

Study on the Reformation of Forms and Contents of College Entrance Examination

【作者】 张耀萍

【导师】 刘海峰;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 在我国,高校招生入学考试制度不仅是教育改革的重要课题,而且由于其重要的桥梁与辐射作用长期为社会所关注。高考形式和内容,处于人们认识和接受高考制度的“最前沿”,既是改革的重点,也是改革的难点。改革引发的争论最多、共识也最难达成。本文以宏观的高考命题立意,以及考试组织形式为研究对象,结合理论与改革现状分析,重点探讨当前社会背景下如何构建兼顾国家、社会、学校、考生等多方利益的高考形式与内容改革方略。论文采用纵向与横向研究相结合,在对大学入学考试形式和内容进行历史考查、国际比较和改革现状分析的基础上,归纳大学入学考试形式、内容的发展轨迹和运行规律。并以改革中的利益冲突与博弈作为切入点,分析不同利益主体围绕高考运行产生的利益格局,从而探讨其对当前高考形式、内容产生的影响。同时,以分省命题与高校自主选拔录取试点为例,对高考形式与内容的公平性进行实证分析。通过理论研究与实证分析,本文提出以下主要观点及结论:1、长期以来,高考制度承载着太多教育与社会功能,这是引发公众对统一高考关注与争论的源头。而高考过强的统一性,即以一张考卷、一次考试、一项分数选才,已越来越不能满足教育和社会发展的需要,兼顾多样已成为高考形式、内容改革的现实之需。2、当前高考改革中,政府、高校、中学、考生和家长是最主要的利益主体,他们的利益差别是客观的,改革必须正视不同主体之间的利益冲突,建立平衡和协调各方利益的制度。3、兼顾公平选才与科学选才是高考制度改革的长远目标。高考形式逐渐从统一走向多样,高考命题强调以能力、素质立意取代知识立意,是高考制度追求科学选才的重要途径,但并不能因此而忽视考试选才的公平性。因为,当高考改革不可避免地要成为资源分配的规则时,规则的公平性是公众的首要挂念。

【Abstract】 In China, College Entrance Exam (CEE) system has got much attention from public, not only because it is an important task of education reformation, but also because it has huge effects on the society. The reformation is both important and difficult since people know the CEE system from its forms and contents at the very beginning. It is widely disputed and hard to come to an agreement. This dissertation mainly focuses on the macroscopical aspect of CEE organization. The objective is to discuss the best possible scheme of the reformation of the forms and contents of CEE, taking into account of the interest of the country, society, colleges, students, and students’parents.This dissertation summarizes the evolvement of the forms and contents of CEE in China and several other countries. Comparison is made among these countries. This dissertation also discusses the conflict of interest among the interest groups and its effect on the forms and the contents of CEE. In the meanwhile, the fairness of the forms and the contents of CEE is analyzed based on exam scores from several provinces and colleges.The main conclusions drawn from this study are as follows:1.CEE system has got so much attention and has long been disputed due to its effects on the education and society. The unification of CEE can not meet the requirement of the development of education and society. Diversification becomes necessary and practical.2.The government, colleges, middle schools, students, and students’parents are the main interest groups during the current CEE reformation. The reformation of the system should focus on the conflict of the interest among these groups and how to balance their interest.3.Fairness and scientificness of recruiting students should be the goal of the reformation of CEE system. The form of CEE has gradually diversified and focuses on the students’ability, all-around development instead of knowledge. However, the fairness of recruiting students can’t be ignored since it is the main concern to public when the reformation of CEE is inevitably about resource distribution.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】G632.4
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】2954

