

Regional Analysis & Port Trade

【作者】 佳宏伟

【导师】 陈支平;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文选取天津贸易为个案,希冀打破过去研究的时空界限,避免范式建构的误导,着眼于未曾表达的实践逻辑,通过考察开埠前后贸易发展的内在连贯性和区域社会在塑造口岸贸易演变中的重要性,反思诸如“冲击—回应”、“帝国主义”、“传统与现代”、“中国中心观”等分析范式在外来影响与中国经济发展这一问题上的基本观点。除了第一章导论和第七章结语之外,主要有五部分构成:第一部分主要考察开埠之前腹地商业的发展情况。文章认为,从某种意义上讲,华北各地商品经济的产生及其发展,在很大程度上,源自于资源环境的驱动,其发展繁荣更多表现的并不是由于社会分工和专业化的结果,而是资源压力之下自身生产力不足所致,维持生计的意义又十分明显。正是这一商业发展特点,一方面,为天津的出口贸易提供大宗土特商品;另一方面,又为进口商品提供契机,大量商品通过天津输往各地成为内在需求。第二部分主要是打破时间界限,考察开埠之前的贸易商品、范围、规模及收支等基本问题。文章认为开埠之前,天津贸易发展已有相当规模,贸易商品颇为丰富,贸易范围也十分广阔。因此,忽视开埠之前的贸易发展,一味割断与开埠之后的贸易发展联系,不仅不符合事实,亦有失公允。第三部分主要是通过量化统计分析,考察开埠之后贸易结构和趋势的区域特质,验证开埠前后贸易发展的传承关系和区域结构在塑造口岸贸易演变中的重要性。文章认为,开埠之后天津的贸易商品、市场、规模都有长足进步。但是,开埠通商并未隔断开埠前后的内在连贯性。如贸易商品,虽然进出口商品较之前明显增加,但是开埠之前的一些大宗进出口货物一直保持着主要商品地位;贸易市场,虽然直接进出口国外市场的比重不断提高,但是开埠之后的相当长时间内仍延续着过去的发展格局;贸易收支的不平衡状况同样在开埠之前已经存在。即便进出口贸易以国际贸易的发展逻辑形式表现得如何显著,其推动力也不是没有限度,区域特点明显。以贸易增长率分析,与上海比较,进出口贸易都为增长,但各自所展示的意义却颇有不同。天津出口贸易增长率大于进口,因此,出口比重逐渐增强;天津土货净进口增长率大于洋货净进口,故而,土货进口一直保有较稳定比重;天津出口国外贸易增长率快于出口国内,故此,出口市场由国内市场为主转向以国外市场为主。具体到贸易结构,天津出口品主要是一些来自于内地的土特产品;进口品则以销往内地为主的消费品为大宗,其变化在很大程度上又受到区域结构诸因素的制约。第四部分主要通过考察灾荒这一区域结构变动中的重要因素与贸易演变的内在联系,进一步验证区域结构在塑造口岸贸易演变中的重要性。文章认为,灾害作为区域结构变动中的主要因素之一,直接影响贸易结构和趋势的演变。长期以来,关于口岸贸易与区域社会之间的关系,学术界大多强调口岸贸易在塑造区域社会中的重要性,然而通过分析区域灾害与贸易的内在关系,可知这种内在联系并非仅为单向。第五部分是以商会为中心,分析在西方力量介入之后,区域组织这一行为主体的具体应对策略,进一步考察区域社会在塑造口岸贸易演变中的自主性。文章认为,基于贸易扩展诉求,针对贸易不平衡发展的现实,以商会为代表的区域社会组织围绕着生产和流通开展了一系列旨在振兴商务、发展贸易的自救措施,有力地提高土货产品的竞争力。虽然此举没有从根本上改变整个贸易发展的不平衡状况,然而却在推动贸易正常发展方面进行了有益探索。

【Abstract】 By focusing on the case of Tianjin, this essay traces the inherent coherence in the development of the trade before and after the opening of its commercial port, and thereby identifies the role of religional society in molding a port, in which I hope to seek the underlying practical logics rather than to be misleaded by conceptualized paradigms, and I attempt to reflect on“Impact-Response”,“Imperialism”and“Tradition-Modernity”models and doubt on the“Interior Orientation”in dealing with the exotic influence on Chinese economy. Generally, it principally comprises five parts, excluding the introduction and conclusion.The first part (chapter two) outlines the regional commercial development before the port opening. In one way or another, some native products became large scale commodities through the regional commercial circulation, based on the drive of local environment resources. However, the same ambient pressure made it substaintial to make a living above all. This distinctive development model provided native products for Tianjin’s exporting trade of one side and opportunities of the other side for importing commodities. As a result, the large scale of importation dispersed to different regions and finally supplied domestic demand.The second part (chapter three), by breaking the time fence, mainly traces the commodities, areas, scales and payments of the trade before Tianjin’s opening. It concludes that the trade of Tianjin was going throngh a considerable prosperity before its opening, with its abundant commodities and immense trade areas. So it is misleading to cut off the continuity of the trade progress by neglecting the development of the trade before the opening.The third part (chapter four) attempts to look into the commercial tendency and structure of this regional characteristic and inspect the important role of regional structure in molding such a pattern of port trade, through statistical analysis. It makes clear that the import/export trade of Tianjin gradually involved into the world trading system, however, it functioned quite differently from that of Shanghai. The trade pattern of Tianjian was highly restrained to regional structures, with its exportations basically made up of native products of hinterland and its importations primarily sold to the hinterland in the form of consumpiton goods. Therefore, to some extent, the foreign trade of Tianjin is merely equivalent to that of its huge hinterland, without which it would be never flourishing.The forth part (chapter five) firstly works on the inner relationship between the trade evolution and regional structure alteration during disasters and famines, which directly effected the structure and tendency of the port trade as a crucial stimulative. The part takes pains to transcend a conventional method, by which scholars have long-termly overemphasize the influence exerted to regional society by port trade. Anyhow, the relationship between port trade and regional society proves to be reciprocal rather than unilateral.Focusing on the commercial associations, the fifth part (chapter six) analyzes the practical response strategies taken by the regional organizations to deal with the foreign influence, what’s more, it gingerly documents the initiative of the regional society in molding the vicissitudes of Tianjin port trade. As it shows, confronting a trading circumstance of imbalance, regional associations, represented by commercial associations, launched a series of self-salvation campaigns to promote commerce and trade, during which the competitive ability of native products was obviously improved, especailly in the link of produciton and criculation. Although these efforts failed to narrow and diminish the trade imbalance fundamentally, it still carried out beneficial explore on a well-balanced international trade.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】K29
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】646

