

The Study of the Preface

【作者】 王玥琳

【导师】 尚学锋;

【作者基本信息】 北京师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 序文是一种依附于书籍、文章、图表前后,旨在说明介绍与文本相关的任何内容,特别是文本作者创作意图的文体。本文将以先秦至唐代序文为主要研究对象,力图全面勾勒序文发展脉络,深入揭示序文文体特征与意义,并借以参详相关文体、文类异同之处,审视时代与文人创作意识的变迁。绪论部分先后以时代和具体问题为纲综述前人研究成果,并从文本出发对《文心雕龙》、《文章缘起》、《文选》的序文文体观逐一论述。论文第一章为文体溯源。“序”为“叙”与“绪”的假借字,序文文体意义在于“次第”与“端绪”的综合。参照古人“文体源出五经”的观点,本文认为《易·序卦》为序文的雏形,序文最初是以解经文体的身份出现的,《诗》序与《尚书》序为其发扬光大者。通过与其他解经文体比较,可以进一步明确序文作为解经文体的特征与意义。论文第二章重点论述秦汉时期的书序。作为序文的重要类型,书序的出现奠定了序文在学术文化领域的坚实地位。秦汉时期是书序产生至定型的阶段,论文将通过分析《吕氏春秋·序意》、《淮南子·要略》、《史记·太史公自序》三篇书序阐发书序的文体特征、发展脉络。论文第三章集中讨论伪序问题。本文认为,伪序问题是序文的独特现象,深刻体现了序文文体价值逐渐被认识和接受的进程。论文对“伪序”之名涵盖下的各种不同性质与层次的问题均有思考。论文第四章以汉魏六朝各体文章之序与集序为研究对象,包括赋序,诗序,颂、赞、箴、铭序,诔、哀辞、哀策、墓碑、墓志序,与集序。论文首先总结归纳序文的基本功能,但更注重从微观具体的角度突出各种类型序文的文体个性。论文第五章针对序文的发展实际,重点分析游宴序与赠序两大类型。游宴序与赠序系传统序文蔓衍而成,全面展示了序文由缘文而作向缘事而作的演变历程,彰显了序文的独立文学价值。论文将逐一描述其生成、创作模式、文体特征与意义,并以赠序的独立为核心问题阐述。论文第六章介绍序文的别名“引”、“后序”,比较序跋类文体中题跋、目录、序略、题辞与序文的文体异同,并附论寿序。结语部分总括全文,重申序文的文学化、独立性,探讨序文出现与文人著述观念的关系问题。

【Abstract】 Preface is a kind of genres that attached to the book, works and chart for directing and introducing anything about the text, especially the intention of the author. The article will take the prefaces from the pre-Qin days to Tang dynasty as the object of study, outline the logical way of the development, reveal the characteristic and significance, and so as to study the related genres, look the vicissitudes of times and author’s intention carefully.The introduction will summarize the predecessors’achievements by times and specific questions. The paper will discuss the genres thought of <Wen Xin Diao Long>、<Wen Zhang Yuan Qi>、<Wen Xuan> one by one.The first chapter is the tracing back.“Xu”is a borrowing, and the meaning of the preface lies on the“order”and the“main threads”. The article think that <Yi·Xu Gua> is the undeveloped form of preface, and the initial form is expounding classics. <Shi> preface and <Shang Shu> preface carry forward it.By virtue of comparing other expounding classics items, we could definite the preface’s special character.The second chapter will study the preface of book during the Qin and Han days. As an important type, the prefaces of book strengthen the position of preface in the realm of learning and culture. The article will analyze <Lv Shi Chun Qiu·Xu Yi>、<Huai Nan Zi·Yao Lue> and <Shi Ji·Tai Shi Gong Zi Xu>.The third chapter will discuss the issue of preface which wrote under somebody else’s name. The article argues that it’s a unique phenomenon, reflecting the course of the preface being recognized and accepted gradually.The article has thought deeply about several problems with different natures and gradation.The fourth chapter will take the preface of every genres article and belles-letters as the object. The paper will summarize the basic function firstly, but will pay more attention to stress the personality from the microcosmic and specific angle.The fifth chapter will analyze You Yan and Zeng preface countering the fact. You Yan and Zeng preface are extended from traditional preface, showing the course of writing from by text to by activity, and presenting the independence literature price. The paper will take the independence of Zeng preface as the key item.The sixth chapter will introduce the alternative name“Yin”and“latter preface”; compare the similar genres in the same class.The concluding remarks will sketch the paper, state the literature and independence again, and discuss the problem of the relationship between preface and the writing idea.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1220

