

Research on Key Techniques of Content-Based Chinese Herbal Medicine Botanic Image Retrieval

【作者】 吴清锋

【导师】 周昌乐;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 基础数学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 论文工作针对基于内容的中草药植物图像检索问题,在系统分析已有关键技术及发展趋势基础上,对中草药植物叶子图像的领域特征提取、层次化检索策略、基于显著轮廓曲线的图像检索、基于视觉注意的花卉图像检索等问题进行了系统、深入和较为全面的研究。这些研究内容不但是基于内容的中草药植物图像检索亟待解决的关键问题,也是图像处理和信息检索领域的研究重点,具有重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。论文的主要工作和贡献如下:(1)对基于内容图像检索领域的一些关键技术作了深入的研究分析,包括:颜色、形状、纹理等常用的图像底层视觉特征和高层语义特征的描述,图像相似性度量准则,图像数据库特征索引,检索系统性能评价,相关反馈等;并对基于内容图像检索领域的主要研究方向进行了阐述;最后还给出了部分原型系统的比较分析结果。(2)叶子作为植物的重要器官,它的识别与分类在整株植物的识别与分类过程中占有重要的地位。使用颜色、纹理、形状等通用的视觉特征并不能取得很好的检索效果,因此论文从植物形态学角度,分析并提取了中草药植物叶片的叶形、叶脉、叶齿等领域视觉特征,并且将所提取的特征归类为全局特征和局部特征,在此基础上,构建了一个层次化检索策略,并进行了实验分析。实验表明:应用领域特征的检索较传统的检索更有效,并且,层次化检索策略在提高系统检索速度的同时,又保证具有较高的检索精度。(3)非标准环境下采集到的中草药植物叶子图像,一般具有复杂的背景,遮挡现象普遍存在,这都极大地影响着检索的效果。受到神经心理学中形状感知研究的启发,我们将非经典感受野抑制机制引入到图像边缘检测中,保留图像中叶子的轮廓,同时抑制复杂背景中的短小边缘,并且使用获取的轮廓曲线的特征来代表图像的形状特征。然后采用“综合多对多”的匹配策略来度量图像间的相似性,取得了良好的匹配效果。(4)一般情况下,非标准环境下采集到的中草药植物花卉图像,花卉区域具有比背景更加突出的特征属性。利用人类视觉选择性注意机制研究的成果,首先对图像进行分析,综合视觉注意模型和传统的区域生长法,来定义和获取用户感兴趣的区域,然后采用一种新的“一对一”的匹配策略来度量图像间的相似性,解决了图像的注意性匹配问题。实验证明:上述方法简单有效,降低了信息处理的计算量,提高了系统的效率。总之,我们在基于内容的中草药植物图像检索方面,首次运用比较先进的图像匹配与检索方法与技术,对中草药图谱检索问题做了有开拓性意义的研究工作,特别是提出的“植物叶子图像的领域特征提取与层次化检索”、“图像显著轮廓提取与综合轮廓匹配”、“基于视觉注意的感兴趣区域提取与花卉图像检索”等具体方法,对于推动中草药植物图像自动检索研究领域的技术发展,有着重要的学术价值和具体的应用意义。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on Content-based Chinese Herbal Medicine Botanic Image Retrieval (CBHBIR). Based on the rich introduction of some key techniques and the detailed analysis of future trends of Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR), lots of exploratory research work has been investigated, which includes domain- related feature extraction of Chinese herbal medicine botanic images and hierarchical retrieval method, salient contour extraction and integrated contour matching, regions of interest (ROIs) extraction and matching based on visual attention model, and so on. The presented study is not only the key problems to be settled urgently in the CBHBIR field, but also the current research focus of image processing and information retrieval. Thus, these researches have both the academic and the applied significance.The main contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows:(1) Several key techniques and algorithms of CBIR are deeply investigated and analyzed, such as, image content descriptors, similarity measures between images, indexical technologies, methods of performance evaluation and relevance feedback, etc. Moreover, the main research directions of CBIR are discussed. And several representative image retrieval systems are addressed.(2) As an important organ of plants, leaf recognition and retrieval plays an important role in plant recognition and retrieval. Because of the inaccurate results retrieved by combining the general visual features, domain-related visual features are analyzed and extracted from the view of plant leaf morphology, such as leaf shape, leaf vein, leaf dent, etc. Owing to the different ability of distinguishing leaves, these features are classified into the global features and the local features. On such a basis, a hierarchical retrieval scheme for leaf images is brought forward. Experiments demonstrate that domain-related features can achieve better retrieval performance, and that the hierarchical retrieval scheme can increase the speed and precision of retrieval system.(3) Chinese herbal medicine leaf images, taken in the natural environments, usually have cluttered background and the leaves partially occluded by other objects, which greatly affects the retrieval efficiency. With inspiration from psychophysical researches of the visual perception of shape, the mechanism of non-classical receptive field inhibition is introduced to contour detection. With such mechanism, the salient boundaries of the main leaves are retained while the short edges in the cluttered background are suppressed. According to the contour detection results, the salient boundaries of the image could be easily extracted, and the image features are thus described by those salient boundaries. Moreover, the integrated boundary matching strategy is adopted to measure the similarity between images. Experiment results show that the proposed methods have excellent retrieval performance.(4) In general, for Chinese herbal medicine flower images, taken in the natural environments, the flower regions usually have prominent characteristic attributes. Motivated by the researches of visual selective attentive mechanism, images are analyzed and the extraction of ROIs is implemented by incorporating the visual attention model proposed by Itti with the seeded region growing. Images are matched by measuring the distances of the features of those ROIs. Experiment results show that the retrieval methods are simple and effective, which can greatly reduce the cost of information processing and increase the efficiency of retrieval system.In a word, we have done some exploratory researches in the CBHBIR field by exploiting the advanced methods and technologies of image retrieval and have proposed some effective approaches which include the extraction of domain-related features and hierarchical retrieval scheme, the extraction of salient boundary and integrated boundary matching, the extraction and matching of ROIs based on visual attention model and so on. The researches presented in the dissertation will greatly accelerate the development of CBHBIR and have both academic and applied significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期

