

Europeanization of Modern Chinese and Translation Strategies-An Integrated Approach

【作者】 王伟

【导师】 潘文国;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 从表面上看,现代汉语欧化和翻译策略属于不同研究领域。前者涉及语言接触和历史语言学,而后者则常常为译者和翻译理论家讨论。语言学家,译者和翻译理论家各自探讨了这两个话题,但并未深究二者之关联。因此,本文将两者合二为一,调查现代汉语的欧化情况,并找寻一种较为可行的翻译策略,从而促进现代标准汉语(Kratochvil 1968:19)的健康发展。本文的副标题冠以“综合研究”,主要基于以下几点考虑。第一,本文同时探讨了现代标准汉语的欧化和翻译策略这两个问题。对前者的深入分析为后者提供了科学而合理的解释。第二,本研究的两大议题涉及多种理论和视角,例如:接触语言学,历史语言学,普通语言学,计量语言学,社会语言学(包括语言规划),语料库语言学,语法化和词汇化理论,语篇分析,以及翻译学。这些理论大体上是彼此兼容的。第三,为使论题具备说服力,本文还采用了多种研究方法。现代汉语是汉语发展的历史产物。为了探讨现代汉语的欧化特征,本文兼顾了历时和共时这两个角度。通过对比古代汉语,近代汉语和现代汉语的词汇,构词法,以及句法,我们发现,现代汉语在许多方面都与其祖先不同。毋庸质疑,内部机制是现代标准汉语形成的首要诱因。但是主要经由翻译而引发的外语影响也不能忽略不记。由于英汉翻译在近代翻译中的显著地位,因此,“所谓欧化,大致就是英化”(王力1943/1985:334)。所以,本文认为“欧化”,“西化”,“英化”这几个术语是可以等同的。在现代汉语的欧化过程中,英汉翻译的作用类似于化学反应中催化剂的作用。另一方面,本文从语言层面讨论了翻译策略问题,发现并解释了两个彼此兼容的连续统——“词汇-构词法-句法”连续统以及“归化策略-狭义杂合策略-异化策略”连续统。事实上,前者决定后者。本文引入了翻译的目的论,认为在‘英-汉’翻译实践中应当采用一种广义上的杂合策略。靶语文本的“目的”是一个可变因子,因此译者还应当充分考虑文体类型,从而保证文本的可读性。尽管语言规划是一种政府职能,译者也应当了解自己的作用,促进现代标准汉语的健康发展。本文包括以下4个部分:1)第1部分:第1,2章(导言,文献综述);第2部分:第3,4,5章(为现代汉语欧化提供实证,揭示欧化和翻译策略的关联);第3部分:第6,7章(讨论翻译策略,并提供补充证据);第4部分:第8章(结论)。本次研究也存在以下不足之处。第一,经费不足。在第5章的回译实验中,我们仅获取了6篇回译文本。事实上,5位译者都无偿为我们提供了译文。由于经费短缺,我们也无力进行大规模的问卷调查(第7章)。第二,由北京大学和北京外国语大学联合研制的英-汉,汉-英双语平行语料库尚未出版发行。众所周知,这两个语料库是国内颇具权威的平行语料库。我们无法从中获取数据,因此第5章所进行的句法分析是不彻底的,我们亦无法为图10提供准确的数据。第三,本文侧重从语言角度讨论翻译策略,而没有采用文化视角。第四,由于作者才疏学浅,本次研究相当肤浅。尽管如此,我们坚信,学者们在今后的研究中会取得长足进步。

【Abstract】 On the surface, Europeanization of Modern Chinese and translation strategies belong to two different fields. The former issue is linked with language contact and historical linguistics, and the latter one is usually discussed by translators and translation theorists. Linguists, translators and translation theorists have discussed the two topics respectively, yet they have not elaborated on the relevance between the two issues. Therefore, the present study discusses the two issues together in order to probe into Europeanization of Modern Chinese and seek a feasible translation strategy so as to promote the healthy development of MSC (Modern Standard Chinese, Kratochvil 1968:19).The subtitle of this dissertation–“an integrated approach”has taken the following aspects into consideration. Firstly, the two topics (Europeanization of MSC and translation strategies) are combined and discussed together. The elaboration of the former topic offers scientific and reasonable explanations for the latter one. Secondly, the two major modules of the research cover multiple theories and perspectives. Europeanization of MSC and translation strategies are mainly related to contact linguistics, historical linguistics, general linguistics, quantitative linguistics, sociolinguistics (language planning included), corpus linguistics, theories of grammaticalization and lexicalization, discourse analysis, and translatology. Generally speaking, the theories listed above are compatible in nature. Thirdly, due to the multiple theories and perspectives of the dissertation, different methods are also applied in order to make the thesis valid and convincing.Modern Chinese is a historical product of the development of the Chinese language. In order to discuss the features of Europeanization of Modern Chinese, the present study starts from both the diachronic and synchronic perspectives. By comparing the lexicon, word formation and syntax of Ancient Chinese, Early Mandarin Chinese, and Modern Chinese, it can be discovered that Modern Chinese is different from its ancestor in many respects. Doubtlessly its interior mechanisms constitute the primary motivation of the formation of MSC. However, the foreign linguistic influence mainly triggered by translation should not be neglected. Due to the prominence of English-Chinese translation in modern translation activities in China,“the so-called Europeanization usually refers to Anglicization”(Wang Li 1943/1985: 334). Hence the terms of“Europeanization,”“Westernization”and“Anglicization”may be simply equated in the present research. In the Europeanization process of Modern Chinese, English-Chinese translation has been playing the role of activator, or more figuratively, the catalytic promotor in chemical reaction.On the other hand, the present study discusses translation strategies at the linguistic level. The compatible relationship between two continua– the“lexicon-morphology-syntax”continuum and the“domestication-strictly defined hybrid strategy-foreignization”continuum– is revealed and explained. In fact, the latter continuum is determined by the former one. By introducing the Skopos translation theory, we believe that a hybrid translation strategy (broadly defined) should be adopted by translators in English-Chinese translation. Since the skopos of TL texts is a variable factor, translators should also take the styles of TL texts into consideration in order to guarantee the readability of TL texts. Although language planning is the government’s responsibility, individual translators should also know their function in the healthy development of MSC.This dissertation is composed of four parts: 1) Part 1: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 (offering the introduction and literature review); 2) Part 2: Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 (presenting the empirical evidence of Europeanization of Modern Chinese and revealing the relevance between Europeanization and translation strategies); 3) Part 3: Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 (discussing translation strategies and presenting supplementary evidence); 4) Part 4: Chapter 8 (providing conclusion).There are also several limitations of the present study. First, the present study is restricted by budget. We only obtain 6 back-translated versions in a test of back-translation in Chapter 5. Actually the five translators do the job of back-translation for free. The shortage of budget has prevented us to carry out large-scale questionnaire surveys in Chapter 7. Second, the English-Chinese and Chinese-English parallel corpora co-built by Peking University and Beijing Foreign Studies University have not been published until now. It is well known that the two corpora are authoritative parallel corpora in China. The corresponding data are also unavailable for us. Hence the syntactical analysis in Chapter 5 is not exhaustive, and we are unable to provide exact data in Figure 10. Third, the present dissertation has discussed translation strategies from the linguistic perspective instead of cultural perspective. Fourth, due to the author’s poor knowledge of Chinese linguistics, historical linguistics, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, and translatology, the present study is quite shallow.Nevertheless, we are quite confident that scholars will make great progress in further studies.


