

The Relationships among Taiwan Ethnic Groups under Cultivation in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 周典恩

【导师】 郭志超;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 清廷领台期间(1683-1895)闽粤两省民众带着寻求生存或投资盈利之目的,以偷渡私行或合法领照的方式蜂拥入台拓垦土地。汉人的进垦使得台湾的原住族群,尤其是平埔族群面临前所未有的时代变局。笔者在文中侧重于利用契字、碑文等民间资料,摒弃汉人本位主义的立场,采用“自下而上”的研究视角,按照台湾各地区开发的先后顺序,循着平埔族群与汉人接触互动,迁移埔里和后山,与高山族群交往这一线索,历时地梳理了山前、宜兰与后山土地拓垦中的族群互动情形,并在此基础上对影响平埔族群与汉人关系的几种外部力量、汉人入垦给平埔族群造成的变迁以及平埔族群式微的原委等问题进行探讨。文章认为,清代台湾土地拓垦中虽然存在汉人以武力或欺诈等不正当手段侵占原住族群土地的现象,但“番”汉之间的土地转移关系主要是以民间的租佃制度为基础,遵照社会经济运行规律的调控,故而土地由平埔族群流向汉人之大势乃是双方经济文化水平差异所致。终清之世,平埔族群与汉人之间以共耕并处为主,冲突仅是插曲,而且双方的冲突在发生频率、激烈程度以及破坏性等方面,不仅远逊于汉人族群内部的分类械斗,甚至不及原住族群之间的斗争。官府尽管一直企图将台湾的族群关系置于掌控之中,但因其“族群隔绝”与“护番保产”政策有悖于当时的社会经济条件,因而收效甚微。汉人的拓垦固然在一定程度上给平埔族群造成利益损害,但同时也促进了平埔族群经济生产方式的变革和社会生活的文明化。所以客观而言,清代汉人的进垦对平埔族群既是冲击,也是机遇。笔者在文中论证清代台湾拓垦中族群之间的互动情形符合正常的民间经济文化交流规律,反驳部分台湾学者所谓的“汉人移垦台湾史其实就是原住民遭受压迫的血泪史”,也有意欲借此反击台湾当前的“法理台独”之意图。

【Abstract】 In the period of Qing Government ruling Taiwan (1683—1895), the residents of Fujian and Guangdong province swarmed into Taiwan to cultivate by means of obtaining passports or running a blockade, on purpose of searching for a living or getting profits. The entering of the Hans made aborigines there, plains aborigines especially confronted with conflict and challenge which is unprecedented before so as to be faced with a keen changes of the times. This dissertation focusing on the use of the folk data such as contracts and inscriptions, abandoning selfish departmentalism of the Hans, in perspective of a "Bottom-up" research method, along with the course of the development of various regions in Taiwan and the clues which plains aborigines contacted with the Hans , migrated Puli and Houshan and contacted with mountainy aborigines, discourses of the interaction of ethnic groups during land cultivation in Puli ,Yilan and Houshan, and on this basis discussing external forces which impacted the relationship between plains aborigines and the Hans, changes which were caused by the Hans’ entering, and the reasons of the decline of plains aborigines.The article argues that although it happened that the Hans took up the land of aborigines in an improper manner by force or by fraud in Qing Dynasty, the transferring of land between the Hans and plains aborigines was based on tenancy system, complying with the operating rules of the socio-economic system. Therefore ,land from plains aborigines flowing the Hans was because of the differences of economic and cultural levels. During the Qing dynasty, plains aborigines and the Hans kept in peace mainly, conflicting with each other only an interlude. In additional, the frequency, intensity and destruction of the conflict between plains aborigines and the Hans were not only less than the fightings with weapons among the Hans , but also less than the struggles among aborigines. The government had been attempting to control the relationships of ethnic groups in Taiwan, However, its "ethnic groups separating" and "protecting aborigines and their possessions" policy, which had little effect, ran counter to the prevailing socio-economic conditions. The Hans’ cultivation surely caused damages to plains aborigines to some extent, but changed the production form and civilized social lives of plains aborigines at the same time. In all, the decline of plains aborigines was mainly because of the exchanges of economy and culture between people, not due to the oppression of the Hans.

【关键词】 清代台湾族群关系
【Key words】 Qing dynastyTaiwanThe relationship of ethnic groups
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】K249
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】548

