

Study on Design Indexes and Methods for Asphalt Airport Pavement

【作者】 刘文

【导师】 凌建明;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 机场沥青混凝土道面具有平整、抗滑、舒适、减震等良好的使用性能和机械化施工程度高、工期短、养护方便等施工优点,已被国际上很多大型民用机场所采用。根据国际民航组织1999年公布的数据,在其147个成员国的1038个机场中,沥青混凝土跑道占60%以上。与国际上民用机场建设现状及发展趋势相比,我国民用机场沥青混凝土道面工程应用少、道面结构类型复杂(包括柔性基层沥青道面和半刚性基层沥青道面)、设计规范滞后、理论研究缺乏。上述现状问题阻碍了我国机场沥青道面结构的设计与应用,制约了我国机场沥青道面的理论研究与建设发展。为了改变上述现状,紧跟国际发展趋势,提高我国沥青道面的建设水平,本文在广泛收集国内外机场沥青道面及沥青路面设计方法的基础上,通过现场调查、数据统计、理论研究、分析比较、数值模拟等技术手段,基于力学—经验法建立和完善了机场沥青道面结构设计指标及方法的新体系。主要内容如下:(1)广泛收集了国内外机场沥青道面设计方法相关资料,系统分析整理了沥青道面结构的主要损坏类型及发生机理,利用国内外多个机场道面结构的现场损坏调查数据,选取确定了沥青道面结构设计控制损坏模式:(2)针对机场柔性基层沥青道面结构,通过对比分析各设计指标和损坏预估方程需考虑的主要参数(包括:道面材料、结构组合、飞机荷载和周围环境),从沥青道面材料与结构组合的角度,以国外设计方法为基础,分析并选取了柔性基层沥青道面结构的设计指标及相关损坏预估模型;(3)针对半刚性基层沥青道面,分析了国际现有设计理论中存在的问题,借鉴公路半刚性基层沥青路面的研究成果和日本关西机场半刚性基层沥青道面结构的足尺试验数据,提出了机场沥青道面沥青层永久变形的修正预估模型,并建立了完整的半刚性基层沥青道面结构设计指标体系;(4)综合对比经验法和力学-经验法两类设计方法的优势及其局限性,探讨了各设计方法及我国现行机场沥青道面设计规范中存在的主要问题,由此尝试建立了机场沥青道面设计方法新体系,并针对两种典型的沥青道面结构形式,分别提出了具体的设计流程以及详细的设计步骤;(5)基于“地基-道面结构-飞机轮载”的相互作用,构建沥青道面结构响应的三维数值分析模型,重点研究了典型的道面结构组合、材料参数和代表性飞机荷载作用下沥青道面结构的力学响应规律和参数敏感性,从而为沥青道面结构设计新方法的建立与应用提供了一种有效的技术分析手段;(6)以上海市浦东国际机场第一条跑道2004-2006年的年平均交通量为例,分别采用本文改进的设计方法、我国规范设计方法以及美国FAA的弹性层状体系设计方法LEDFAA,针对沥青稳定柔性基层和半刚性基层两种沥青道面结构类型,首次开展了不同设计方法的工程应用对比研究,详细讨论了各种方法的设计特点及其适用性。本文通过整理、分析、借鉴和改进国内外相关研究成果,尝试研究半刚性基层沥青道面结构的设计理论,同时,基于国际现有的先进设计框架,进一步改进和完善我国现有机场沥青道面设计理论体系,建立现代机场设计新方法,从而为我国机场沥青道面结构设计理论的研究建立了一个与国际接轨的崭新构架。

【Abstract】 Asphalt airport pavement has been adopted widely by many international civil airports for its superior performance, such as flat, skid-resisting, comfortable, damping, suitable construction, short building time and easily maintenance. Based on the data from International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) , asphalt pavements are accounted for 60 percent in the 1038 airports of 147 member countries. By contrast with the state of art and the developmental direction of airport construction, there are many problems such as lag of design specification, lack of design theory research and engineering application, and complexity of pavement structure. All the problems have restricted the research and construction of airport pavement in out country. For changing the station and catching up with the international development trend, the asphalt pavement design methods of many countries are collected and the whole design system is proposed for the asphalt airport pavement by distress surveys , data analysis, theory study, discussing and numerical simulation et al. The main contents are as follows:(1) By distress surveys in airport and road asphalt pavement condition, the main distress types and the mechanism of damage are studied systemically. Based on the survey data from some airport pavements at home and abroad, the distress modes that need to be controlled in the pavement design are proposed here.(2) Aiming at the flexible base pavement, the main parameters (including materials, structure, aircraft load and environment) of design indexes and transfer functions are compared and studied. Considering the design characters of our asphalt airport pavement, the design indexes and transfer functions are analyzed and selected reasonably.(3) Aiming at the semi-rigid base pavement, the problems of current design theory are analyzed. Refer to the data from full-scale tests of Guanxi airport of Japan and the research fruits of highway about semi-rigid base pavement, the revised transfer functions of the asphalt layer permanent deformation are proposed and the design indexes system for semi-rigid pavement are set up.(4) The superiority and imperfection of empirical method and mechanistic-empirical method are analyzed in detail. Also, some problems of various design methods and current specifications for asphalt concrete pavement design in our country are discussed. With the developed trends of design system in the world, the new design system of asphalt airport pavement is established. And the design steps and flow-chart are proposed for two typical structures separately.(5) Based on the "subgrade-pavement-aircraft loading" interaction system and FLAC3D software, a 3D numerical analysis model of mechanical responding to multiple-gear aircraft loadings is established for asphalt airport pavement. The mechanical responses of pavement to different structure combinations, material parameters and representative aircraft loadings are analyzed with the three-dimension model. Furthermore, the sensitivity of design parameters is discussed using orthogonal experimental design theory and the key factors in pavement design are selected certainly. The numerical analysis model provides a effective technical means for the building and application of design method.(6) Set the average traffic volume from 2004 to 2006 of the first runway of Pudong international airport as an example, two types of asphalt pavement, asphalt stabilized base and semi-rigid base, are designed using the new method of the paper, current specification method of our country and layered elastic analysis design method of FAA. Through comparing the design results computed by the three different methods, the characters and practicability of the three design methods are discussed firstly.Through the course of collection, analysis, reference and improvement of the relevant research work, the dissertation begins an attempt to establish the design method system for the semi-rigid base pavement Based on the advanced design frame, the design theory system is improved and a design method for the modern airport is set up. So, the dissertation establishes a new design frame that follow the international level for the design system of asphalt airport pavement in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】U416.217
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1588
  • 攻读期成果

