

The Study of a Self-Healing Computing Oriented OS Architecture

【作者】 李航

【导师】 陈平;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 传统OS的主要设计目标是为用户提供一个屏蔽各种硬件细节的虚拟机,从而导致OS过分层次化,造成OS重要的状态数据分散在OS的各层之中,使OS不能轻易地收集或修改自身的状态信息,最终增加了系统中错误诊断和错误恢复的难度。此外,传统的OS对上层面向自愈计算应用的支持不够,如:i.上层应用系统中的监控进程和该应用系统的普通进程均运行在同一权利级别下,造成监控进程不能便捷地实施监控。ii.监控进程本身行为的正确性一般由该监控进程开发者负责,缺乏运行时对监控进程本身行为的制约机制。针对上述问题,本文提出了一种新的面向自愈计算的OS体系架构,该体系架构设计思想来源于章鱼和社会组织中权力的制约机制,在该体系架构下,系统中的所有重要状态均放在共享内存中集中统一管理。并且采用两层闭环反馈,由运行在高权力级别上的闭环反馈对运行在低权力级别上的闭环反馈进行监控。另外,该架构还引入了多监控进程,以对监控进程本身的行为进行一定程度的制约。最后,该架构通过一个来源于列车自动控制的原型系统进行了验证。该架构主要的创新点在于:i.将OS和应用看成一个系统整体,并将该系统整体中的重要状态集中统一存放。ii.位于高权力级别的,并且相互之间存在制约的多监控进程对位于低权力级别的应用进程实施监控。

【Abstract】 The primary design goal of traditional OS is to provide a virtual machine, which masks details of different kinds of hardware. This makes OS overly layered and the important states of OS are distributed into each layer of the system. Further more, it makes OS not easily to collect or modify its own state information and finally increases the difficulties of fault diagnosis and recovery in the system. In addition, traditional OS doesn’t give enough support for the application oriented self-healing computing. eg: i. Monitor processes, in the application system above OS, run at the same privilege level as the normal processes in the application system. This is unconvenient for monitoring. ii. The correctness of monitor process is normally guaranteed only by its developers, restrictive mechanisms at run-time lacked.To these problems above, the dissertation proposes a new OS software architecture oriented self-healing computing. Its design idea originated from the octopus and the restrictive mechanisms among authorities in social organizations. This architecture manages the important states of the whole system centrally and adopts two layers of feedback closed loops. The feedback closed loops running on the higher privilege level monitor the ones running on the lower privilege level. Besides these, the architecture introduces multiple monitor processes to restrict the behaviors of monitor process to a certain extent. Finally, the architecture is verified through a prototype based on automatic control of train.The major innovative features of the architecture are: i. Treat OS and the applications above as one whole system and store the important states of the whole system centrally. ii. Processes with higher privilege level, which restrict each other, monitor processes with lower privilege level.

【关键词】 操作系统自愈软件体系架构
【Key words】 Operating SystemSelf-HealingSoftware Architecture

