Folk Religion and Communities Relationship
【作者】 姚文琦;
【导师】 黄顺力;
【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士
【摘要】 鑑於湄洲島在媽祖信仰體系中不可取代的地位,以及諸多對於其與媽祖生平事蹟之歷史淵源依據的質疑,本論文以湄洲島的媽祖信仰為研究對象,著眼於以湄洲祖廟為中心之媽祖信仰的傳播發展與歷史積累,分別於島內地方媽祖宮廟群之間的互動關係,以及與台灣地區的交流往來,藉以說明民間信仰對於鏈接區域空間之社群關係的重要紐帶效應。本研究,首先以文獻分析法進行的歷史文獻之考據,探討湄洲島與媽祖相關生平事蹟的真實性,分析確立湄洲祖廟在媽祖信仰之開基地位的奠定依據,進而探究湄洲島在媽祖信仰中的歷史定位與影響。並且以湄洲祖廟的香火傳播於台灣地區的歷史事實考證,包括往來的紀錄考證,諸多湄洲分靈神像的傳說,和過往歷史中湄洲祖廟曾經先後採用的籤組,其流佈軌跡和版本名稱、內容的變遷,據以觀察民間信仰宮廟香火興盛與否和所採籤詩的互動影響,復證以湄洲祖廟之於媽祖信仰的深遠影響。再者,以田野調查法所得之資料,證諸于史,認真審視向來為學界所忽略,且鮮為人知的湄洲島內的地方媽祖宮廟群及其與湄洲祖廟的互動關係,考察媽祖宮廟群分布的區位和特色,並對基於傳統以來全島對於祖廟之崇敬而將島上媽祖宮廟群分為“四閣”,且逐年輪流分擔祖廟部分事務(含勞務與財務)的慣例,作出說明,進而從每年正月“鬧元宵”時,頻繁多樣的廟會儀式活動所展現出媽祖宮廟群之間的歷史香火淵源,分析其與湄洲島社群互動關係的流變和影響。據此,一方面析論其分別之於湄洲本島當地和台灣的移民社會的影響,以揭示民間信仰於社群關係的重要鏈結效應,與藉由湄洲媽祖信仰為文化紐帶所進行的兩岸交流活動之下,對於在地經濟建設和旅遊事業的蓬勃興盛,與兩岸宗教文化發展等方面之帶動與影響。另一方面,藉由湄洲島內“鬧元宵”活動期間各類儀式慶典所反映出的社群互動關係,以及各區域空間內的信眾對此之認知態度的研究,期能以此進一步作為提供日後廣大華人地區,尤其是閩台各地有關媽祖宮廟之進香、交流活動的借鏡及其相關研究的參考。
【Abstract】 This dissertation studies Mazu cult on Meizhou Island, based on the original Mazu temple in Meizhou, drawing on its dissemination and accumulation, and deciphering interrogations towards Mazu’s life stories. Meizhou, hometown of Mazu, stands for an irreplaceable status in Mazu cult. This research elaborates the impacts of folk religion on linking community relationship among areas, through the interaction of Mazu temples on Meizhou Island and the exchange with Taiwan.First of all, this study conducts literature review to investigate the genuinity of Mazu’s biography, and further to confirm the founder’s status of the original temple in Meizhou, to scrutinize Meizhou’s historical position and influences in Mazu cult. It also explores the historical facts of Mazu cult’s distribution and evolved versions of fortune lots adopted by the original Mazu temple. The interrelationship between intensity of Mazu cult dissemination and lot verses adopted verifies profound influences of the original temple in Meizhou. In addition, by means of field study, this research analyzes the relationship between the original temple and other Mazu temples on Meizhou Island, through the distribution of their locations, classification of Mazu temples and specification of labors and tasks in organizing regular events. An example applied here is NaoYuanXiao ceremony in January of lunar calendar, which explains the development and evolution of community interactions on Meizhou Island.Following the above arguments, the study discusses the mutual ties between Meizhou Island and Taiwan’s immigration society from a perspective of common folk religion. Their link fosters recent progress in indigenous economy and tourism, as well as cross Taiwan Strait cultural exchange. Furthermore, the community relationship and believers’ cognition within certain geographical space reflected in NaoYuanXiao ceremony is expected to act as a paradigm for future visits and exchange among Mazu temples in Taiwan and Fujian provinces.
【Key words】 The Original Mazu Temple in Meizhou; Mazu Cult; Cross Taiwan Strait Exchange;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
- 【分类号】K29
- 【被引频次】10
- 【下载频次】1909