

Social Review of the Judicial Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 蔡永明

【导师】 黄顺力;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪之初的法律变革,是1901年新政开始后清政府制度变革中的重要一环。由于法律制度牵涉到社会的各个阶层,影响到社会生活的各个方面,因此,探讨这一时期的法律变革,特别是当时司法制度在社会生活中的实际运作情况,能够最真实地反映出司法改革的实际效果,以及社会对国家法律变革的反映与适应程度。为此,笔者选取了在当时的政界、知识界以及下层民众中具有较大影响的新式传媒——《申报》和《大公报》作为本文的基本研究史料,试图通过与官方正史、律令典章等资料的相互印证,从一个新的研究视角,探讨清末司法改革在地方的具体实践,试以弥补学界对清末司法改革研究存在的不足,并力图揭示清末法律改革与近代社会变迁之间的内在联系。本文在结构上分为八章,第一章为绪论,主要对本文的选题缘由、学术史回顾以及基本研究思路等问题加以说明。第二章主要论述清末的司法改革思潮。鸦片战争后,随着传统司法面临的困境以及西方司法理念的传入,以马建忠、黄遵宪、郑观应、严复等人为代表的清末有识之士提出了具体的司法改革主张,掀起了清末的司法改革思潮。第三章主要探讨以废止刑讯为开端的司法改革。传统刑讯制度在近代面临来自现实与理念的双重挑战,清末朝野围绕着废止刑讯问题展开了激烈的论争。在清政府废止刑讯的谕旨颁布之后,由于受到传统法律观念以及封建国家政治体制的影响,废刑讯的实施效果并不尽如人意。第四章主要考察清末地方审判机构的改革及其实践。传统行政、司法合一的体制给清代的地方司法审判带来了诸多的弊端。随着官制改革的展开,清政府开始在各地设立审判厅,以此作为专门的地方司法审判机构。本章通过对天津审判厅的个案分析,可以看出,清末的地方审判机构改革,为以后的审判机构改革提供了示范作用,培养了一批近代司法人才,并在一定程度上促进了人们司法理念的转变。第五章主要探讨清末监狱制度的近代化。随着监狱改良思潮的兴起,在清末朝野的推动下,清政府对传统监狱制度进行了改革:设立罪犯习艺所;改建新式监狱;规范监狱管理;储备监狱管理人才等。这一改革推动了西方近代监狱管理思想在中国的传播,为中国监狱的近代转型奠定了基础,同时培养出大批新式监狱的管理人才。但由于其在执行过程中缺乏应有的力度,传统监狱管理观念的影响仍然如幽灵般地存在。第六章主要分析清末法律教育的近代转型。鸦片战争后,中西文化的冲突和交融,使传统的法律教育也面临着一场新的变革。纵观清末的法律教育改革,可以分为两个阶段:一是走出国门学习西方的法律文化,即法政留学;二是广泛传播近代的法律文化,即国内的法政教育。从其产生的实际效果来看,吸收了近代西方的法律文化,促进了近代法政知识的普及,也在一定程度上推动了近代的司法改革。但在具体的运作过程中,也暴露出不少问题,如各类法政教育带有较明显的功利性因素,各类法政教育机构在管理上存在诸多弊端等。第七章主要探讨传统法律职业的近代变迁。在20世纪初,人们从业观念的变化以及法律改革的开展为近代法律职业的兴起创造了条件。清末法律职业教育的开展以及法律职业准入制度的确立,标志着具有近代意义的法律职业在中国的诞生。它为中国法律职业阶层的出现奠定了基础,促进了近代法律职业教育的发展,对近代中国的司法改革进程产生了积极的影响。第八章为结语,主要对全文进行总结。对清末司法改革的成就、司法改革存在的不足及原因、司法改革的历史借鉴作了简要归纳。

【Abstract】 Legal reform, in the early 20th century, is a vital part of the system revolution after the New Deal began from 1901 in Qing Dynasty. Due to its connections with all the classes and its influence on every aspects of social life, the exploration of the legal innovation of that time, especially the actual operation of judiciary in social life, can have a real reflection of realistic effects of judicial reform, and social responds and adaptation to national legal innovation.So the author, takes a new research angle by selecting new media Shen Bao, Dagong Bao as basic historical materials, which have had a relatively large influence on the circles of politics, intelligence and the common people, and probes the concrete operation of judicial reform in locals by depending on official history, laws, rules and regulations, in an attempt to make up the deficiencies of research for the judicial reform in the late Qing Dynasty and reveal the internal links between it and modern social transitionThe paper is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to the thesis decision, the review of academic history and basic research thoughts, etc.Chapter 2 mainly discusses the trends of judicial reform in the late Qing Dynasty. After the Opium War, open-minded people such as Ma Jianzhong, Huang Zunxian, Zheng Guanying and Yanfu put forward concrete viewpoints of judicial reform and set off the trend in the late Qing Dynasty. This chapter also tells about the difficulties of traditional justice and the introduction of western judicial ideas.Chapter 3 is a discussion of the judicial reform beginning with the abolition of inquisition by torture. The traditional torture system was faced with double-challenge from reality and thoughts, so its abolition aroused fierce controversy within and without the court. However, the Imperial Order of Abolition was poorly implemented due to traditional legal ideas and feudal countries’ political system.Chapter 4 looks into the reform and practice of local trial agencies in the late Qing Dynasty. The traditional integration of administration and justice systems brought about lots of abuses at local judicial trial. Based on the analysis of cases in Tianjin Trial Chamber, it can be observed the reform of local trial system set up a model for the future trial system reform and cultivated lots of contemporary judicial talents, and to some extent, promoted the changes of judicial ideas.Chapter 5 discusses the modernization of Prison System in the late Qing Dynasty. As the upsurge of prison innovation trend, the Qing government changed traditional prison system under the motivation of the government and the public, including setting up agencies for prisoners to learn, reforming new prisons, standardizing the prison administration, storing talents for prison administration, etc. It promoted the spread of the modern Western trend of prison administration, laid a foundation for the modern changes of Chinese prison, and cultivated lots of new talents for prison administration. Due to the lack of dynamism in the operation, there were still traces of traditional ideas of prison administration.Chapter 6 is an analysis of the changes in legal education in modern times. After the Opium War, traditional legal education also needed a new reform under the clash and blend of the Western and Eastern cultures. The reform can be divided into two stages: at the first stage, Chinese went abroad to learn Western legal systems; at the second stage, modern legal culture was spread at home. As for its effects, it absorbed the modern western legal cultures, promoted the widespread of modern legal and political knowledge, and to some extent, pushed the modern judicial reform. But there are problems in the operating process, such as utilitarian factors in law and politics educations, shortcomings in the administration of law and politics education agencies.Chapter 7 discusses the modern changes of traditional legal vocation. In the early 20th century, changes of vocational thoughts and the operation of legal reform provide conditions for modern legal vocation. The operation of the legal vocational education and the establishment of the admittance system of legal vocation, which symbolized the birth of the modern legal vocation in China, lay a foundation for the birth of the legal vocational class, promoted the development of the legal vocational education, and left a positive influence on Chinese judicial reform.Chapter 8 is conclusion. It generalizes the whole paper and briefly sums up the achievement of judicial reform, its deficiencies and causes, as well as the historical lessons in the late Qing Dynasty.

【关键词】 清末司法改革近代化
【Key words】 the late Qing Dynastyjudicial reformmodernization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】839

