

Muzhanga and the Politics of Daoguang Government

【作者】 刘海峰

【导师】 杨国桢;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国古代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以马克思主义辨证唯物论和历史唯物论为指导,以穆彰阿为研究切入点,透过穆彰阿生平事迹来考察道光朝政治,力图探讨造成道光朝各种社会病的人为原因。全文共分五章:第一章,八旗俊才穆彰阿。简述穆彰阿在嘉庆朝和道光初年的政治活动,重点叙述穆彰阿在道光初年漕粮海运的作用以及成为首席军机大臣的经过。第二章,穆彰阿与鸦片战争。论述穆彰阿及其势力在禁烟运动中所起的作用、在鸦片战争过程中对道光帝决策的影响以及穆彰阿在鸦片战争后一系列不平等条约签订过程中的作用。第三章,穆彰阿与道光朝吏治。分别论述穆彰阿及其势力执政时期吏治的变化,包括穆彰阿与载铨、因循守旧、排斥异己、同恶相济、穆彰阿与道光朝捐纳、穆彰阿执政对道光朝科举的影响以及道光朝各种社会病态。第四章,穆彰阿与道光朝财政。论述穆彰阿及其势力柄政,导致国家财政混乱不堪、捉襟见肘、苛敛丛生、陋规重重、官民交困、国库空虚等情况。第五章,穆彰阿与道光朝军政。论述穆彰阿及其势力柄政,不但直接造成了鸦片战争的失败,而且造成鸦片战争后十年军事自强运动的夭折,造成了国家支柱军队的军纪败坏、因循守旧、轻视团练、上下欺饰、吸食鸦片、腐化堕落、私役兵丁、克扣军饷、缺丁少员、浮冒军饷、战备废弛、纵盗殃民等等系列积弊。穆彰阿及其势力的腐败统治造成了国家吏治、财政、军政积弱积贫、积重难返的糜烂局面,进一步加速了清王朝中期的衰败过程。

【Abstract】 This dissertation, based on the theory of Marxist dialectical materialism, the study on Muzhanga, inspects on the politics of Daoguang Government by Muzhanga’s life stories, aims at the artificial reasons for all kinds of the social diseases. There are altogether five chapters:Chapter One, Outstanding Person of the Eight Banners illustrates Muzhanga’s political activities in Jiaqing Government and in the beginning of Daoguang Government, the positive role in the Grain Ocean Transportation in 1826 and the process of being Chief Grand Councillor.Chapter Two, Muzhanga and the Opium War explores Muzhanga’s role in the Opium Ban Movement, the unjust case about Ying Yao and signing serious of unequal treaties to the Western Powers.Chapter Three, Muzhanga and the Official Administration of Daoguang Government explores respectively the political changes of Daoguang Government, including Muzhanga and Zaiquan, sticking to the old ways, discriminating against those who held different views, the wicked helped the wicked, expending rapidly of Muzhanga’s forces, Muzhanga and the selling official posts and titles of Daoguang Government, effection on the imperial examinations of Daoguang Government when Muzhanga was in power, Muzhanga being in power and the official diseases of Daoguang Government.Chapter Four, Muzhanga and the Finance of Daoguang Government explores , governed by Muzhanga and his force, the state finance being thrown into confusion and hiving too many difficulties to cope with, having too much exorbitant taxes,levies and objectionable practices, having too much difficulty both officials and people, the national treasury bing depleted.Chapter Five, Muzhanga and the Military Affairs of Daoguang Government. the wielding rule of Muzhanga and his forces not only led to the failure of the Opium War, but led to the dying young of the military improving oneself movement, led to the military discipline degenerating, looking down upon the people’s militia, deceiving their superious and deluding their subordinates, smoking opium, being degenerate and decadent, working soldiers in private, pocketing a portion of the soldiers’pay, being short of the soldiers, falsely claiming the soldiers’pay, war preparation being binding, being winked at banditry and disastering to people and so on.The corrupting rule of Muzhanga and his forces had old practices dying hard to the official administration, finance and military affairs,and took further steps to accelerate the declining process of the middle period of Qing dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】K252
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】527

