

The Research on the Scientific and Technological Ideology in Tang Hui Yao

【作者】 陈玲

【导师】 郭金彬;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 中国古代科技思想文献,大多散见在各部各类各书(如经、史、子、集)之中。史部政书类是关于政治制度、经济制度、法律制度、文化制度等方面的史书,其中有极其珍贵的科技思想资料。“中国科技思想史的研究,可以从中国的经、史、子、集中一本本著作地进行研究”(席泽宗语)。我们选择《唐会要》作为典型进行科技思想研究,开辟了史部政书类科技思想研究的先例。本文既精确、系统地整理出《唐会要》的科技思想,又对之进行较深入的理论论述,具有理论价值和现实意义。就具体内容而言,数学与天文历法研究的紧密结合,是唐代天文学数学思想的特色,僧一行和李淳风的数学贡献突出,一行大地测量的数值以《唐会要》中所载的最为准确。在农学方面,关于病虫害的防治,特别是对治蝗的认识和措施,唐代成就突出;加强农田水利灌溉,空前重视发展畜牧养殖业,特别是引进良种马是唐代农学思想的鲜明特征。在生物学方面,唐代本草学和动植物生态学,对选种、祥瑞、杂交,对名实考证研究和昆虫研究,对园艺植物以及生物资源保护的思想,备加重视。医事制度的完备和医学教育机构的完善以及医学典籍的编撰,临床诊疗医学的进步,特别是临床医学分科的长足发展和对医学理论的追求,构成唐代医学思想的鲜明特色。在物理学领域,力学、光学、声学、磁学和热学,在唐代物理学中占据重要地位,其中尤以对度量衡和透镜的重视和研究最为引人注目。在化学方面,对金丹术、本草学中化学知识的认识,对酿造化学和造纸术的推进,是唐代化学思想的鲜明特色。宫殿、都城、住宅、陵墓、寺塔、桥梁的建设,以及园林特别是皇家园林的建设,体现了丰富多彩的唐代建筑学思想,其中的帝王陵墓建筑是陵墓建筑思想的一个转折。在纺织业方面,力求纺织工艺技术的完善和丰富纺织的品种,以及加强国家对纺织品生产的管理,是唐代重要的纺织技术思想。有力地推进金属手工业和传统铸造工艺的发展,也在唐代备受重视。战船和福船制造水平的提高是唐代造船的重要技术思想,唐代重视漕运和航海,并且加强了海运管理制度。而地图制造水平的提高,以“经”配“图”思想的凸现,留心对自然灾害的记录,勘探黄河源,以及加强野外考察,则是唐代鲜明的地学思想。唐代也重视少数民族科技的发展,并贯彻科技交流的思想。对《唐会要》中以上这些重要的科技思想,本文作了认真、系统的提炼、整理和论述。科学思想是科学产生、发展的思想依据和思想方法,也包括科学成果所蕴含的思想精粹。唐代科技思想既有对科技知识本身内在的理性探索,也有受社会、经济、文化等环境因素的外在影响,这些又构成了我国古代科技鼎盛时期的前朝积淀,是一个国家、一个民族攀登科学技术高峰的必要基础和条件,这前车之鉴,为兴国、强国留下了宝贵的经验。而从科技发展的进程来看,科学思想具有一定的持续性,思想能够产生思想。人类不仅可以在现实生活中、从生产实践和科学实验中产生新思想,而且也可以从读典籍中产生出有价值的新思想,增长出新的科学知识,成为宝贵的财富。这二者的有机结合,都是推进科学发展的必需。

【Abstract】 Most of the Chinese ancient documents of scientific and technological ideology can be found in various kinds of history books, such as Jing, Shi, Zi and Ji. The administrative books compiled by Shi Ministry, which are the historical records about the systems of politics, economy, law and culture, contain invaluable information of scientific and technological ideology. As Xi Zezong suggests,“The research on the history of Chinese scientific and technological ideology can start with the study of every single book of Jing, Shi, Zi and Ji.”Here we choose Tang Hui Yao as a typical example to carry out the research of scientific and technological ideology, which pioneers the research in the administrative books of Shi Ministry. This dissertation concludes scientific and technological ideology in Tang Hui Yao in a precise and systematic way. Simultaneously, it further illustrates the ideology theoretically, carrying itself with great theoretical value and significance.As far as the detailed content is concerned, the combination of mathematics with astronomic calendric system is the unique feature of the astronomic mathematical thinking in Tang Dynasty. Zeng Yihang and Li Chunfeng have made great contributions to mathematics. And the most accurate geodesic data made by Zeng Yihang was recorded in Tang Hui Yao. In terms of agriculture, Tang Dynasty is also unparalleled in the prevention and cure of plant diseases and insect pests, especially in the knowledge about and the measures against locusts. During Tang Dynasty, the irrigation works of the farmlands was improved and livestock breeding industry was also developing very fast. The agricultural thinking at that time was characterized by the introduction of horses of fine breed. In terms of biology, the plants science and ecology in Tang Dynasty laid much emphasis on the seed selection, auspicious sign, hybridizing, the labelling textual research and the insect research, the protection of gardening plants and biological resources. The medical thinking during Tang Dynasty is characterized by the maturity of medical system, the perfection of medical educational institutions, the compiling of medical books, the progress in clinical medical diagnosis and treatment, and especially by the great development of the clinical medical sections and the pursuit of medical theories. In the field of physics, mechanics, optics, acoustics, magnetics and calorifics played important roles during Tang Dynasty. Among them the emphasis and research on metrology and lens were the most significant. In terms of chemistry, the knowledge about alchemy and herbalism, the advancement of brewing technology, paper-making and printing technology contributed to the brilliance of chemical thinking during Tang Dynasty. The construction of palaces, capitals, dwelling houses, mausoleums, temples, towers and bridges, together with the building of gardens, especially royal gardens, indicated the rich and colourful architectural thinking at that time. The emperor mausoleum construction is a turn in the mausoleum architectural thinking. In the aspect of textile industry, Tang Dynasty laid weight on the improvement of textile technology and the strengthening of government control over the textile manufacturing. Besides, the development of metal handicraft industry and traditional founding technology was also attached great importance to. The progress in the building of warships and Fujian vessel embodied the technological thinking of shipbuilding in Tang Dynasty. Water transportation and navigation were emphasized and the system of sea transportation management was perfected. The improvement of mapping technology, the initiation of making maps and graphs with notes, the careful recordings of natural disasters, the exploration of the riverhead of the Yellow River, and the strengthening of wwilderness investigation constituted the geographical thinking in Tang Dynasty. The technological development of minority nationality was advocated and the communication of science and technology was also carried out. This dissertation makes a thorough and systematic refinement and illustration on the important ideology of science and technology recorded in Tang Hui Yao.Scientific thinking is the basis and method on which science comes into existence and develops. It also includes the thinking essence in the scientific achievements. The scientific and technological thinking in Tang Dynasty not only includes the rational exploration of scientific and technological knowledge itself, but also involves the influences of such environmental factors as society, economy and culture. These in turn compose the accumulation of science and technology at the height of power and glamour in ancient China, which is essential for a country, a nation to advance its science and technology. The historical heritage endows our country with precious experience on how to prosper and make our country powerful. While from the perspective of the developing process of science and technology, scientific thinking has a certain degree of sustaining force. Thinking can give birth to more thinking. Human beings can not only generate new ideas from real life, from the manufacturing practice and from scientific experiments, but also gain valuable new thinking and enhance scientific knowledge through the reading of classic books, which become precious fortune. The organic combination of these two is a necessary step in boosting the development of science and technology.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】N092
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】368

