

The Rheological History of Hongkong’s Film Industry

【作者】 赵卫防

【导师】 章柏青;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 电影学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文应用西方经济学中的有关产业理论,对香港电影产业的发展进行多维度的诠释与分析,力求完整而深刻地描绘出香港电影产业的流变过程,并揭示出香港电影的产业经验对内地电影产业发展的启示。全文共分五个部分。绪论部分主要对香港电影产业发展史进行历史分期。依照香港电影产业自身的发展特色及外部政治、经济、文化的影响,本文将香港电影产业发展分为初创时期、成熟时期、第一次繁盛时期、转型时期、第二次繁盛时期和多元化时期六个时期。以后各章分别依照四种产业理论,对不同时期的香港电影产业发展进行分析、论述,以四种不同的维度诠释出其流变过程。第一章以产业组织理论中的“结构(Structure)——行为(Conduct)——绩效(Performance)”产业链中三元素之间关系的变化,论述香港电影产业结构的流变。在香港电影产业发展的初创和成熟时期,其产业组织遵循着传统的SCP范式:在结构的规范下,其行为也是最为简单的市场行为,而最终的绩效则完全受结构和行为的决定。历经50年代中后期的剧变后,香港电影产业组织突破了SCP范式,对绩效的追求成为决定一切的因素,其行为特别是结构开始以绩效为出发点,包括制片业、发行业等在内的产业结构发生了根本性的变化。第二章以交易成本理论中的经济化和战略化的平衡问题,论述香港电影在效率和创新的互动中其产业模式的流变过程。香港电影产业的发展过程中,其模式的流变,即是效率与创新之间不断平衡、达到最佳配置的过程。在追求效率与创新的平衡中,香港电影产业模式经历了独立制片体制→大厂体制→卫星制→院线制营销模→多元化模式的流变过程。第三章以战略管理理论和项目管理理论,论述香港电影产业的竞争资源优势流变。其中第一节以战略管理理论为主,分析香港电影中的产业资源流变轨迹。香港电影产业资源流变的过程,既为竞争资源和战略资源不断强化的过程。在这一流变过程中,香港电影产业逐渐打造出核心竞争力、获得了可持续性的战略优势。第二节以项目管理的有关理论,分析在香港电影产业发展史中的转折时期,如何以战略性的项目实施来获得可持续性战略优势、促使电影经济的发展。结语部分主要包括两方面的内容,第一节从结构、模式、资源、项目4个层面对香港电影产业流变规律进行总结,得出结论:香港电影产业流变总体上表现出产业过程由被动为主动、产业行为逐渐转变为以市场为基本准则、产业的竞争优势不断加大、产业项目逐渐走向高端的过程。第二节亦从产业结构、产业模式和产业竞争优势等诸方面简要分析了香港电影的产业经验对内地电影产业发展的启示。

【Abstract】 To strive to trace out the rheology of Hong kong’s film industry integrally and profoundly, the dissertation uses the related industrial theories of West Economics to annotate and analyze the development of Hong kong’s film industry in different aspects. It opens out the industrial experience of Hong kong’s film, and gives some revelations to the development of mainland’s film industry. The dissertation consists of five parts.The exordium divides the development history of Hong kong’s film industry into different stages. According to the developmental characteristics of Hong kong’s film industry itself and the influence of the external politics, economy and culture, the dissertation divides the whole development history of Hong kong’s film industry into six stages. They are Preliminary Stage, Mature stage, the First Prosperous Stage, Transitional Stage, the Second Prosperous Stage and Pluralistic Stage. Based on four industrial theories, the following chapters of the dissertation analyze and dissertate the development of Hong kong’s film industry in different periods, annotating its rheology in four different dimensions.The first chapter dissertates the rheology of Hong kong’s film industrial structure, based on the relationship change between the three elements (Structure-Conduct-Performance) in industry chain of Industrial Organization Theory. In the initial and mature periods, the industrial organization of Hong kong’s film industry followed the traditional SCP mode: restricted by its structure, its conducts were the simplest market actions, and its final performances totally determined by its structures and conducts. After the upheaval in the middle and late 1950s, industrial organization of Hong kong’s film industry broke through the SCP mode. Performance became the most crucial element. The conduct, especially the structure, began to take performance as a springboard, and the fundamental changes took place in various industrial organizations, including the production and publishing industries.The second chapter dissertates the rheology of industrial mode of Hong kong’s film in the interaction between efficiency and innovation, based on economization and strategy balance issue in Transaction Cost Theory. During the course of the Hong kong’s film industry development, the rheology of its mode is a process to continuously balance the efficiency and innovation to their optimal collocation. During this course, Hong kong’s film industrial mode experienced a rheological process from independent production system, large firm system, satellite system, theatre chains marketing mode to pluralistic mode.The third chapter dissertates the rheology of advantages of competitive resources of Hong kong’s film with Strategic Management Theory and Project Management Theory. The first section of this chapter analyzes the rheological track of industrial resources of Hong kong’s film with Strategic Management Theory. The rheologyical process of the resources of Hong kong’s film industry is a continuously strengthened process of competitive and strategic resources. In this process, Hong kong’s film industry gradually got its core competitive advantages, and obtained its sustainable strategic advantages. The second section analyzes how the Hong kong’s film industry strategically carried out the projects in the transitional period to obtain sustainable strategic advantages which push the development of film economy.The final chapter of the dissertation consists of two sections. The first section summarizes the rheological rule of Hong kong’s film industry in four aspects of structures, modes, resources and projects, and draws a conclusion that the rheology of Hong kong’s film industry generally exhibits a process of industrial process from passive to active, from industrial conducts to market oriented actions. At the same time, its industrial competitive advantages continually increased and its industrial projects gradually reach a high level. The second section simply analyzes the development experience of Hong kong’s film industry and its revelation to the mainland’s film industry from the aspects of industrial structures, modes, competitive advantages, and so on.


