

Research on Countermeasures of Building Energy Efficiency Based on Market Mechanism

【作者】 韩丽红

【导师】 余钦范;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 国民经济和社会发展“十一五”规划纲要,将建筑节能列为十大重点节能工程之一。能否实现建筑的节约用能,关系到我国能源战略的成败,也关系到国民经济和社会的可持续发展。过去,我国政府对能源的管理一直偏重于工业领域的节能,对建筑节能重视不够,以至于建筑节能长期处于落后状态,并成为我国节能工作中最薄弱的环节。本文以资源管理理论、产业经济理论、可持续发展理论、微观经济理论等为基础,在分析我国建筑能耗状况和发展趋势的基础上,对我国建筑节能相关问题和对策进行探讨,对于促进建筑节能工作,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。一是通过对我国建筑节能工作中存在的问题及建筑节能市场的特征进行分析,进而剖析我国建筑节能工作滞后的主要原因。二是构建了市场机制下建筑节能的理论模型,从理论上阐述了市场机制下建筑能效水平的确定机理,以及强制性政策、激励性政策和技术进步等节能措施的作用机理。三是将上述理论研究与我国具体实践相结合,在借鉴国外先进经验的基础上,提出我国建筑节能的总体思路及实施策略,并对策略的具体落实提出政策建议。研究表明,我国建筑节能工作滞后,根本原因在于建筑节能领域市场机制不健全,具体包括外部经济、信息不对称等引起的市场失灵,价格形成机制不合理等原因造成的市场动力乏失等。政府更多地用行政手段去推动建筑节能,而没有采取措施对上述问题及时进行化解,又进一步制约了市场机制作用的发挥。因此,结合我国的具体情况,近期(3-5年)应将普及节能50%标准作为目标,将工作重点放在激发建筑节能市场需求上,通过加快供热体制改革,建立建筑能效标识制度,实施有效的激励政策等措施,培育和完善建筑节能市场;远期(2020年)应以普及节能65%标准为目标,将工作重点放在增强建筑节能的能力上,通过完善建筑节能标准规范体系,构建建筑节能技术保障体系,开发适宜于节能的建筑部品体系,扶持组建以节能建筑为最终产品的大型企业集团,形成有利于建筑节能的社会化协作体系等措施来推进建筑节能产业的升级与发展。本文的主要创新点,一是构建了基于市场机制的建筑节能理论模型和分析框架,从理论上阐述了完善建筑节能市场机制,补偿建筑节能市场外部经济,提升建筑节能产业化水平三种节能途径之间的关系,使建筑节能理论更具系统性。二是从近期和远期两个角度提出建筑节能的目标和实施策略,将钢结构建筑作为建筑节能产业升级和发展的载体,使建筑节能产业发展与住宅产业化进程相衔接,具有针对性和可操作性。

【Abstract】 Building energy efficiency, as one of the ten major energy efficiency project, is included in“the eleventh five”program outline of national economy and social development. Whether it being realized or not has to do with the success or failure of China energy strategy, and with the sustainable development of national economy and society. For quite a long time, China government has laid particular stress on industry energy efficiency, yet not put enough emphasis on building energy efficiency, as such, building energy efficiency has fallen behind over a long period of time and has become the weakest link among the work of energy efficiency in China.On the basis of resource management theory, industry economy theory, sustainable development theory and micro-economy theory, and also based on the analysis of China building energy consumption situation and development trend, this paper probes into problems and countermeasures of building energy efficiency in China, which is of important theory value and realistic significance to promoting building energy efficiency in China. Firstly, this paper analyses both the problems in the work of China building energy efficiency and the features of building energy efficiency market, thus analyses major causes of building energy efficiency lagging behind. Secondly, this paper constructs theoretical model of building energy efficiency under market mechanism, and expounds its defining mechanism under market mechanism, and function mechanism of mandatory policy, encouraging policy and technology advance theoretically. Thirdly, by combining the above theoretical study and particular practice of China, and using the experience of other countries for reference, this paper puts forward both the overall train of thought and implementation tactics of China building energy efficiency, and also puts forwards some policy suggestions on its implementation.This paper indicates that the stagnation and backward of China building energy efficiency work is due to imperfect market mechanism in building energy efficiency field, including both market ineffectiveness caused by external economy and information asymmetry and market power deficiency as the result of irrational price mechanism. The function of market mechanism is further restricted because of China government relying more on administrative means to promote building energy efficiency than taking measures to solve the above problems. As such, considering the specific situation of our country, we should aim at making 50% energy efficiency standard universal, put emphasis on stimulating market demand of building energy efficiency, and cultivate and improve building energy efficiency market by means of accelerating heating system reform, setting up building energy efficiency sign system and implementing effective encouraging policy and etc in the near term(3-5years); while in the long term(2020), we should aim at making 65% energy efficiency standard universal, put emphasis on strengthening the ability of building energy efficiency and carry upgrading and development of building energy efficiency industry forward by means of improving standard and norm system, constructing technological guarantee system, developing energy-saving product system and supporting the construction of large group with energy-saving construction as its end product, and forming socialized cooperation system beneficial to building energy efficiency and etc.The major originality of the paper is that firstly, it constructs the theoretical model and analytical frame of building energy efficiency based on market mechanism, and expounds relationships among the three energy-saving channels of improving market mechanism, compensating external economy, and promoting industralization level, which systematizes the theory of building energy better. Secondly, it puts forward the target and implementation tactics of building energy efficiency both in the short term and in the long term, and it makes steel-structure building as the media of industry upgrading and development, which makes building energy efficiency industry development and housing industralization link up, being more directive and operative.

  • 【分类号】F426.92;F206
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】2628

