

The Research of Urban Expressway Automatic Incident Detection Method

【作者】 蔡晓禹

【导师】 孙立军;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 现今,国内外诸多大城市(纽约、巴黎、东京、北京、上海等)已经构建了具有相当规模的城市快速路系统,城市快速路也已成为城市道路交通网络的骨架,发挥着巨大的作用。突发交通事故对城市快速路的影响,不仅体现在对人车安全形成威胁,更重要是将产生较为严重的交通拥堵瓶颈,而导致城市快速路系统运行效率降低。减小突发事故对城市快速路系统的负面效应,关键环节之一是快速准确的发现事故。自动事故检测,是一种以实时交通数据为基础、通过自动判断事故发生后交通的变化来迅速发现事故的方法。目前,国内外与自动事故检测方法相关的研究多是针对高速公路,对城市快速路这方面的系统研究较为缺乏。为此,本文结合我国实际,对城市快速路自动事故检测展开系统研究,提出一系列的理论、方法和技术,主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:(1)事故对背景交通的影响机理分析:采用交通波理论,并结合宏观交通流模型,分析不同背景交通状况和事故严重程度下事故对交通的影响机理、相关交通参数在事故发生后的时空变化特征,诠释基于断面交通数据采集的自动事故检测原理,并提出备选的自动事故检测参数;(2)自动事故检测基础数据研究:提出自动事故检测“原始数据”和“基础数据”的概念,以及自动事故检测对基础数据的要求,采用对数据序列值和序列差值的误差分析方法分析若干种交通数据在事故和正常状况下的特征,通过吸取相关交通数据的优点,构建可作为自动事故检测基础数据的非连续滑动1分钟占有率序列;(3)自动事故检测关键参数研究:确定自动事故检测的4个关键参数,并结合上海市城市快速路事故历史数据,分析各检测关键参数在低占有率、高占有率和复杂交通背景下的变化特征,分析各检测关键参数与背景交通状况的实际变化规律,分析各检测关键参数在不同路段和车道上的差异性:(4)多参数检测、参数阈值确定及检测效果评价:建立自动事故检测的多参数联合事故判断方法、参数阈值确定的离线标定和在线自修正方法,同时对本文的自动事故检测方法与现有方法进行平行测试和检测效果评价;(5)自动事故检测程序开发:整合本文前述研究成果,以模块的形式,开发城市快速路自动事故检测程序。通过以上研究,建立了适用于城市快速路自动事故检测的完整技术体系,为城市快速路交通管理中的事故检测提供技术支持。最后,关于进一步工作的方向进行了简要的讨论。

【Abstract】 Currently, urban expressway networks have been established in many aboard and civil metropolitan cities, e.g. New York, Paris, Tokyo, Beijing and Shanghai. As the skeleton, urban expressway networks are playing a significant role in urban road transportation systems. The principal influence of traffic incident on urban expressway is that incident leads to the appearance of traffic bottleneck which dramatically reduces the capacity and efficiency of urban expressway system and the occurrence of traffic congestion, at the same time it threatens the safety of people and vehicles. To reduce the negative effect of incident on urban expressway, the crucial procedure is to discover incident quickly and exactly.Automatic Incident Detection (AID), is the method to detect and discover incident automatically, based on the real-time field traffic data, which automatically identifies the change of traffic condition caused by incident. But, most of the current research work related to AID is directed towards highway, not urban expressway. So, according to the actual situation in our country, this paper makes a systematic study on AID for urban expressway, puts forward the combined theory, method and technique, and addresses the following topics;(1) Study of incident influence mechanics: based on the traffic wave theory and macroscopic traffic flow theory, according to the different background traffic condition and severity of incident, it analyzes the influence mechanics of incident on background traffic, discusses the time-space changing characteristics of several traffic coefficients under incident condition, and puts forward the common basic principle of AID methods, which are based on sectional field traffic data, and several alternative AID indexes;(2) Study of AID basic traffic data: it proposes the concepts of "Original Traffic Data (OTD)" and "Basic Traffic Data (BTD)" for AID, and two essential requirements of BTD; based on the error analysis method of data sequence and data sequence difference, it analyzes the characteristics of nine traffic data sequences in incident and non-incident traffic background; integrating the advantages of two outstanding traffic data sequences, it constructs the Un-Continuous Moving One Minute Occupancy Sequence (UCMOMOS) which is used as BTD for AID in this paper;(3) Study of AID indexes: it fixes four ultimate AID indexes; based on large quantities of historical incident data of Shanghai urban expressway, it discusses the changing characteristics of the four AID indexes in low-occupancy, high-occupancy and complicate traffic background, the actual relationships between AID indexes and background traffic condition, and the differences of AID indexes between different urban expressway segments and lanes;(4) Multiple indexes detection method, fixing threshold method and detection performance evaluation: it puts forward the incident judgment method of multiple co-operating AID indexes, and the threshold calibration and self-modification method of AID indexes; according to actual incident data, based on the parallel test method, it evaluates the incident detection performance of this paper’s Multiple Indexes AID algorithm and several existed AID algorithms;(5) AID program development: integrating the aformentioned research achievements, it develops the urban expressway AID program, which is composed ofsix modules------analyzing OTD, calculating BTD, calculating AID indexes, settingAID index thresholds, incident judgment and incident alarm;Based on the comprehensive research, this paper proposes a complete technical framework of AID for urban expressway transportation management. Finally, several topics of further studies are discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】U491.116;U491.3
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】686
  • 攻读期成果

