

【作者】 谷春侠

【导师】 杨镰;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 玉山雅集是元末东南地区最有影响力的大型文艺沙龙活动。雅集主人顾瑛出身显贵,家业丰厚,性格豪宕,具备多方面文艺才能,因此吸引聚合了大批文士在其私家园林——昆山玉山佳处集会唱和。元顺帝至正十六年张士诚入吴后,顾瑛在绰墩、长兴、嘉兴等地还建有多处别业,这些别业同样成为文士的集会场所。根据活动进行的状况和受战乱影响的程度,玉山雅集可分为以下几个阶段:至正八年前理应有许多活动,但现存资料较少,只能看作简单的前奏;至正八年到十二年,玉山佳处的集会进入高潮;至正十二年后,由于战乱加剧、顾瑛出仕等原因,玉山佳处的集会较少,但寄赠唱和活动仍然兴盛;至正十六年后,昆山处于张士诚势力范围内,顾瑛为躲避张氏的征召流寓各地,玉山佳处的活动极少,而在外的集会唱和活动增多,但整体上已不如以前兴盛。明洪武元年顾瑛流放临濠,次年春在流放地去世,玉山雅集就此终结。战乱中雅集文人的心态从不以为然到忧心忡忡、惊慌失措,其作品内容和情感也随着形势的走向不断变化,忧时伤乱和压抑苦闷是战乱波及昆山后的主基调。从玉山雅集的全过程来看,战乱是影响活动进行、分解雅集文人的最主要因素。作为引人注目的文学现象,玉山雅集具有不同于前后时代会社活动和文人集团的特质。它不但以参与人数、活动次数见长,更重要的是活动内容丰富、格调清雅、交游动机纯粹,是文学史上少有的以怡情适性为主要宗旨的文学团体活动。主人顾瑛的开放性格决定了雅集文人群体构成的多元化,有“四等人”俱全、各类名家荟萃、地位差距悬殊、政治取向不同、错综的关系纽带、稳定与流动六方面特征。玉山雅集的创作以诗歌为主,总量丰盛,内容上从风花雪月到关注现实人生,体现了雅集文人的风雅浪漫和忧国忧民的双重风貌。风格上与“宗唐得古”的诗坛整体风气一致,但个别诗人也有不同的诗学宗尚。雅集文人创作以自适自娱为目的,在创作过程中竞技意识不强,氛围轻松,感情真挚,不拘一格,但也导致了不太讲究形式技巧,致使作品显露出千篇一律的弊端。玉山雅集诞生并体现出上述特征是源远流长的文人雅集唱和传统、同是也是本朝特殊的政治文化环境使然。元代宴集唱和从立国到亡国、从中央到地方都相当流行,且普遍出现成员身份复杂、风气自由平等、诗画创作结合、热衷编刊诗文的特点。江南地区蒙古、色目和汉族人的融合使玉山雅集成为多民族的集体活动,南士的不幸境遇和屈从现实的自适心态是文士热衷参与雅集的社会因素。由于玉山雅集具有非同一般的影响力,它在影响明清文人人生理念、推动文人集会唱和向非功利发展的历史趋势和铁崖体在诗坛风行方面具有不可忽视的历史意义。玉山雅集文人群体可以分成很多个次群体,值得探讨的代表性诗人也很多,其中顾氏家族和张士诚势力的干将兼诗人谢节是玉山雅集在战乱中得以持续的主要人力因素,而多次游谒大都、不幸失意寓吴、最后成为张士诚势力第一文人的陈基与顾瑛关系的亲密和疏离体现了政治对雅集活动既促进又干扰的双重作用力。

