

Research on Three-Dimension Simulation of Building Fire Evacuation

【作者】 何大治

【导师】 谢步瀛;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 现代建筑越来越趋于结构大型化和功能复杂化,进行火灾安全设计时,人员密集,流动性大是设计者面对的主要问题,如何保证人员能够安全、快速地疏散已成为火灾安全研究的重要方向。从上个世纪50年代起,国内外学者对人员疏散就进行了大量的研究,提出了许多重要的疏散模型。但火灾中的人员疏散是一个同时具有确定性和随机性的复杂过程,人员、建筑物和火灾三个因素相互影响,因此,对于疏散模型的研究尚不能做到完善。同时,由于现有模型建模方式的内在局限,对人员行为这个重点内容也不能进行很好的模拟。有鉴于此,本文对现有疏散模型的特点进行了详细分析,根据其优缺点,提出了基于几何智能体的人员疏散模型GAEvac,并围绕该模型进行了以一卜的研究工作:1.分析了已有疏散模型的物理空间建模方法,对两种常用的方法:网格方法和拓扑方法分析其优缺点,提出了拓扑与几何相结合的子空间网络模型。以拓扑方法建立子空间疏散节点网络,以节点为单位记录建筑物几何信息。2.总结人员行为的建模方法,采用以基于目标的Agent模拟人员疏散行为,根据疏散的过程中人员与建筑物、人员与障碍物,以及人员之间的相互影响,分析其碰撞关系,分级确定人员的疏散目标。利用子空间节点记录的几何信息,减少运算负担,很好地模拟了人员疏散心理和行为。3.根据GAEvac模型开发了相应的疏散仿真程序,通过出口人流量实验,人员速度变化实验以及疏散路径和疏散时间比较实验,对GAEvac模型的准确性和适用性进行了分析。结果证明,GAEvac模型能够较准确地模拟人员疏散全过程,得到人员安全疏散的必须时间(RSET),指导建筑防火安全设计。4.根据疏散仿真系统研究的最新发展,开发了GAEvac3D三维疏散仿真系统,为GAEvac模型在火灾安全教育和疏散培训中应用做了一定的基础工作。最后,论文对GAEvac模型需要进行的后续研究做了简要的论述。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, building becomes huger structure and more complex layout. When designer makes the fire safety project, he will encounter the problems, such as huge crowd flow. How to ensure evacuees get away from the fire environment safely? This problem has become an important research filed in fire safety engineering.Since 1950s, many researchers had engaged in the evacuation study, and many significant evacuation models have been established. However, the fire evacuation is a problem with three factors, evacuee, structure and fire. All these factors influence each other. And so, no perfect one has been brought out. Moreover, human behavior is another difficulty to simulate. Many researches show that it is always the most important study filed.To solve those problems described above, a new model established, which is named GAEvac(Geometric Agent Evacuation Model), and many further researches about this model also carry out:1. Two common methods, gird method and topology method are analyzed and topology method is applied. The building plan is extracted into a network which comprises many nodes, and every node denotes a subspace. All geometric information is saved in subspace node.2. Human behavior model is established based on task Agent system. In evacuation, building structure, obstructs and other evacuee, all those factors would change personnel’s evacuate route. So an evacuee must decide a temporary destination in every step. By this way, evacuee’s mental and behavior can be simulated effectively and system’s burden is also lightened.3. A simulation software based on GAEvac is developed. Three experiments, flow rate experiment, velocity change experiment, evacuation route and RSET experiment are designed to validate the model’s veracity and applicability. The results show that GAEvac is more close to reality, and software based on GAEvac can be applied in practical projects. 4. A three-dimension simulation software named GAEvac3D is developed, which can be used in safety education and evacuation training.At the end of this paper, further researches are briefly discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期

