure and lithology appeared in the area of Weiguang, Beimazhuang, and Zhuangdian, the carrier-ridge of anticline-lithology located in Dongzhuang Depression. The carrier-ridge is characteristics of obvious succession, which controls hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Nanyang Depression, and indicates that the direction of carrier-ridge is the pathway of main hydrocarbon migration.The analysis on the types, dominant factors, and distribution rules of reservoirs in various tectonic provinces is conducted. The reservoirs in Nanyang Depression are mainly distributed in maturation zone and boundary of source rock on the plane, and mainly distributed in H2 and H3 Members on vertical direction; the reservoir is the oil & gas assemblage of self-generation and self-accumulation. The key dominant factors are tectonic units (northern slope, central depression and southern fault overlap zones), and lithologic assemblage and source reservoir cap rock assemblages as well. Various reservoirs are distributed in different positions in the three structural zones; the faulted nose, faulted block and fault–lithology reservoirs mainly distributed in northern slope zone, the faulted nose, faulted block and fault–lithology reservoirs distributed in central depression also, while the anticline, faulted anticline and up-dip pinch out reservoirs mainly distributed in southern fault overlap zone.Hydrocrbon forming regularity in Nanyang Depression is generalized systematacially, and the assemblage modes of Weigang, Zhangdian, and Dongzhuang oilfields are built. The reservoir-forming in Weigang oilfield is fault-nose and fault-block mode of vertical migration accompanied with lateral migration, and hydrocarbon maturation and enrichmententral controlled by fault, namely, the fault effects on vertical connection; The reservoir-forming in Zhangdian oilfield is fault-nose mode of lateral migration and fault seal, namely, the fault effecting on vertical connection is limited ; The reservoir-forming in Dongzhuang oilfield is fault-anticline mode of vertical migration and fault transection.Focusing on the topic of hydrocrbon forming regularity in Nanyang Depression, the techonic mechanism in the depression is improved further, the migration and accumulation mode is built, the evaluation and describtion of exploraion targets on the basis of divided zones are implemented, and therefore the future exploration in Nanyang Depression is designated.