【Abstract】 YuShan elegant gathering was the most influential large-scale literary and artistic salon in the south-east area of China in the late Yuan Dynasty. The host GuYing was born in a noble family, so had ample property to build villas and invite guests. For his straightforward and generous personalities, various literary and artic talents, GuYing attracted many writers and artists gathering in his villa, YuShanJiaChu, to drink, write poems or prose, and appreciate paintings and antiques. In the 16th year of ZhiZheng, ZhangShicheng’s troop dominated SuZhou, then GuYing built other villas to live in ChuoDun, ChangXing, JiaXing, and so on, which became new gathering places. According to the war, YuShan elegant gathering could be divided into the following phases: Before the 8th year of ZhiZheng, there should be many gatherings, but the data was so little that it could only be regarded as a simple prelude. From the 8th to the 12th year, gatherings in YuShanJiaChu reached climax. After the 12th year, because war was more serious, GuYing severed in the army and other reasons, gatherings in YuShanJiaChu became rare, but GuYing and his friends often wrote poems to each other. After the 16th year, KunShan was occupied by ZhangShicheng. GuYing had to live in other cities because ZhangShicheng wanted to give an office to him. Therefore, gatherings became less in YuShanJiaChu and prosperous in other places. But overall, the activity hadn’t been flourishing as before. In the 28th year, GuYing was exiled to LinHao and died next year, which meant the end of the gathering. During the war, the mentality of the writers and artists of the gathering changed from insensibility to anxiety ridden and panicky. The emotion and content of their writings also changed with the war situation, afraid and grief were the main keynotes after the war spread KunShan. By view of the entire gathering process, war was the most important impacting factor. YuShan elegant gathering was different from literary activities and the literary groups before and after. It showed advantages on the number of participants, the high frequency of activities, but more importantly, rich content of activities, elegant style, pure motivation make it become the rare literary group activity in literary history, whose key purpose was to entertain the writers themselves. The outward host decided the diverse characters about the group: persons of four levels, renowned writers and artists, officials in high status and the poor in low status, persons depending on different political forces, all had taken parts in. The relationships among them were intricate, and some participated in stability but some seldom appeared. The main genre of the gathering was poem. The contents not only included the romantic affairs but also realistic life, therefore the poems embodied dual appearances of writers: elegant romance and concerning for the country and the people. The style of the poems was in accordance with the whole style of the altar at that time, which imitated the styles of HanWei and Tang dynasty, but other styles were also imitated by some writers. The literature purpose of the writers in the gathering was to fit their personalities, so, the tournament consciousness wasn’t strong when creating, the atmosphere was relax, the emotion was earnest, the form and style weren’t stick to one. But the freely literature purpose also caused the shortages that the works were regarded as monotonous when read, because the poets didn’t pay enough attention to form. There were historical, social, and cultural factors in the production of YuShan elegant gathering and its characters. The long tradition of elegant gatherings is indubitably, but the special political and cultural environment of Yuan dynasty should be concerned. Salons were popular from Yuan dynasty’s building to perishing and from central large city to far small city. The salons of the whole country appeared common characters: the status and identities of the attendees were complicated, the atmosphere was free and equal, poems and paintings were both produced, and persons fell overboard for editing collection. In the south of China, Mongols, SeMu blended with Hans, so YuShan elegant gathering was a multi-nations activity. In Yuan dynasty, because the Hans living in the south region were unfortunate in the political field, they had to accept the reality and pursue ordinary lives. Writers and artists enjoyed anticipating salons to show talents and feast the creature provided by the hosts. YuShan elegant gathering had unusual values in classical literary history. First, persons in Ming and Qing dynasty imitated GuYing and also enjoyed organizing salons. Second, pushing persons’gatherings develop toward the history trend of non- utility. Third, it was good for the spread of the TieYa style. The whole group of YuShan elegant gathering could be divided into some small groups, and a lot of representative’s poets worth studying. Gu household and XieJie, the able person of ZhangShiCheng, were the main human factors that supported the gathering in the war. ChenJi, who seek for opportunities in the capital, lived in SuZhou after failed and at last became the most important scholar of ZhangShiCheng, made friends of GuYing closely but then neglected him. This example means that political not only promote but also interfere YuShan elegant gathering.

【关键词】 玉山雅集顾瑛玉山佳处
【Key words】 YuShan elegant gatheringGuYingYuShanJiaChu
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】795

